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Acknowledgment/ enrichment program 4.1 A way that you might reward and encourage positive employee behaviours 4.2 Theoretical and Industry Rationale

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  1. Acknowledgment/ enrichment program
    4.1 A way that you might reward and encourage positive employee behaviours 4.2 Theoretical and Industry Rationale

Answered Same Day Mar 08, 2020


Aarti J answered on Mar 09 2020
143 Votes
Enrichment Program
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Enrichment Program
Human capital is one of the most important resources which helps the company to achieve competitive edge. To have a strong organization, the company needs to have strong human resource management with it. The behaviour of the employees is important as it affects the performance of the organization. (M. A. Huselid, 1995). Thus, providing mentoring, training and development to the employees can have a positive impact on the behaviour of the employees and inturn can affect positively on the performance of the organization. (J. Barney,1991)
Mentoring the employees
Mentoring is one of the most important aspect of the human resource management which supports and encourages the employees to manage their own learning in order to maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and be what they can be best at. With this technique the more learned and experienced employees share their wisdom and experiences with the younger employees which can help them to show them the path which they can follow and which can lead them to success. It can be said as the tailor made advice which is given to the new staff by the older and experienced staff. (DeLong, T. J., Gaba
o, J. J., & Lees, R. J. 2008).
Thus, mentoring can be one of the counselling technique which can help the employees to achieve what they want. The mentor can help the mentee to find the right direction which can help them in achieve what they want to achieve. It will help them to provide...

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