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Unit Code: Assessment Brief – Level Six Undergraduate Module Code: HR 0372 Module Title: Culture and Organisation Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing...

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Unit Code:
Assessment Brief – Level Six Undergraduate
    Module Code:
    HR 0372
    Module Title:
    Culture and Organisation
Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal. Students are advised to read and follow this information.
Instructions on Assessment:
‘The value of a student’s international experience goes beyond purely the acquisition of language – it lies in the ability to see business and personal issues from other than your own cultural perspective’ Charles MacLeod, Head of UK Resourcing, Price Waterhouse Coopers 2008
Title: An analysis of the culture of an organisation
Your report will apply ONE theoretical framework used in the study of organizational culture to conduct an analysis of an organization’s culture.
The analysis will illustrate the culture by focusing on EITHER
1. An issue (something which the organization has responded to) OR
2. A particular organizational practice (something the organization does) OR
3. An event (some particular incident or series of incidents inside the organization) OR
4. A sub – unit (an organizational department department/division).
You will be able to choose from ONE of six organizations:
· Google http:
Your report will not exceed 3000 words (excluding appendices) and must use the format shown below. The
eakdown of marks for each task is shown in
· A
ief background to the organization and its environment (10 marks)
Around 300 words (a SWOT analysis about its environment)
· An Introduction to the focus of the report (the practice, issue, event or sub-unit) (NOTE: WITHIN THIS SECTION YOU MUST INCLUDE A SENTENCE STATING YOUR FOCUS CLEARLY AND SIMPLY) (10 marks)
Around 200 words
· A
ief argument which explains/justifies why you have chosen a particular theoretical framework instead of 1 other alternative that you considered but have rejected (10 marks)
Around 300 words (please use Edgar Schein’s organizational culture model as a particular theory and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as an alternative.
· An explanation of your chosen theoretical framework that you will use to analyse the organization, including its main concepts (20 marks)
Around 600 words
· An analysis of the practice, issue, event or sub-unit which uses the chosen theoretical framework and concepts (30 marks)
Around 1300 words
· Conclusions (including recommendations if necessary) (10 marks)
Around 300 words
· The final 10 marks will be awarded for structure of the assignment, the quality and credibility of references and use of APA referencing
Please see the TLP for this module for suggested reading. Other reading and resources will be suggested by your seminar tutor as you discuss your ideas with them.
For specific and more detailed guidance you will be able to discuss in the first instance with your seminar tutor or any member of the module team.
Word limits and penalties for assignments
If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:
    · Title and Contents page
    · Reference list
    · Appendices
    · Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations
    · Glossary
    · Bibliography
    · Quotes from interviews and focus groups.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.
Students are advised that they may be asked to submit an electronic version of their assignment.
Time limits and penalties for presentations
The time allocated for the presentation must be adhered to. At the end of this time, the presentation will be stopped and will be marked based on what has been delivered within the time limit.
Submission of Assessment:
All assignments must be submitted via the Programme Office. Each assignment must be accompanied by an Assessed Work Form which must be completed in full. The assignment will not be accepted by the Programme Office unless the form is completed co
Marked assignments will be returned to students. It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records. Your mark will be returned on the Assessed Work Form via the Undergraduate Programme Office.
Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives:
This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals and objectives
1. Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management
Students will be able to:
    Acquire knowledge of functional areas of business and management.
    Acquire knowledge of specialist areas of business.
    Apply their knowledge to business and management contexts.
    Conduct contemporary research into business and management.
2. Skilful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes
Students will be able to:
    Provide evidence of self reflection as a means of informing personal development planning.
    Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
    Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
    Demonstrate problem solving skills.
3. Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice
Students will be able to:
    Identify an ethical dilemma in a business situation
    Suggest ethical solutions to this dilemma
4. Employable as graduates
Students will be able to:
    In the context of securing graduate employment demonstrate the skills of self presentation.
Assessment Criteria
    0 – 29
    30 - 39
    40 - 49
    50 - 59
    60 - 69
    70 - 79
    80 – 100
ief background to the organisation and its environment
    Lack of clear information on the organisation and its environment. Few or no supporting references
    Insufficient information provided on the background and/or the environment but more detail needed. Insufficient references.
    Some relevant information provided on the background and/or the environment but more detail needed. Uses a small number of references
    Reasonable background on the organisation and its environment has been provided. Limited references have been provided.
