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Assignment 1 Question: In what ways does the WSQ Framework address challenges brought about by the VUCA environment

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Assignment 1 Question:
In what ways does the WSQ Framework address challenges brought about by the VUCA environment

Answered 802 days After Oct 07, 2019


Bidusha answered on Dec 17 2021
117 Votes
1. Description of the WSQ framework
The Workforce Skills Qualifications, or WSQ, is a cross country credentialing framework in Singapore. It instructs, creates, evaluates, and perceives individuals for the significant skills that businesses need in ongoing representatives. Through very much a
anged and friend learning, it helps pioneers and administrators to stay aware of the most recent patterns and practices. It additionally permits them to have their abilities formally perceived through modularized capacity programs inside a
oadly perceived system. Since preparing and assessments are ability based rather than scholarly based, laborers should set up the fitting skills prior to becoming qualified. Experienced staff, then again, can accomplish WSQ certificate with no preparation. Since the confirmation models for WSQ are skills and information rather than formal qualifications, any laborer might survey it. WDA guarantees the nature of WSQ from the progression of capacity standards to the endorsement of preparing benefactors to the honors of its qualifications.
2. Description of the VUCA environment
VUCA represents Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, and it is an a
eviation that joins the attributes that depict the...

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