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21670 HRMT19012 Performance Management Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management system in a Business Report Assessment details for all students HRMT XXXXXXXXXXTerm 1, 2020...

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HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance
management system in a Business Report
2 2
Assessment Type: Practical and Written Assessment ASSESSMENT
Weighting: 50%
Group or
Online via Moodle

Due date: Thursday, 4 June 2020
Document format:
Time Due:
Please submit in .docx or .doc Word files
11.45pm AEST
Length: 2,000 words in an analytical Business Report format

This assessment task relates to course learning outcomes numbers 2,3 and 5.

2. Outline the key approaches to identifying and assessing employee and organisational
3. Identify the important relationship between an organisation's performance management
system and human resource management
5. Apply effective techniques to plan, develop, and use elements of a performance
management system.

This is an individual assessment task in which students will examine critical issues in relation to
performance management.

Before starting this assessment read the information and marking criteria set out in this guide
document. Please also review the ‘Ru
ic for Assessment Two’ which is downloadable from the
Moodle site in the “Assessment Two” tab and is included in this Guide.

HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
The purpose of this assessment item is to consolidate certain skills and assess your ability to write an
analytical business report that demonstrates your communication, problem solving, critical thinking
and information literacy at a graduate level. These are some of the graduate skills students need for
the workplace. Students must be able to demonstrate their critical thinking and to communicate this
thinking in an appropriate communication style for this assessment.

Other graduate attributes such as information technology competence will be assessed at an
introductory level by this assessment. Cross cultural competence and ethical practice will also
equire demonstration to a graduate skill level.

The Question you need to answer
Non-cash recognition has gained popularity among organisations and human resource professionals
as a means to motivate and thank employees in recent years (p. 303 of text).

1. This assessment involves proposing (via an analytical Business Report) arguments for and
against non-cash rewards backed up by recent academic and scholarly research. You need to
make specific comment on the 'employee value proposition' (p. 32 of text) and whether non-
cash rewards offer long term increases in the employee value proposition.
2. Then you need to critically evaluate the statement "Aren't non-cash performance
management systems simply motivation on the cheap?" and then contrast this statement
with "A little praise can go a long way when deciding a performance management system".
3. Then you need to consider whether a non-cash performance management system allows
peers to reward each other? Can this system be co
upted by 'friends rewarding friends' and
not rewarding an individual's performance?
4. You need to develop recommendations to assess the strategic value of a 'non-cash
ecognition performance system' on the organisation and the individual once it has been
developed. At least one initiative to assess individual and organisational performance at 3, 6
and 12 months is required.

HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
The assignment should be written in an academic analytical business report format with no more
than 2000 words. Please follow the ‘Guide for students 2019 V3.1’ (link in moodle) for instructions of
how to write an analytical business report – short format in the School of Business and Law (p.40 of
this guide).

The report should be in a ‘Short Report’ format using primarily secondary sources of information and
include an executive summary and table of contents, body and reference list.

The word count is calculated on the body (including recommendations) of the report excluding the
table of contents, executive summary and Reference list.

These elements from the ‘Guide for students 2019 V3.1’ (link in moodle) for a (‘Short Report’
format), should not be included:
1. Do not include a Title page – Preliminary section
2. Appendix items
3. Supplementary material

Recommendations should follow each section in the body of the analytical business report (‘Short
Report’ format) accept your body introduction and body conclusion and should be headed
‘Recommendations for section …’ with a sub number to identify the recommendation. The
ecommendations should be no longer than 90 words each.

HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
Referencing Style
Your Academic Analytical business report needs to be referenced using the latest CQUniversity APA

Please see - https:

Do not reference Blogs/Wikipedia/Investopedia/web pages or sites for this or any other assessment
in this Unit. These sites are not considered a worthy academic source as the authorship of this
information is not clear. Blogs/Wikipedia/Investopedia/web pages are non-scholarly sources. Other
non-scholarly sources such as newspaper or media articles should be used sparingly, if at all, in an
academic analytical business report.

Do not use an electronic system to record, maintain and present your references in-text and in the
‘References’ list. These systems do not produce the co
ect result as per the CQUniversity APA

Please use double line spacing with ample margin space for comments and Arial 12pt as your font for
layout specifics. This makes the analytical business report easier to read for your marker.

HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
Assessment Criteria
Your submission will be assessed on the extent to which it meets each of the following criteria:
CONTENT: Does your submission demonstrate:
1.Evidence of your understanding and critical argument for or against non-cash
eward practices while explaining key approaches to assessing employee and
organisational performance. 10 marks (10% weighting)
2. Evidence of your successful argument and recommendations for a way to
assess the strategic benefit of a non-cash recognition performance system on
oth employees, the organisation and the HR system. (10% weighting)

3. At least ten peer reviewed scholarly sources identified in the 'References' list
(from XXXXXXXXXXto support the quality of your argument and referenced in-
text.* (10% weighting)
PRESENTATION: Does your expression and formatting demonstrate:
4. Your written communication skills including appropriate structure to the
analytical short business report with three main sections and
ecommendations and use of formal co
ect business tone, length (between
1950 and 2100 words), word choice, expression, grammar, punctuation and
ect spelling using Australian English. (10% weighting)
5. Strict conformity to the exact requirements of the CQU APA Referencing
Guide (in-text References are to be used throughout, as appropriate, and a
eference list must be provided). Non-use of non-scholarly sources.* (10%
weighting) 10.0
Total marks
Total Weighting (Total marks out of 50 represents 50% weighting for the Unit)
*Peer reviewed scholarly sources – Peer reviewed scholarly sources are identified as text book chapters
published by an academic publisher and journal titles that are recognised at as both
peer reviewed and peer refereed.
*Non-scholarly sources - newspaper or media articles or websites or blogs or Wikipedia or Investopedia
like resources. Non-scholarly sources such as newspaper (used sparingly) or media articles (used
sparingly) or websites or blogs or Wikipedia or Investopedia like resources should not be used to
generate higher marks for higher quality research.