    Good level of detail on the organisation and its environment. Some appropriate references are used.
    Very good level of detail on the organisation and its environment. A range of references are used.
    Excellent level of detail on the organisation and its environment. A wide range of references are used.
    0-2 marks
    3 marks
    4 marks
    5 marks
    6 marks
    7 marks
    8-10 marks
    Identification & justification of choosing a central FOCUS (the practice, issue, event or sub-unit)
    No clear choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit.
    Insufficient information on the choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    Fair choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    Reasonable choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    Good choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    Very good choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    Excellent choice of issue, practice, event or sub-unit
    0-2 marks
    3 marks
    4 marks
    5 marks
    6 marks
    7 marks
    8-10 marks
ief argument which explains/justifies why you have chosen a particular theoretical framework instead of one alternative
    Poor argument which does not provide a clear case for choice of framework and/or no discussion of an alternative
    Lack of detail in the argument which does not provide a sufficiently clear case for choice of framework and/or insufficient discussion of an alternative
    Some relevant arguments provided but more detail required. Limited discussion of alternative frameworks.
    Reasonable discussion of why the chosen framework was selected as opposed to an alternative one.
    Good discussion of why the framework was chosen and good insights into an alternative selection. Relevant examples used to make points.
    Detailed discussion of choice of framework and useful insights into an alternative selection. Good examples used to reinforce arguments.
    Excellent discussion of chosen framework and the selection process. Excellent use of supporting arguments.
    0-2 marks
    3 marks
    4 marks
    5 marks
    6 marks
    7 marks
    8-10 marks
    An explanation of your chosen theoretical framework, including its main concepts
    Theoretical framework not identified or understood
    Theoretical framework has been chosen but little integration with relevant evidence
    The key points of the theoretical framework are described.
    There is a reasonable attempt to
eakdown the theoretical framework and its key elements
    The theoretical framework has been clearly articulated though mostly in a descriptive manne
    A very good insight into the framework and concepts with some useful analysis
    A critical analysis of the framework and concepts has been provided with supporting references
    0-5 marks
    6-7 marks
    8-9 marks
    10-11 marks
    12-13 marks
    14-15 marks
    16-20 marks
    0 – 29
    30 - 39
    40 - 49
    50 - 59
    60 - 69
    70 - 79
    80 – 100
    An analysis of the practice, issue, event or sub-unit which uses the chosen theoretical framework and concepts
    Little attempt to analyse the case using an appropriate theoretical framework
    Attempt to analyse the case may be made but incoherent, inconsistent or inappropriate to a discussion of culture in an organization.
    Attempts to apply relevant concepts to describe the culture of the organization
Some integration between the theoretical framework and the case.
    Accurate application of relevant concepts to describe the culture of the organization but little attempt to analyse the organization using concepts and theory.
    Analysis clearly demonstrates the culture.
Concepts drawn from the theoretical framework are used to analyse the case and locate the organizational culture within the framework.
    Critical analysis differentiates and integrates arguments and evidence at the level of organizational practice.
    Critical analysis differentiates and integrates arguments and evidence at the level of organizational practice and at different levels of theoretical abstraction.
    0-8 marks
    9-11 marks
    12-14 marks
    15-17 marks
    18-20 marks
    21-23 marks
    24-30 marks
    Conclusions (including recommendations if necessary)
    Very poor or few relevant conclusions have been outlined. No appropriate recommendations are provided.
    An attempt to conclude the work has been made with some basic recommendations (where appropriate).
    A basic conclusion has been provided which lacks depth or links to the main body of the assignment. Some recommendations are provided (where appropriate).
    There may be an attempt to show the effects of the culture and to conclude with relevant recommendations (where appropriate).
    The effects of culture are clearly demonstrated. Concludes with relevant recommendations (where appropriate).
    Provides convincing account of the effects of culture. Concludes with appropriate recommendations (where appropriate), drawing on evidence and similar cases.
    Provides astute account of the effects of culture
Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020


Aarti J answered on Mar 30 2020
152 Votes

Analysis of culture at Google
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Analysis of culture at Google
Brief background of the Organization
Google is one of the biggest technological company which offers wide range of product and services which includes the search, advertising, entrepreneurship and hardware products and operating systems and platform. It is marked to be the fastest growing company which has turned the history of technology and search engines. The company has high market share and innovative culture which has helped the company to attain competitive edge.
