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Assessment Task 1 (BSBHRM513A) Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning 1st edition version: 1 Page 1 of 12 Research workforce requirements and develop workforce planning Submission...

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Assessment Task 1 (BSBHRM513A)

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 1 of 12
Research workforce requirements and
develop workforce planning
Submission details
Candidate’s name Phone no.
Assessor’s name Phone no.
Assessment date/s Time/s
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
angement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for
Performance objective
This task requires you to demonstrate skills and knowledge necessary to research
workforce requirements within an organisational context and to develop workforce
Assessment description
In response to a simulated business, you will research workforce requirements, review
organisational strategic plans and develop a report outlining your proposed workforce
plan to meet organisational strategic objectives.
planning report
management and
contingency plan
Assessment Task 1
Staffing action
Assessment Task 2
climate survey
Assessment Task 3

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 2 of 12
1. Review the JKL simulated business documents provided by your assessor and the
scenario below.
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company selling forklifts, small trucks and
spare parts to industry, with a rental division leasing forklifts and small trucks.
The company’s head office is in Sydney and JKL has
anches in Brisbane,
Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Canbe
After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL has been
offered the sales rights to a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas
supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL with an advantage in range over its
Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and
truck sales, which have averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental
market has been in decline for the past three years due to the reduced costs of
these vehicles and some taxation benefits for purchases of these vehicles.
Taking the sales opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes,
including significant changes to company structure and operations. The company
will reposition itself to focus solely on retail sales and service and exit the rentals
market, in which forces such as competition and consumer choice reduce
potential profitability.
The changes will necessarily impact workforce planning. The company will need
to ensure it has the right people with the right skills at the right time to achieve
objectives. JKL will need to closely monitor turnover and recruitment and
implement strategies to retain skilled people and ensure critical roles are filled. In
accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL intends (to the extent feasible) to
ecruit from within the company and upskill or reskill existing rentals employees
who wish to remain with the company.
As an HR consultant, you have been contracted by JKL to review workforce
equirements and develop workforce objectives and strategies. To complete this
task, you will need to assess factors that may affect workforce supply, such as
internal labour resources and the external labour market.
2. Using the information provided in Appendix 1, review:
a. cu
ent data on staff turnover and demographics
. projections for future workforce needs.
3. Using appropriate sources, investigate the external environment:
a. external factors that may affect workforce supply
. relevant industrial relations information, such as modern awards, conditions,
ights and responsibilities of workers and management
c. relevant government policy.

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 3 of 12
4. Using the results of your review of internal and external data and simulated
usiness documentation, such as strategic or operational plans, develop a
workforce planning report containing:
a. An executive summary: a short summary of the contents of the report.
. A discussion of organisational need. including cu
ent and future situation
with respect to workforce capability:
i. a description of the organisation’s requirements for a skilled and
diverse workforce
ii. a discussion of the data you have considered and analysis of the
impact on organisational objectives, including:
(1) internal and external labour supply predictions
(2) external conditions, for example, government policy
(3) organisational future demand and predictive techniques used.
c. Recommended actions:
i. Your proposed objectives for the modification of the workforce and
etention of the workforce in line with strategic objectives through FY
2016–17. Ensure you develop objectives for sourcing skilled labour
and promoting from within by:
(1) developing skills and organisational capability
(2) retaining skilled labour
(3) promoting workforce diversity.
ii. Your proposed strategies for realising each of the objectives above.
iii. Your proposed process for developing detailed targets consistent with
objectives in consultation with managers.
5. Develop a communication strategy using the template provided in Appendix 2:
a. Plan communication and consultation activities to be undertaken to
communicate, and seek approval and endorsement for, proposed workforce
planning measures from stakeholders, including:
i. senior management
ii. line management
iii. workers.
. Include in your communication strategy a
oad plan to communicate
implementation of the workforce plan to senior management.
Note: This communication activity will be planned in detail and undertaken in
Assessment Task 2.