HRMT19012 Performance Management
Assessment task 2 – Recommending a non-cash performance management
system in a Business Report
Assessment details for all students
This is a written assessment that involves critical thinking, critical evaluation and thinking deeply
about the issues. As such you are to rely and discuss relevant contemporary HR theory. Providing
just your opinion is not enough. You need to substantiate your opinion with sound and applicable
esearch that you can demonstrate that you understand.

Please see the ‘ru
ic’ in this document for the minimum research required to pass the assessment
criteria (particularly assessment criteria three).

The Academic Learning Centre (ALC) has guides that assist students to produce an academic
analytical business report. Please see ‘Five Steps to Writing Academically’ at the ALC and the ‘Guide
for students 2019 V3.1’ for writing an academic analytical business report. Links are provided in

You need to critically evaluate the performance management systems you propose. You need to
name them and point out what is significant about them and you need to provide evidence or
esearch from a wide range of scholarly sources to back up your thinking. Essentially you need to
form an opinion about ‘non-cash performance management systems’ and then back up your thinking
with sound research. This is one way of thinking about this assessment.

When providing evidence that argues for or against this type of performance system you need to
demonstrate understanding of the performance management system you propose which is not just
listing facts but interpreting and explaining, in your own words, the different types of performance
management systems (non-cash and other types).

You also need to problem solve and recommend solutions which means working through details to
find a solution, presenting alternatives discussing the cu
ent performance management systems
that are working or arguing
Answered Same Day Jun 02, 2021 HRMT19012 Central Queensland University


Moumita answered on Jun 03 2021
136 Votes
How could the report be structured
Student Number: (Type your student number here)
    Student Name: (Type your student name here
Please change the red font to black when you insert your specific information below.
Yellow background is a guide and should be deleted from the report before your submission.
Report on
Prepared by
Insert Your Name Here
Date to be inserted here (suggest you make this the due date of the assessment)
    For any business organisation, it is of chief importance to provide good motivational sessions to the employees of the organisation. Motivation may of different types. The several forms of motivation are provides trainings to the employees of the organisation, communicates and co-ordinates with the employees of the organisation so that the employees of the organisation can feel confident in their job role. In addition, rewards to the employees can also act as the form of motivation by which the employees can be satisfied and feel happy to work for the organisations with more sincerity and inert zeal. At present the non-cash rewards strategy are practiced in many organisations and it is gaining some popularity. Non-cash rewards for good performances include promotion, open recognition and sometimes holiday packages are offered to the best employees for good performances. This essence is the central crux of this research paper.
Table of Contents
Student Name: [Type your student name]
Student No: [Type your student number here]
HRMT19012 T1 2020 Assessment 2    
1.0    Introduction
1.1     Purpose
    The main purpose of this paper is to show that how the cu
ent non-cash reward recognition strategy that is getting and gaining popularity within the business organisations. In the earlier days, what were generally regarded as reward were cash merits of promotions. However, at present the entire scenario is changing. Many business organisations are adopting several strategies to reward the employees who are resourceful and successful in their respective job profile are awarded with non cash rewards like holiday package, any type of gifts or even promotion. It is also seen that many employees feel satisfied and exhilarated with such types of non-cash rewards.
1.2    Background
    It is a fact that each time cash recognition and award cannot work truly for the purpose of the motivation of the employees of the organisation. At present many business organisations are adopting the strategy of providing non-cash rewards and recognition for the successful employees of the organisation. The several types of non cash rewards can be, offer flexible working a
angements, providing extensive training plans to the employees of the organisations, offer any kind of tangible recognition for the successful employees of the organisation, provide a day off to the employees, holiday packages for the successful employees and so on. This will create addition zeal among the employees to work with more improvement and sincerity for the organisations. Thus from the cu
ent trend it is seen that this process is attaining good popularity among the employees of different of organisations.
2.0    Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Cash Rewards for “employee Value Proposition”
2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Non-Cash Reward
    The trend of non-cash reward some years back was not that much applicable among the companies. In addition to this, it is also very important to mention here that the old day employees also intended to have cash merits for the recognition of their good performances. However, the cu
ent trend of reward is completely changed from the earlier days. At present, the system of non-cash reward for the employees is gaining utter popularity (Setiawati, 2019). The central advantages of the non-cash reward are one is it can recognize the priorities and the life style of the employees and the second one of it can encourage the employees to work for the company as the own company. One thing is very important to mention here that if the employees of the organisation can start to love the company as their own company then it would be better for them to work for the company with more sincerity. Thus, several types of non-cash rewards can help the management of the company to give good living standard and lifestyle to the employees (Sakshi & Sharma, 2016). In this way the employees will also start to feel mentally rejuvenated that is not possible with cash rewards. Further non-cash reward can also help to management to make the employees of the company engaged with the organisation. Now coming to the disadvantages it is to say that the central disadvantages of through the process of non-cash reward the employees of the organisations may feel that they are taken for granted and secondly, there remains a possibility that not all the employees may accept this procedure of non-cash rewards.
2.2 Employees value proposition
    Employee Value Motivation (EVP) is the balance of the rewards and the benefits that are received by the employees of an organisation for their good performance in the workplace. It is very important to mention here that most of the business organisations or any other type of organisation generally develop an EVP to provide a consistent platform for employer
anding and experience management (Pandita, 2019). In fact, it will not be too much to say if it is said that EVP acts as an enchanting...

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