Strengths of the company:
Google enjoys the strong market share and the global reach. With its search engine and other products and services, the company has been able to attain a string competitive edge and has been able to attain a great success. Thus, the search engine and the engine dominance of Google is marked to be one of the most successful aspect of the organization.
The company’s android’s operating system has also one of the biggest growth driver in the mobile segment. It has emerged as one of the leading player in the mobile market and has seen tremendous growth. This platform has excellent growth scope and technology spur. (Google, 2018)
Weaknesses of the company:
The company has high reliance on Advertising which generates revenue for the company, the advertising has seen a decreasing trend over the years.
One of the weaknesses that the company faces is limited success on the social network. Social network of Google, Google + is not that successful as the social networks like Facebook. This gives the company and disadvantage in the social network market.
With the increasing trend of the Android market, the company will see growth in the smartphone and the tablet market.
Certain online applications delivered by Google like Google maps, you tube and other applications has made the presence of Google very strong across the globe.
Growth in the mobile segments helps the company to witness high growth in the mobile segment.
The company faces threat from the in-app searches which are being developed by different companies which can pose a threat to Google’s search engine example Amazon search. Google does not match up with the internal application link, thus giving a chance to the application research.
The company also faces intense competition from different companies and mobile market like Microsoft, blackbe
y and Apple.
Organization culture is an important aspect which takes into consideration different aspects of the company. It can be said as the result from a set of shared espoused values (Agyris & Schon, 1978) and different underlying assumptions which helps in shaping up these values (Schein, 1992, 1997, 2004). Different organization has different practices which helps in designing the personality of the organization in whole. It takes into consideration the values and the working of the organization. Considering the case of Google, we can say that organization structure and the culture of Google is quite open, the company emphasize on open corporate culture with strong emphasis on innovation and change.
There are two alternatives which can be considered in the report which includes the practice of the company and the other alternative is an event or incidences in the organization.
In this paper, we will emphasize strongly on the practice of the company as Google is one of the best companies with an excellent organizational culture and the practice that the company follows can help in different practise that the other organizations can adopt to improve its organizational culture. The paper will focus on the practices that is followed by the company which helps the company to be one of the best companies to be worked it. The company follows different practices which has helped the company to strive and become one of the best companies to work in.
Choosing a particular framework
As per Schein (1990), organizational culture is defined as ‘the deeper level of basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organization, that operate unconsciously, and that define in a basic “take for granted” fashion and organization’s view of itself and its environment.’
It can be said that the culture is made up of several basic assumptions which can be said to be unconscious, and helps in forming the values of the organization, these are considered as the visible indicators which designs the culture of the organization. The culture of the organization can be measured and defined by rituals, mottoes, architecture, control systems, slogans, artifacts, communication system, behavioral norms, ceremonies stories, power structure and documentations
Edgar Schein’s organizational culture
Schein (1990) had put forward different aspects of organizational culture. The culture is divided into three layers which includes artifacts, esposed belief and values, and basic assumptions. As per Schein, some of the observing artifacts of an organization includes its technology, structure, dress codes, physical layout, rules of conduct, records, stories, and rituals. After this dimension comes the second level which takes care of organizational values, and underlying assumptions about the nature of the third level includes the basic assumptions which includes the beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings of the employees and the workers which is the major source of the values and actions within the organization. (
Bhagat, R. S., Triandis, H. C., & McDevitt, A. S. 2012).
The surface level of the three layer of Schein is called as the artifacts which represents the first component of the model. Some of the attributes of this model which has been presented by the author includes the attributes that are located in the organization. The attributes which can be seen, felt and sensed (heard) and touched by the unbiased observer is considered a part of this attribute. This level includes the attributes that can easily be monitored and can be used in determining the attribute and characteristics of the organization.
The second level is the accepted beliefs and values which includes the mission and vision statements of the company, creditability of the entity, the policies of the company and the goals and strategies that are pursued by the leaders. As per Schein if accepted beliefs and values are consistent with deepest level or the underlying assumptions of the company then these can help in creating a value based organization.
