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Assignment Content 1. Top of Form (4). Media Advocacy: Assume that the health promotion program or practice one of designed was a success at changing behavior. Market the intervention to the public...

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(4). Media Advocacy: Assume that the health promotion program or practice one of designed was a success at changing behavior. Market the intervention to the public using a media advocacy approach. Briefly describe
a) the program,
) the attributes of your intervention that will affect its diffusion,
c) your target population and
d) the strategies you will use to promote adoption of your program
ehaviors-including your main “message”.
(2-3 pages). (100%)
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Answered Same Day Jul 22, 2021


Moumita answered on Jul 23 2021
152 Votes
Running Head: Healthcare        1
Healthcare        6
Table of Contents
The program    3
The attributes of intervention affecting its diffusion    3
Target population    3
Promotional strategies    4
References    5
The program
Within this health, promotional program prevention of AIDS will be taken into consideration. In that program, health excerpts will deliver their precious search regarding the prevention of AIDS among human beings. Therefore, safety procedures that may be taken for the prevention of human beings from the attacks of AIDS also will be discussed in this health promotional program (Raj et al., 2016). The primary focus of this program will be the creation of awareness among the society people of the US reading the impact of AIDS in the body. Application of the health promotion strategies for the prevention of widespread AIDS also will be performed within this program.
The attributes of intervention affecting its diffusion
HIV awareness programs will deliver its benefits to all the people in society. According to the reports, it is noticed that thousands of people are being infected through this virus. With the performance of this program society, people in the US can get free testing. Within the free testing, they can be easily known regarding the presence of this virus in their body. Furthermore, based on the expert's view that will be offered within this program, the affected victim of this virus also may be able to adopt multiple safety procedures for the reduction of the impact of this virus. Increasing awareness among the people of the US can help in the performance of safety practices in their daily life (Bulterys, 2020). Maintenance of safety...

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