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 4 of 12
6. Develop a risk management and contingency plan using the template provided in
Appendix 3. Assess risk and develop contingency planning for the three workforce
objectives and strategies discussed in your report.
7. Submit all documentation as per specifications below. Please keep copies for your
Note: For Assessment Tasks 2 and 3, you will need to refer to work submitted for
this assessment task.
Assessment Specifications
You must submit this assessment after session 1 at the commencement of session 2.
You must provide:
● a workforce planning report
● a communication strategy
● a risk management and contingency plan.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
● communication and leadership skills to:
○ explain the need for change
○ gain senior management support for workforce planning initiatives
● literacy skills to read and write reports and succinct workforce plans
● numeracy skills to work with data and predictions about labour supply information
● analytical skills to review data according to the needs of the organisation
● technology skills to:
○ communicate with key stakeholders
○ support HR functions, including data collection and managing information
according to legislation and organisational policies
● knowledge of cu
ent information about external labour supply relevant to the
specific industry or skill requirements of the organisation
● labour force analysis and forecasting techniques.
Assessment Outcomes
●To complete the requirements of this Task students you must undertake and provide
evidence as per Assessment Specification section above.
●the assessment evidence submitted must be authentic, i.e is 100% of your own work
and not plagiarized (Refer students to handbook for guidance on how to avoid
plagiarism). If plagiarism is suspected, your Traine
Assessor will use the RTO plagiarism
software to authenticate the work. Disciplinary action occurs as a result of plagiarism.
●Where the assessor determines that the work submitted by a student is not their own
work, they will report this to the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO will investigate the issue

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 5 of 12
and if plagiarism or cheating is confirmed, the student’s work will not be taken into
account in determining the student’s competence in the relevant unit. Students are able
to utilize Dalton College’s complaints and appeals procedure if they wish to contest the
●If your Assessor does not receive sufficient evidence for this task, you will be provided
the opportunity to resubmit.
●If after resubmitting your Assessor still has not received sufficient evidence you will be
equired to re-enrol for the whole unit of competency.
Appendix 1 – Workforce data
The following staff turnover and demographics data was gathered from the JKL
accounting and payroll system and HR management system.
ent HR workforce turnover and demographic data
Turnover FY 2013–14 (29%)
Position Number
Reasons for leaving
Senior manager XXXXXXXXXXRetirement
2. Other opportunities
Branch manager XXXXXXXXXXRetirement
2. Other opportunities
Line manager XXXXXXXXXXLack of opportunity
2. Unhealthy work culture
3. Retirement
Salesforce and customer
XXXXXXXXXXLack of opportunity
2. Lack of recognition
3. Unhealthy work culture
Mechanic XXXXXXXXXXBetter opportunities
2. Lack of recognition
3. Unhealthy work culture

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 6 of 12
Demographics FY 2013–14
Position Number Number
Number Aboriginal or
es Strait Islander
Senior manager 4 0 0
Branch manager 6 0 0
Line manager 12 2 0
Salesforce and customer service XXXXXXXXXX
Mechanic 32 3 0
Future needs
FY 2014–15
Position Number Probability of successful filling of position
Senior manager 4 0.9
Branch manager 6 0.9
Line manager 12 0.9
Mechanic 34 0.7
FY 2015–16
Position Number Probability of successful filling of
Senior manager 4 0.8
Branch manager 6 0.8
Line manager 12 0.8
Salesforce 90 0.7
Mechanic 36 0.6
FY 2016–17
Position Number Probability of successful filling of position
Senior manager 4 0.8

Assessment Task 1 BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
1st edition version: 1
Page 7 of 12
Branch manager 6 0.8
Line manager 12 0.8
Mechanic 38 0.5
Workforce requirements (historical data and projected data)
The salesforce is critical for achieving revenue targets. Revenue is closely co
elated with
average staff levels
Answered Same Day Jun 21, 2021 BSBHRM513 Training.Gov.Au