The basic assumptions (engrained, rooted beliefs) is considered as the deepest level of the corporate culture. These are the attributes that cannot be seen or identified by the company easily. This level is considered as the main level which decides on the culture of the company as this is main source of building the values and culture within the organization. This can include the assumptions regarding the time, space, human nature and the relationship between the people. This level is well integrated in an individual and helps in building up a cultural elements.
With the help of this model, the understanding about the organization and its organization behaviour is easy to analyse.
Five disciplines of learning organization
Shared vision
The vision in the learning organization is created by interacting with the employees and the vision of the company is conveyed to the employees for better understanding of the organization. (Senge, 1991)
System thinking
The main emphasis in the learning organization is to focus on overall organizational concerns and issues rather than individual issues. (Senge, 1991)
Mental models
It is important for the organisation to understand the overall organization goals. This helps the employees to understand the organizational values and future aspects of the organization. (Senge, 1991)
Team learning
The team learning and team dynamics are important in a learning organization which can help the organizations to work together as team. (Senge, 1991)
Personal mastery
When an individual has clear vision and goal of the company, they are able to relate to the vision and work as per the vision and objective of the company. (Senge, 1991)
Concept on the organization
Analysis of the practice which Google uses
Organizational values
According to the Google web site, the mission of the company is to “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Also from the web site, “‘The perfect search engine,’ says co‐ founder La
y Page, ‘would understand exactly what you mean and give back exactly what you want.’ When Google began, you would have been pleasantly surprised to enter a search query and immediately find the right answer. Google became successful precisely because we were better and faster at finding the right answer than other search engines at the time. (Ibid., Company/Our Mission. http:, 2018)
The ten major principles of the company includes:
· Focus on the user and all else will follow.
· It’s best to do one thing really, really well.
· Fast is better than slow
· Democracy on the web
· You don’t need to be at your desk to need answe
· You can make more money without doing evil
· There’s always more information out there.
· The need for information crosses all borders
· You can be serious without a suit.
· Great just isn’t good enough (Ibid., Company/Our Philosophy. http:, 2018)
Google is one of the biggest companies which is considered as one of the best organizations to work on. With its strong emphasis on innovation and open culture, the company has been able to stay competitive.
y Page, CEO and Co Founder of Google emphasize on building a strong culture: “It’s important that the company be a family, that people feel that they’re part of the company and that the company is like a family to them. When you treat people that way, you get better productivity.”
The Google organizational culture is one of its kind and makes the company possible to work in the highly competitive environment. With this organizational culture, the company us able to have certain success factors which has helped the company to be one of the most competitive company. The company’s culture is focused on different aspects which includes innovation, openness, supporting the families and smart with emphasis on excellence.
As stated by Schein, 2017 there are three levels of culture which are Artifacts, Espoused values and Underlying assumptions helping us to understand the culture at Google. At page 84, in (Schein 2009), the “artifacts” are identified such as level of formality in authority relationships, dress codes, meeting, social events, flexibility, rites and rituals, working hours, how are decisions made, communication, jargon, identity symbols, disagreements and conflicts, balance between work and family.
Considering the case of Google, we can see that Google has open culture and artifacts which has helped the company to build a strong culture and environment in which the company operates. The company accepts all people with different cultural background and offer them to facility to wear the traditional clothes. The employees at the company enjoy free food served throughout the day, the company also offers a wide range of recreational activities which includes a swimming pool, free health check, volleyball court, an oil change, car wash, a haircut, and many other benefits that one can think of.
The company also provides the facility of pick up and drop to the employees. The pick up facility is decided as per the traffic network.
Google is a place which creates its own unique workplace culture, their main emphasises on an innovative and open working environment.
Some of the major practices which is the company considers includes:
Tolerate with mistakes and help staff co
At Google, the managers and the employees believe in helping the other employees and help them in co
ecting their mistakes. The company does not focus on pointing out the damage that has been done by an employee whereas the company is more interested in knowing the cause of the problem and how the company can fix the issue and problem more effectively and efficiently. The company understands that there are certain aspects and
eakdowns which can affect an employee. At Google, the employees and the managers make sure that they help their subordinates and colleagues to overcome the mistake and help them. They focus in encouraging them. (Battelle, J. 2005). 
The hiring process:
The hiring process of the company is based on the hiring the talented employees where the work is based on the voluntary work and enthusiasm which one sees in the potential employee. With this the company is able to create a more distinctive corporate culture and attracting the people from prestigious colleges. (Cope, K. 2012).
