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Your Task:Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on you own leadership journey up until now,your current role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or reactto...

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Your Task:Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on you own leadership journey up until now,your current role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or reactto organisational and cultural changes and your current level of self-awareness and self-confidence to lead others in your organisation and/or community.Assessment 2, which is due at the end of WEEK 11, builds on the first and asks you toprepare a plan for the next stage of your leadership journey. The assessments areintegrated pieces of work and you should bear in mind the final part as you work on thispart. All assessments need to be strongly based on the established theories and models ofleadership to help you interpret and explain your leadership challenges.Working with Your Partner [this is 20% (Criterion 2) of your overall assessment]:You need to be proactive to connect with other students in your on-line/ face-to-face class, once you post your personal introduction on the “Welcome andIntroductions” Discussion Forum. On-line students can select a partner from classmates who have posted introductions, or choose a trusted colleague from yourwork, student or personal networks. On-line students need to take responsibility forselecting and interacting with a partner. Face-to-face students will be guided byyour facilitator, taking into account diversity of backgrounds to enrich your learningexperience. More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are provided atthe end of this section.• Key points from the feedback you receive from your partner(suggest from yourself) and others,combined with your reflection and interpretation of this feedback in the contextof your leadership journey, needs to be included in your report.• You may wish to also include key points of the feedback that you gave yourpartner and reflect on it. Feedback often says as much about the person whogives as the person who receives it.• The feedback summaries/ transcripts can be included as appendices, where theywill not be included in the word count.While the assessment includes feedback from the interaction with your partner,each person is to submit his or her own, individual report.More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are shown at the end of thisbrief.
Possible Structure: A possible structure for your report is shown below. This is a suggestion only and is notmandatory. Other structures would be appropriate, provided that they enable you todemonstrate your learning according to the rubric shown in the brief for the firstassessment.1. A clear logic flow, using a “Contents” page and section headings, will help yourreaders to follow your thinking.2. The use of an “Executive Summary” will tell your reader the key points of yourreport, including recommendations for action.3. An “Introduction” to set the context4. The body of your report should address the following issues. The percentages inbrackets indicate a suggested proportional length of each section. Give appropriatesub-headings to each Part of this ‘body’.• Your current/recent role, responsibilities and leadership challenges in yourorganisation or community. (10%)• Key aspects of your leadership journey so far (eg who influenced you, howyou formed your self-image as a leader, any critical events that have beeninfluential). This should not be a chronology or a CV. It is a reflection on asmall number of the most influential aspects or turning points in yourleadership development. (15%)• The results of the Gallup Strengths Finder and any other personality orleadership style inventories that you have completed and your interpretationof the results. This can be a summary of the report (key details) that youpresented for Assessment 1 – Part A. (15%)• Key feedback points on your current leadership style, capabilities,effectiveness, interpersonal and social skills associated with EmotionalIntelligence, personality assessments etc, that you have received from yourpartner and other trusted sources. (20%)• The implications of the feedback and your reflection on its significance. Itcould include your preliminary thinking on what you do about it, to beexpanded in your second submission. (30%)• Link to theory and conceptual frameworks that explain or clarify yourexperiences and feedback. (You could incorporate the links to theory/modelsthroughout your report or collect them in one section. The important pointis that you anchor your submission with appropriate models or theories.(20%)5. A “Conclusion” to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject.Detailed, supporting information such as psychometric results and planningtemplates should be placed in an appendix, where they will not be included in theword count.Reflexive Writing - First Person:You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and yourinterpretations. (eg “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact onmy……..and it helped me to understand my..........”).Try to be as specific as possible, use brief examples to illustrate your points and try to selectexamples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the rubric.All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing,acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of plagiarism.Referencing:Include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. Forthis assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers or textbooksfrom within the subject module as a starting point is expected. References to anysecondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and ExecutiveSummary and any appendices will not be included in the word count.It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.Please see more information on referencing here
Answered Same Day Jul 18, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 19 2021
144 Votes
Leadership journey
1    Introduction    3
2    My Leadership Journey    3
3    Gallup Strengths Finder    5
4    Challenges    6
5    Future Plan    7
6    Reference    7
Executive Summary
Today, organizations have tremendous choices to select their employees from the pool of students graduating every year. Therefore, companies instead of recruiting any individual from market prefer to recruit candidate who is driven towards excelling in life and ready to challenges that comes along with businesses. As rightly said, "Ambition is the first step to success. The second step is the action".
"Effective leaders need to be flexible and must adapt themselves according to the situation" - Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard. In this fast paced world, where there are disruptions taking place every day, organization bank on the leaders to take the business to the next level. A leader cannot always depend on one style of leadership to build a team and drive the required results. Style of leadership is a method that is adapted to provide direction, scrutinize ideas, implement plans and motivate people. Indeed, I believe that a leader can only lead if the team below him or the followers trust his or her leadership. Therefore, attributes like being genuine and true to the team plays a critical role. Hence, in this world, people look forward to authentic leaders and appreciate a credible style of leadership. Yes, I think following transactional leadership might also be fruitful in some scenario however, in long run it loses its relevance. This is because as a human nature, we all want to grow; desires to get recognition of the work done as well as get inspire to perform better. This kind of relationship is only possible if the leader provides necessary grooming and genuine platforms to people below to grow more in their life. This is the true essence why authentic leadership co
esponds to people willing turning into a follower based on trust and integrity. By the virtue of this assignment, I am able to describe and reflect on my leadership journey and not to just study leadership as a remote, theoretical concept with no hands-on experience. The report provides you detail of my exposure to my strength and weakness as a position of leader thereby comprehending myself better. Furthermore, I have also elaborated what are my plan which I would be taking next in my leadership journey.
I think out of all the component of Emotional Intelligence Empathy is most important and fundamental in leadership. If one aspires to become an effective leader then he or she needs to be empathetic. It allows leaders to put themselves in shoes of people and comprehend the unique challenges and perspectives. Essentially, leaders who highlight empathy active support the career development and personal growth of various team members, provides feedback without bashing the recipient and display to practice 360 feedback. Leaders who have empathy are the one who motivate team members to perform better, achieve more and work towards a common goal. Empathy establishes bonds since leader care about his team members. This way leader is able to connect and comprehend, the interest and thought process of his team members. Empathy provides the leader with insights, this because by design by practicing empathy you will be able to listen more intensely to others therefore uncover hidden information that can act as an missing piece of puzzle. With empathy, a leader can demonstrate magnificent people skill and fuels understanding that led into teams which outperforms any given task. Discipline of disability support worker demands leadership skills as well as analytical skills that can help business and senior leaders to provide directions and...

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