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(1) You can hand write or type your answers as you prefer. In the end, you need to submit either a pdf file (strongly preferred) or images of answers to individual questions of your assignment...

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(1) You can hand write or type your answers as you prefer. In the end, you need tosubmit either a pdf file (strongly preferred) or images of answers to individual questions of your assignment responses.

(2) I suggest that you write your response toEACH question on a SEPARATE sheet of paper.

(3) We willdeduct 2-5 points if you fail to follow these instructionson writing answers on separate sheets and, more importantly, if you do not clearly mark out the page number of the answers as requested by GradeScope during the time of your submission.

(4)All assignments and quizzes must be submitted by the announced submission deadline for full credit. After that deadline thislate submission policywill apply:5 points will be deducted for each day's delay for up to 2 days, after which no more submissions will be accepted.

(5) Pleasewrite clearly and legibly!A bit of organization goes a long to not only help yourself but also to show some kindness to your grader.

Answered Same Day Mar 11, 2022


Komalavalli answered on Mar 12 2022
112 Votes

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