Building a stimulating work environment:
The company makes a strong work environment with an emphasis on creativity and innovation. With this the company has been able to make a creative work environment. With the open culture and working environment, the company gives a strong creative culture. The Google’s corporate culture to stimulate creativity, this helps in building the interest of employees and it also helps in attaining the vision. (Battelle 2011). As the company is a global company, there are different sub-cultures within the company which the company gives importance to.
Leadership influence in the culture at Google:
According to Schein, “culture and leadership are two sides of the same coin and one cannot understand one without the other”, page three in (Schein 2009). Leader makes a great difference in defining the culture of the company. The company owners are more concerned about the demands and abilities of each individual rather than the organization in whole. The founders of the company emphasized on making the environment as home they focus on the workplace
ings the comfort to staff creatively and freely (Lebowitz 2013). Google’s culture, is designed in such a way which encourages loyalty and creativity, this helps the company to adapt to the diverse changes and the competition which the company faces. (Hammonds, K. 2004).
Empowered cultures:
The company strongly emphasize on empowering the culture by helping the employees to build a less formal organization. The company emphasize on making sure that the employees are valued and believe that the employees are considered and their voice is heard. The employees are motivated and trained so that they work towards the goal and objective of the company with a strong focus on responsibility. With this the employees are able to have a strong sense of responsibility and they consider the company as their own. (Carlson, N. 2009). 
The company also focus on TGIF i.e. every Friday, La
y and Sergey stands up on the stage to answer the questions that the employees have. They answer any questions which are asked by the employees. (Shannon Deegan, 2011)
The organizational culture of the company is built in the qualitative and the quantitative data. The company offers free meals and snacks to all the employees and the lunch lines are as short as four minutes. The lunch table at the canteen is designed in such a way that the employees are able to meet the other employees easily.
Google makes sure that the new mothers get paid time off which accounts for around 5 months of free paid leaves. The company also offers a warm greetings to its new employees, so as to make them feel comfortable and help them to work together.
The employees have minimal distraction with which the employees are able to focus on their job and their performance. The employees physiological and safety needs are considered in the company which helps in boosting the performance of the employees.
The company also gives certain benefits to the employees which includes the health and wellness benefits, the retirement and saving plans., vacation time of 15 days in the first year, 12 paid holidays every year and take out benefits which can help the new moms to take care of their child. (Denning, S. 2011). 
The workspace at google is one of the most effective and efficient workplace which helps in developing a strong culture. All the google offices has local expressions of each locations which gives them the feel of the country. The company also offers efficient travel and laptops across the campus.
Apart from that one of the major things which has helped the company to create an excellent working environment is that everyone in the organization is treated equally. The company does not focus in any biasness. They foster open environment to enhance the skills of the employees. (Forster, N 2005). 
Learning organization
A learning organization is the organization which emphasize on creating its own future and considers learning as an ongoing and creative process it focus on transformation and adopting itself to the environment. (Navran Associates Newsletter 1993, p.1).
Google is considered as one of the learning organization which emphasize on providing the employees a work environment which emphasize on innovation and creativity.
The company focus on enhancing the freedom, flexibility and information sharing as few aspects which helps in improving the learning within the organization. (Manyika, 2008).
The company has a strong emphasis on learning and development, the company offers timely training to improve on the learning aspect of the company. (Manyika 2008). It follows a unique approach which helps in encouraging ambition and support employees and their ideas. It fosters the unique culture and benefits which the company offers. (Rheem, H. 1995)
Five disciplines of learning organization applied on Google
Shared vision
The vision in the learning organization is created by interacting with the employees and the vision of the company is conveyed to the employees for better understanding of the organization. (Senge, 1991) Google has a strong vision and the company conveys its vision to its employees so as to foster growth within the organization. With the shares vision, the company emphasize on providing the employees a work environment which emphasize on innovation and creativity.
System thinking
The main emphasis in the learning organization is to focus on overall organizational concerns and issues rather than individual issues. (Senge, 1991). Google emphasizes on overall company. The emphasis is given on providing the employees a work environment which emphasize on innovation and creativity.
The company focus on enhancing the freedom, flexibility and information sharing as few aspects which helps in improving the learning within the organization.
