MIS605_Assessment 1_ Hypothetical Project Case Study XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 1
Hypothetical Project Case Study
Central Coast University is seeking to develop a new timetabling system to replace its cu
ent manual
timetabling system. With the remarkable increase in both the students and staff numbers in recent
years, the complexity of timetabling has reached a point in which it is beyond human capacity to
complete the timetabling tasks manually. There are many constraints such as staff availability,
classroom availability and capacity, as well as incompatibilities between subjects that need to be
considered in timetabling. For example, two subjects which are undertaken by the same cohort at the
same time cannot be timetabled together. A class which is assigned to a lecturer cannot be scheduled
at a time that the lecturer is not available.
The cu
ent manual timetabling system has created a considerable amount of timetable clashes for
students enrolled in T XXXXXXXXXXThe University is seeking to have a new and improved timetabling system
developed as soon as it is practically possible, and expects to have the new system up and running by
T1 2020.
The System shall allow timetabling officers to collect and store staff availability, set classroom
availability and capacity and allocate the estimated number of students for a class. It should also allow
students to view and amend their timetables.
The University has committed $500,000 for this project.
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Subject Code and Title PRO100 Information Systems Project Management
Assessment Written Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1200 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Describe and reflect on the Project Management triple
) Generate recommendations for information systems
project planning
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 2.2 (Week
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
In the first two Modules of PRO100, you learnt some of the core concepts in project management
including the definition of a project, and how a project is different from repetitive and routine work
as well as the environment in which a project operates, and how to select a project. You were also
introduced to the processes in the initiating process group, and how to identify and categorise
stakeholders and manage stakeholder engagement.
In this assessment, you will demonstrate your understanding of:
ï‚· the concept of a project;
ï‚· the role of a project charter;
ï‚· the concept of a stakeholder;
as well as your ability to
ï‚· identify a project and the objective of a project;
ï‚· develop a project charter;
ï‚· and perform a stakeholder analysis and develop a stakeholder register.
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1. Please read the attached hypothetical project case study.
2. Complete the following assessment tasks:
Task 1. Develop a business case for this project in a Microsoft Word document using no more than
300 words. The business case should include a cost and benefit analysis using the NPV model over
the next 10 years. Use 2% as the discounting factor. Apart from financial criteria, are there any other
non-financial criteria to consider?
Please note that you are required to make reasonable assumptions about this project to develop a
usiness case for it, for example, the initial investment of this project, the operating cost of the
system, the cost the University would be able to save, etc.
Task 2. You are now appointed as the project manager for this project and your first task is to
develop a project charter.
The project charter (in a Microsoft Word document) must contain, as a minimum, the following:
ï‚· Title page
ï‚· Project purpose and justification
ï‚· Project objectives and product characteristics
ï‚· High-level requirements
ï‚· Project assumptions, constraints, high-level descriptions and boundaries
ï‚· Project success criteria
ï‚· High-level risks
ï‚· Summary schedule and key milestones
ï‚· Summary budget
ï‚· Stakeholder list and the type of each stakeholder
ï‚· Project approval requirements and approval authority
ï‚· Project manager assigned to project
ï‚· Signatory block
You are also required to identify key stakeholders in this project and compile a stakeholder register
(in a Microsoft Excel document). The register must contain the following columns:
ï‚· ID
ï‚· Name
ï‚· Organisation
ï‚· Contact details
ï‚· Internal/External
ï‚· Unaware/Resisto
ï‚· Role in the project
ï‚· Interest level (1-5)
ï‚· Impact level (1-5)
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Please note that some of the information has not been explicitly outlined in the hypothetical project
case study. You will need to make reasonable assumptions about such information.
Task 3. Develop a WBS and the associated WBS dictionary. The WBS must have at least three layers.
The WBS dictionary needs to contain the following information for each of the node in the WBS.
ï‚· WBS element ID
ï‚· WBS element name
ï‚· Work description
The Microsoft Word document should contain a graphical representation of WBS and the WBS
dictionary entries for each element in the WBS.
Word Count and Layout
ï‚· The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 1200 words.
ï‚· Please provide all your answers to the tasks in following format:
Task 1
Business case – Microsoft Word document
Task 2
Project charter – Microsoft Word document
Stakeholder register – Microsoft Excel
Task 3
WBS dictionary - Microsoft Word document
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing here: http:
Submission Instructions
Please submit ONE Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) consisting of the Business case, Project
charter and WBS dictionary, and ONE Microsoft Excel document (WBS dictionary) via the
Assessment link within Assessment 1.
No Zipped files. Please do NOT zip the Microsoft Word document and the Microsoft Excel
document, and submit them as one single zip/compressed file.
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Learning Ru
ic: Assessment One
75 -84%
High Distinction
Business case (Task 1)
A cost and benefit
analysis using the NPV
Consideration of non-
financial criteria.
Lack of understanding of
NPV. No interpretation of
the NPV result. Lack of
discussion of non-financial
criteria. The criteria
discussed are not relevant
to the case.
ect calculation of NPV
with limited interpretation
of the NPV result. Brief
discussion of a few non-
financial criteria, but not all
of them are relevant to the
ect calculation of NPV.
There is much room for
improvement in the
interpretation of the NPV
esults. Discussion of a few
non-financial criteria in detail.
ect calculation of NPV
with a thorough
interpretation of the NPV
esult. Discussion of non-
financial criteria that are
closely relevant to the case.
ect calculation of NPV,
and a robust interpretation
of the NPV result.
A well-developed discussion
on non-financial criteria
that are relevant to the
Project Charter (Task 2)
Understanding of the
Project Managers’ role
with all required
Lack of understanding of
the Project Managers’
ole. Many of the key
inclusions are missing in
the project charter. The
project charter is not
elevant to the case.
Limited understanding of
the Project Managers’ role.
The project charter has
most of the inclusions. Some
of the inclusions are too
ief and/or not relevant to
the case.
The project charter
demonstrates an adequate
understanding of the Project
Managers’ role. The project
charter has all the inclusions
of a project charter. A few of
the inclusions are too
ief or
not relevant to the case.
The project charter is
complete and demonstrates
thorough understanding of
the Project Managers’ role.
It has all the inclusions of a
project charter.
The project charter
demonstrates an
exceptional understanding
of the Project Managers’
ole. It has all required
inclusions and is expertly
written with an appropriate
level of detail.
dictionary (Task 3)
Appropriate use of WBS
structure and complete
WBS diagram.
Limited knowledge of WBS
and WBS dictionary. The
WBS structure is
completely wrong or
elevant to the case. The
WBS diagram shows a
significant lack of
understanding of the role
of WBS and the case. The
WBS dictionary contains
some WBS elements with
a very limited description.
Limited knowledge of WBS
and WBS dictionary.
The WBS structure has
major mistakes. The WBS
diagram does not
demonstrate a complete
and accurate understanding
of the role of WBS and the
case. The WBS dictionary
contains most WBS
elements, but with a limited
Adequate knowledge of WBS
and WBS dictionary.
The WBS structure has few
mistakes. The WBS diagram
demonstrates an almost
complete and somewhat
accurate understanding of the
ole of WBS and the case.
The WBS dictionary contains
almost all WBS elements.
Advanced knowledge of
WBS and WBS dictionary.
ect WBS structure with
very minor mistakes.
The WBS diagram
demonstrates a complete
and accurate understanding