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Assessment Task 1 Assessment Weighting 50 marks You should only attempt one of the options that follow. Option 1: Using the checklist contained in Exercise 7 of Chapter 3 of the prescribed text...

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Assessment Task 1

Assessment Weighting 50 marks

You should only attempt one of the options that follow.

Option 1:Using the checklist contained in Exercise 7 of Chapter 3 of the prescribed text describe and assess how your or another workplace manages complaints.Make sure you integrate readings and references into your analysis.Also, describe and analyse how you may improve the system you have studied.There are two outcomes you should aim at as follows:

i.a report type analysis of your findings of 2000 words due on or before 29 August 2018 and:

ii.a presentation of your findings in Sessions 9 and 10.

Your Reportshould include a critique of 2 other Presentationsthat are similar to or relate in some way to your own case.This critique should comprise at least 400 words of your Report.It should also include a consideration of how the system described is integrated with or compliant with the Fair Work legislation and regulations particularly those relating to ADR.

Note that a “Poster Style Presentation” is a short presentation limited to 3 overheads.You should describe to the group what you have done and how you have analysed your subject matter. It should summarize key material covered in your report.You will have 5 minutes to talk to the group and 5 minutes to answer questions.You should give a hard copy of the presentation overheads to the Course Coordinator.The report shall constitute 80% (i.e. 40 marks) of your mark and the Poster Presentation 20% (i.e. 10 marks).

Option 2:

Using ‘the analytic framework’ briefly described at 9.25 of the prescribed text analyse how a conflict management system operates in an organization.You may need to interview and/or talk to people actually within the organization.Make sure you integrate readings and references into your analysis.Also, describe and analyse how you may improve the system you have studied.There are two outcomes you should aim at as follows:

i.a report type analysis of your findings of 2000 words due on or before 29 August 2018 and:

ii.a presentation of your findings in Session 11.

Your Report should include a critique of 2 other Presentations that are similar to or relate in some way to your own case.This critique should comprise at least 400 words of your Report.It should also include a consideration of how the system described is integrated with or compliant with the Fair Work legislation and regulations particularly those relating to ADR.

Note that a “Poster Style Presentation” is a short presentation limited to 3 overheads.You should describe to the group what you have done and how you have analysed your subject matter. It should summarize key material covered in your report.You will have 5 minutes to talk to the group and 5 minutes to answer questions.You should give a hard copy of the presentation overheads to the Course Coordinator.The report shall constitute 80% (i.e. 40 marks) of your mark and the Poster Presentation 20% (i.e. 10 marks).

The report shall constitute 80% (i.e. 40 marks) of your mark and the Poster Style Presentation 20% (i.e. 10 marks).

The marking rubric for this task is as follows:





High D

Compliance with instructions

qFailure to comply with instructions

qMajor elements missing

qIncomplete/imperfect compliance with instructions

qElements missing or compromised

qGeneral compliance with instructions

qAll elements present

qComplete compliance with instructions

qAll elements present and clearly labelled

Research and reading

qLittle evidence of reading any of the core texts and further readings

qReferences inappropriate or irrelevant to the topic and/or discipline

qEvidence of having read and understood some core texts and further readings

qRelevance of some references to the topic / discipline debatable

qThorough understanding of core texts and further readings

qReferences generally relevant to the topic and appropriate to the discipline

qThorough understanding of core texts and further readings

qEvidence of independent reading beyond core texts and further readings

qReferences highly pertinent to the topic

Analysis and critical thinking

qDiscussion is focused on describing the negotiation role play.

qTheories/concepts from the discipline are not identified/explained.

qDiscussion focused on describing the negotiation role play.

qRelevant theories/concepts identified but poorly explained.

qMay not articulate relevance of ideas from readings to argument.

qDiscussion synthesizes information from negotiation role play with ideas from readings.

qRelevant theories/concepts are explained accurately.

qAttempts articulation of ideas from readings to argument.

qDiscussion cogently identifies key ideas from readings

qThorough articulation of relevance of the materials to the argument.

Organization and presentation of material

qDoes not use appropriate essay format

qKey elements missing eg.




qEffective structure not achieved

qEditing for relevance of content needs work

qOverall argumentative structure needs work

qLogical sequencing of ideas needs work

qEssay/report format achieved, but requires refinement

qArticulation of relevance of content reasonably effective

qOverall argumentative structure reasonably effective

qLogical sequencing of ideas reasonably effective

qHighly effective report/essay construction

qEffective articulation of relevance of content

qEffective argumentative structure

qLogical and coherent sequencing of ideas


CONDLIFFE, P., 2016Conflict Management: A Practical Guide, Lexis Nexis, (5thEd)

Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2020


Sundeep answered on Aug 15 2020
128 Votes
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Table of Contents
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
Organizational Experience ------------------------------------------------------------ 4
Other Industries ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
ullying ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
What can we learn from international experiences? ----------------------------- 9
References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Workplace is a location where professionals come together to complete a task or to implement ideas in order to achieve and objective. A team is comprised of people who have different levels of experiences, are of different age groups, different educational background and also different gender. A team is comprised of a good combination of such a mixture to have the project implemented. (Williamson, M., 2015,)
There is a huge difference between teasing and bullying but a thin line separating them. Teasing in an organization is common among the team members and colleagues. It helps to maintain a healthy relationship among the employees. In an organization, bullying by the ones who have more experiences or are above in position is heard of. Such situations arise when teasing crosses a line and enters into the zone of bullying. Bullying has negative effects on a person. It may lead a person to become unhappy and it creates a negative environment at the workplace. The person’s confidence is
oken and it affects the quality of work the person does.
Bullying has more negative effects which may lead a person to commit suicide. This affects not only the person but also the family and the near and dear ones to the person. The people responsible for that person to take such an action are then held accountable. This creates an issue for the entire organization.
Nowadays stringent laws have been created to avoid bullying and help the ones who have been bullied. Legal action can be taken against people who bully either their juniors, their team mates, person of opposite or same gender either by means of ve
al or written communication
Organizational Experience
I have been working with a reputed MNC for the past 3 years and have been around the industries for some time now. In my organization there are strict rules related to the workplace bullying. My workplace is Accenture and it has ZERO TOLERANCE rules that are applied to every employee.
Image Source:
A case had happened in my city workplace which is in Australia where an employee had complained about bullying from a senior team mate. The employee was with Accenture for quite some time and the senior was an employee at Accenture comparatively new. The complaint was raised with the team lead and the team lead was smart enough to understand the situation. The team lead had both the parties separated from the project team. They were part of the project but now in different teams. Bullying is an act that can happen across teams and the act of bullying doesn’t comply that the bullying has to be ve
al. Bullying happens across emails and also across locations. In my project this kind of bullying was happening in terms of action across the work. The employee was been harassed by the way of work and the work wasn’t getting the appreciation that it should have. Instead the senior started blaming the employee and also started giving more work across the team since the project was same.
This time the employee who was being harassed didn’t complain to the team lead but went directly to the HR and the lead above the assigned HR both at the same time to ensure that her voice is being heard and she isn’t being harassed anymore.
The HR’s were quick to react and the employee’s say was understood. A separate conference room was booked where the lead HR’s were present, the team lead of the project was present and the employee was present to say her point. Since this was a serious allegation, the senior employee wasn’t involved in the meeting as it would have defeated the purpose if the employee was intimidated. The meeting went smoothly and the employee had all the proofs and the team lead accepted that the senior was wrong. But the lead wasn’t charged...

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