Mental models
It is important for the organisation to understand the overall organization goals. This helps the employees to understand the organizational values and future aspects of the organization. (Senge, 1991)
Team learning
The team learning and team dynamics are important in a learning organization which can help the organizations to work together as team. (Senge, 1991) The company has a strong emphasis on learning and development, the company offers timely training to improve on the learning aspect of the company.
Personal mastery
When an individual has clear vision and goal of the company, they are able to relate to the vision and work as per the vision and objective of the company. (Senge, 1991). With the emphasis on learning and training, the employees are able to understand the organizational values and future aspects of the organization.
Google is considered as one of the best companies to work, it fosters talented work force with the open organizational culture and effective training and development policies. (Carlson, 2009). With this organizational structure, the company encourages direct communication between employees and company executives. The company’s environment is informal, friendly atmosphere and fostering the development of employees. (Walker 2012a; Anurag 2009).
At Google, the managers and the employees believe in helping the other employees and help them in co
ecting their mistakes. The company does not focus on pointing out the damage that has been done by an employee whereas the company is more interested in knowing the cause of the problem and how the company can fix the issue and problem more effectively and efficiently. The company understands that there are certain aspects and
eakdowns which can affect an employee. At Google, the employees and the managers make sure that they help their subordinates and colleagues to overcome the mistake and help them. They focus in encouraging them.
The company strongly emphasize on empowering the culture by helping the employees to build a less formal organization. The company emphasize on making sure that the employees are valued and believe that the employees are considered and their voice is heard. The employees are motivated and trained so that they work towards the goal and objective of the company with a strong focus on responsibility. With this the employees are able to have a strong sense of responsibility and they consider the company as their own.
Shannon Deegan, (2011), Google’s culture infrographic, HR Planning Society, Denver CO on September 15, 2011. https:
Bhagat, R. S., Triandis, H. C., & McDevitt, A. S. (2012). Managing global organizations: A cultural perspective. Edward Elgar publishing.
Schein, E. H. (1983). The role of the founder in creating organizational culture. Organ Dyn, 12, 13–28.
Schein, E. H. (1984). Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Manag Rev, 25, 3–16. Schein E. H., 2009 The corporate culture survival guide vol. 158: John Wiley & Sons.
Schein, E. H. (2017). “organizational culture and leadership,” Book, vol (5th ed.).
Schein, E. H., Schein, E. H., & Van Maanen, J. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership (The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series) (Vol. 4). John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Battelle, J. (2005). Google CEO Eric Schmidt gives us his golden rules for managing innovation. CNN/Money. Available: http:
usiness2_archive/2005/12/01/8364616/index.htm. Business Teacher. (2011). Google’s vision and mission. Available: http:
Carlson, N. (2009). Google CEO Eric Schmidt: “We Don’t Really Have A Five-Year Plan” Business Insider. Available:  http:
Cope, K. (2012). Employees: The Best Companies Know They’re the Foundation of Success. Available: http:
Denning, S. (2011). Google: Rethink Your Mission. Available: http:
Forster, N (2005). Maximum Performance: A Practical Guide to Leading and Managing People at Work. Australia: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. p.1-594.
Google Milestones. (2018). Google. Available: http:
Great Place to Work Institute Inc. (2008). Available: http:
Hammonds, K. (2004). A Googler’s Admission: Life amid Semantic, Visual, and Technical Esoterica. p.24
Horn, L. (2011). Google Receives 75K Job Applications. PC Mag. Available: http:,2817,2379379,00.asp.
Hout, T M. (1999). Books in Review: Are Managers Obsolete. Harvard Business Review. 77(2) pp. 161–168.
Manyika, J. (2008). Google’s View on the Future of Business: An Interview with CEO Eric Schmidt. The McKinsey Quarterly. Available: http: t_2229.
Rheem, H. (1995). The learning organization. Harvard Business Review. 73(2), p.10.
Walker, J. (2012a). The Google Way of Learning. Available: http:
Google, Life at Google/Why Work at Google? http:
Lebowitz S. B. a. S. (2013, 30th June). Why Are Google Employees So Damn Happy? Available: https:
Nave, D. (2002). How to compare six sigma, lean and the theory of constraints. Qual Prog, 35, 73.
Senge P, (1991), The fifth discipline, the art and practice of the learning organization, Performance improvement, volume 30, issue 5

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