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you have complete this assessment on the base of part 1 which you make

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you have complete this assessment on the base of part 1 which you make
Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2021


Sunabh answered on Aug 22 2021
143 Votes
Table of Contents
1) Research Topic    3
2) Research Question and Research Objectives    3
3) Rationale for Proposed Research and Its Significance    4
4) Discussion or Relevant Theories    4
5) Research Design    5
6) References    6
1) Research Topic
Simulation based learning allows integration of technical, cognitive and behavioural skills of students into a learning environment where students can perform tasks identical to real life and can feel safe while making mistakes in order to learn from them. There exist several advantages as well as disadvantages when it comes to applying simulation based learning to project management. Therefore, the research topic for this proposal would be to identify ba
iers of simulation-based learning in the context of project management education.
2) Research Question and Research Objectives
It would be essential to consider that project management for engineering students could be performed by using various examples such as, product development, construction, system development and other operations. Therefore, this research would aim to identify answers to following research questions—
· Can simulation based learning in the context of project management education promote effective management of projects?
· Can simulation based learning help to reduce the complexities associated with projects?
· Can simulation based learning have a significant impact on the cost of engineering projects?
Further, objectives of this research would be—
· To understand the concepts of simulation based learning
· To identify advantages and disadvantages of simulation based learning
· To investigate the application of simulation based learning in context of project management
· To identify ba
iers of simulation based learning in the context of project...

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