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Assignment: Managing Recruitment and Selection The recruitment and selection processes are often challenging, as they can be expensive and time-consuming for health care organizations. Administrators...

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Assignment: Managing Recruitment and Selection

The recruitment and selection processes are often challenging, as they can be expensive and time-consuming for health care organizations. Administrators are frequently under pressure to quickly find candidates, and as a result, may make rush judgments. It is important, however, that administrators use a thoughtful and creative approach to attract qualified candidates. For this Assignment, you will explore recruitment and selection processes in health care.

Scenario:You are a human resource director working in an integrated urban hospital. As a result of ongoing changes in the hiring process at your facility, your VP of HR has charged you with preparing a plan for supervisors to use when they recruit and select health care employees. Before you can prepare the plan, you must first analyze the challenges involved in the recruitment and selection of health care providers. You must also propose strategies to address those challenges.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Review the provided scenario.

· With the scenario in mind, analyze challenges (e.g., legal, ethical, moral, and operational) related to managing recruitment and selection in health care organizations.

· Recommend strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection.

· Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources and selection methods.

The Assignment

In a 7- to 9- page report to the VP, address the following:

· Analyze three challenges (e.g., legal, ethical, moral, and operational) related to recruitment and three challenges associated with selection.

o Include a balance of information on both internal and external challenges, and explain how these challenges impact recruitment and selection.

o Explain the impact of failing to address these challenges on human resource functions and hospital performance management.

· Recommend sustainable strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection.

o Describe a strategic approach for each factor you identified and explain how this strategy will help mitigate the potential challenges inflicted by the particular internal or external challenges. Include best practices from other industries (e.g., information technology, hospitality) in your recommendation.

· Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources and selection methods.

o Explain how information from other industries can inform recruitment and selection in the health care industry.

o Identify at least two recruitment sources that the human resource department should use and evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness.

o Identify at least two candidate selection processes that the human resource department should use and explain which is most effective and why.

Now that you have completed your analysis of recruitment and selection practices, you must write a plan for the recruitment and selection of health care employees that incorporates the strategies you explored. With the scenario in mind, develop a plan for the recruitment and selection of health care providers. Refer to the “Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template” in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance.

· Define at least three key objectives in developing an effective recruitment process.

· Explain, in detail, how recruitment will be conducted, outlining relevant components and steps in the recruitment process.

· Define at least two key objectives in developing an effective selection process.

· Explain how candidate selection will be conducted, outlining relevant components of and steps in the selection process.

Note: The report to the VP should be 7-9 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Refer to the “Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template” in this week’s Learning Resources for guidance. Consider using tables or graphs to help present your plan clearly. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited business English. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Answered Same Day Jun 15, 2020


Karan answered on Jun 17 2020
151 Votes
Managing Recruitment and Selection
Analyse challenges related to managing recruitment and selection in the healthcare organisation    2
Strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges    3
Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources and selection methods    4
The recruitment and selection processes are often challenging in the present scenario, as they can be costlier and time-consuming for the health care organizations if administrator has engaged in selecting ineffective methods (Prince, 2011). Along with this, administrators are habitually under pressure to speedily find the candidates, and as a consequence, they engage in making rush judgments. It is significant that administrator of healthcare organisation engage in using thoughtful and effective approaches to exert qualified and candidates for the setting.
The present assignment focuses in exploring the process related with recruitment and selection in the healthcare as it results in arising or addressing different challenges. For exploring the both functions that is recruitment and selection human resources director of the u
an hospital must engage in reviewing different sources of the selection methods.
Analyse challenges related to managing recruitment and selection in the healthcare organisation
Through reviewing the contemporary market health care is now an impending field that ensures health and well-being of patient. Modern hospitals in the healthcare sector engage in providing thousand of medical facilities so that it may result in positive activities. It further requires key personnel that mainly include supportive staffs, paramedical staffs as well as medical staff so that it may not impact the health and well-being of the nation (Purce, 2014). Therefore, managing such a human resource working in the u
an hospital is considered as one of the key challenge or issue in the human resource department.
With the help of reviewing the scenario it has been assessed that VP of HR has charged human resource director to prepare a plan for supervisor so that they may use at the time of recruiting and selecting the healthcare employees. It has been further analysed that supervisor of u
an hospital addresses certain challenges related to managing recruitment and selection functions it mainly include legal, ethical and moral challenges. In order to start the recruiting process, it is required for the supervisor to get aware regarding the different legal issue so that it minimizes the associate risk and issue with the process. For instance, job postings regarding the vacant job, interview questions, checking references and making job offers all necessitate to be done in accordance with that it meets the legal requirements (Scullion and Collings, 2010). If the advertisement of vacant job features the discrimination content that includes selection on the basis of sex or political belief then it results in arising legal issue within the healthcare setting.
On the other hand, another issue related with managing the selection and recruitment in the healthcare setting often arises is the ethical issues or challenges that are faced by the supervisor at the time of selecting the competent employee. Ethics is one of the significant aspects that need to be maintained by the supervisor during the recruitment process. The key example of ethical issue is that for hiring the candidate in healthcare supervisor engage in altering the job description that is recruiter write job description with deceptive changes so that they may attract the candidate (Storey, 2014). This shows the unethical behavior of supervisor in regard with managing the recruitment and selection process.
Strategic and tactical approaches to address the challenges
In order to overcome the above addressed challenges it has been assessed that human resource director or supervisor who is in-charge of managing the recruitment and selection process need to engage in different strategic and tactical approaches (Vanhala and Ritala, 2016). With the help of engaging in strategical and tactical approaches it would support in overcoming the issues and challenges related with the process. The approaches are as follows-
· Implementation of proper legislation- The key strategic approach that is been used to address the challenges of u
an hospital related with managing the recruitment and selection include implementation of adequate legislation and regulations. With the proper implementation of legislation HR manager would engage in formulating the recruitment and selection plan...

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