Ishika answered on Jun 23 2021
140 Votes
Running head: MANAGEMENT                                    
Workforce Planning
Student Name
Institute Affiliation
Workforce Planning Task 1
1. Review of Scenario
The workforce requirement of the JKL company when it will solely focus on retail sales and service and exit rental markets would be salesforce and mechanics. Valuable skills and knowledge of rental market employees would be retained by redeployment. There would be an investment in the training and development of the rental market employees. The workforce objective would be maintaining a 95 percent staffing level during the change process. The workforce strategies include improving the productivity of the employees and reinforce behaviors in support of the business objective of the JKL company.
2. Projections
ently, the staff turnover of the company is 29 percent. There are four senior managers, one exit for retirement or other opportunities. Similarly, there are six
anch manager two exits, 18 line managers three exits, 80 salesforces, and customer service 25 exits, and 32 mechanics ten exits. The four senior managers and six
anch managers are males. Recruiting female senior managers and
anch managers would
ing diversity and more opportunities for the company. 70 women are salesforce and customer service and 3 are mechanics. Diversification of the workforce will increase the profitability of the company. After implementing the changes, four senior managers, six
anch managers, 12 line managers, 102 salesforce, and 38 mechanics would be required.
3. Workforce and Government Policy
The external factors that may affect workforce supply are the availability of talent that is required in the external market, competition for talent within the retail sales industry, and population movement trends. The unemployment figures from surveys can be used to assess the availability of the required talent in the external labor market (Bergman, Dellve, & Skagert, 2016). The tough competition for talent within the industry will make the supply and cost of the workforce difficult. The trends in population movement will affect the sources of workforce supply. It is the responsibility of the retail sales and services workforce to perform at a high standard and satisfy the customers. The company has to comply with the government policy of Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the Australian Consumer Law, Unit pricing code, and Australian Competition & Consumer Commission.
4. Report
Executive Summary
The workforce planning of the JKL company would include developing and unlocking the potential of its workforce to become the leading supplier of forklifts, small trucks, and spare parts to the industry. According to the cu
ent and future situation with respect to workforce capability, the organization needs to develop the workforce potential. The internal labor supply would include giving training and development to the rental employees and external labor supply would depend on the availability of the external laborers in the industry. The recruitment planning and pipeline strategy would be used to develop the skills and capability of the organization and promote a diverse workforce. Redeployment strategies would be used to retain skilled labor.
Strategic Vision needs Strategic Actions to reach the destination. The strategic vision lays out the destination, and strategic actions are chosen accordingly that leads to success. The clear direction to the strategic action is given by the strategic vision (Dolphin, 2005). The strategic vision is specific, measurable, and independent. It implies whom the organization serves, its services, and what makes it distinguishable from other organizations serving the same products and services. A visionary leader is required to
ing together organizational skills, and industry knowledge to implement strategic actions.
Stakeholder analysis may differ between organizations. Albeit there are differences, some steps are common to most organizations. The first step is to determine and identify the stakeholders. These include the internal and external stakeholders and it is a cycle of circulation between them. The leaders can serve as a role model for change by presenting a positive attitude, earning and building trust, exhibiting integrity, leading and inspiring, investing time in employees, and offering support and engagement. Even in stressful times, they can exhibit strength, calmness, and perseverance. The positive attitude of the leaders will create a positive team that will be able to troubleshoot problems. The leaders must be trustworthy, honest, and be true to their words. The leaders must make decisions for the betterment of the organization. They must genuinely care about the organization and those who work within the organization. They must always lead responsibly and motivate the team instead of criticizing them. They must invest time in learning about the employees. Bring out the possibilities for the risks the project may lead up to and the possible opponents as well as those stakeholders which may have a negative impact on the project or policy to be implemented. They must respect the employees as individuals in the workplace as well as outside the workplace. They must create a healthy workplace environment by offering support and encouragement to the employees along with understanding them.
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