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Analyze the immunological case study on allergic asthma present your findings in a document. There must be a minimum of two images that are...

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Analyze the immunological case study on allergic asthma present your findings in a document. There must be a minimum of two images that are used in the document to add to the explanation of the case study.

All presentations should include the following information regarding their case study:

· 1.Introduction of the Case Study: Introduce the case study to the class.

· 2.Background information on the disease/disorder in the case study: Describe the disorder/disease to the class from the case study including symptoms, typical individuals affected by this (i.e. age, gender, etc).

· 3.Compare the disease/disorder to NORMAL anatomy/physiology. Consider histological changes, anatomical changes, physiology changes the disease causes and compare that to normal.

· 4.Diagnosis: Using the case study information and your background information, explain how the symptoms, lab tests, etc in the case study fit to make a diagnosis for this disorder/disease.

· 5.Treatments: How is this disease/disorder typically treated? What treatments were done in the case study?

· 6.Conclusion: Include a brief summary of the main points of your presentation. Ask yourself, what do I want the audience to remember about this case study and disease/disorder?

· Bibliography: A bibliography of all sources used in any format.

Grading: Grades for the presentations will be based on the following.


· Research-

o Was enough information gathered to fully explain the case study?

o Were multiple sources used? Bibliography present?

o Was information up to date?

· Accuracy-

o Were all required sections discussed in detail in the presentation?

o Did the presentation include correct analysis of the case study?

o Did the presentation include correct discussion of the normal anatomy/physiology?

o How well did the presenters answer questions from the audience?

· Images-

o Was the visual aid used in an interactive manner during the presentation?

o Was the visual aid useful in helping students understand the presentation?

o What is the quality of the visual aid?

o Were the graphics, diagrams, or drawings appropriate for the topic?

Answered Same Day Jul 27, 2021


B.S.S answered on Jul 30 2021
149 Votes
The case study involves a 15years old girl, who has been suffering from wheezy
onchitis since her childhood, also had a history of eczema as an infant. Her father suffered from allergic rhinitis or hay fever while no mention of asthma genetically. Upon various tests, she developed increased respiratory rate or tachycardia noticed to be 140/min. Bilateral expiratory rhonchi was also noticed as a part of her diagnosis. Reports show that she had a normal count of haemoglobin while an increased count of eosinophils. X-ray reports displays reversible airway obstruction or asthma. Skin tests reported sensitivity for six different antigens while shows she is allergic. After analysing the family genetic history she has been diagnosed as allergic asthma. She do have asthma attacks periodically yet could be relieved using prophylactic inhaled steroids and beta2-adrengenic stimulants.
Allergic asthma is more common type of asthma does not differentiate much with general asthma. Allergic asthma, as the name suggests is caused by the allergens like pollen grains, dust, few fragrances etc. This usually happens when the detects the harmless allergens as dangerous or harmful. Allergic asthma includes symptoms like wheezing, coughing, chest congestion, shortness of
eath. The symptoms start affecting after being  exposed to the allergen, the person sensitive to. The symptoms vary from mild to severe...

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