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You will revisit the management competences you selected for your assignment 1. (I HAVE SELECTED TO IMPROVE MY COMMUNICATION) YOU HAVE TO WRITE A SHORT REFLECTIVE ESSAY THAT FOCUSES ON: - What have...

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You will revisit the management competences you selected for your assignment 1. (I HAVE SELECTED TO IMPROVE MY COMMUNICATION)
- What have you done throughout the semester in terms of developing your management competencies in the competence areas that you identified in the individual assessment?
• What suitable next steps you can take to further cultivate your competences?
The essay should include:
1.Clarity and depth of analysis of competence development experience during the course (incl. concrete examples/evidence)
2.Discussion of steps for future competence development (incl. evaluation of the advantages/disadvantages of the chosen steps)
Answered Same Day Oct 20, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
163 Votes
When I first communicated with my classmates, it was a nerve wrecking experience for me. It was then that I realised that I needed to improve on my communication skills.
I started watching online YouTube videos that motivated me to communicate well with my peers and colleagues in office as well. I was suggested by some of my friends that I should read on some books that would help me communicate better and improve my confidence so that I can exchange ideas in forums where no one knows about me. I was always an introvert...

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