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Weight : 20% You should submit docx/doc/rtf file and no other type of file (such as pdf or ppt) is acceptable. Assessment Criteria (all criteria are equally weighted) 1. A statement of the problem,...

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  • Weight: 20%
  • You should submit docx/doc/rtf file and no other type of file (such as pdf or ppt) is acceptable.
  • Assessment Criteria (all criteria are equally weighted)
1. A statement of the problem, research aim and objectives
2. A brief methodology

3. Sources of secondary data, data presentation and analysis methods

4. Accurate referencing, use of correct English and logical sequences between sentences and paragraphs

5. Topic presentation

Answered Same Day Apr 04, 2020 BUSN20016 Central Queensland University


Karan answered on Apr 05 2020
149 Votes

Glass ceiling & Gender inequality: A challenging ba
ier for female employees in an education secto
Table of Contents
1) Problem Statement    3
2) Aim and Objectives    3
3) A
ief methodology    4
4) Secondary data and data analysis method    4
References    6
1) Problem Statement
Most women pursing for senior management position believe that glass ceiling still exist in career progression which creates challenges and discrepancies in the workplace. However, Australia’s gender pay gap cu
ently sits at 17% (Ryan, 2015). A study conducted by Federal Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency mentioned that on average men earn more than 25% with compared to women.
However, in education sector also, women are not getting appropriate chances to make their career. There exists gender gap among domestic students which is also now widening to 20% in the cu
ent year (Agénor, 2018). Though, the proportionate of female completing tertiary courses has jumped to 129,045 which show a 64% increase from past decades; while the number of male attending the course is 57,310 only (Martin, 2015). Therefore, addressing women’s needs and improving the issuer of gender balance is essential to persuade more skilled and qualified women to the industry (Agénor, 2018).
It is also observed that women hold position in more than half of the Australian public service and they are on senior government positions as well. There are more than 30% of women operating Australia’s small businesses which clear that equal opportunities ought to be given to both the gender (Risman, Myers & Sin, 2018).
2) Aim and Objectives
The main aim of research proposal is to identify the glass ceiling & Gender inequality for women. Along with this, discussion is also made regarding the challenges and ba
ier which female employees experience in education sector. In meeting the aim, objectives are being specified as follows:
· To analyze the cu
ent rate of gender equality in education secto
· To determine the challenges which female employee experience
· To analyze the factors that leads to gender equality
· To recommend strategies to attract more female employees in education sector.
3) A
ief methodology
The section of methodology has been prepared for the purpose of showing all the relevant tools and techniques by which aim of the study can be met. Thus, in this respect, information about the selected methodology is being stated as follows:
· Literature Review: This section of literature review depicts about the secondary research and all the previous studies made on the subject matter (Whicher, Philbin, & Aronson, 2018). Books, journals, articles and web pages will be accessed for the purpose of completing the section of literature review. Studies which emphasize on ba
iers for women education and career will be accessed. Along with this, researcher will also review the cu
ent rate of inequality exists in female career development.
· Data collection: Data will be collected from all the relevant and industry sources which describe the factors that lead to gender inequality in education sector of Australia.
· Survey: In the present proposal, survey will be ca
ied out to know about the ba
iers that prevail in women career management (Alavi, et al. 2018). Female employees working in education sector will be selected as the participants for the survey and they will be provided questionnaire for specific subject matter.
4) Secondary data and data analysis method
In the proposal, stress will be laid upon secondary sources to support the collected data. Along with this, data will also be obtained from Victorian government and other industry surveys which records about gender inequality prevailing in Australia. Data will also be analyzed with the help of mixed methodology in which Qualitative as well as Quantitative both the methods will be utilized (Bilau, Witt & Lill, 2018). Themes will be prepared to describe each and every aspect of gender equality in education sector of Australia and this will be covered under Qualitative analysis. Further, under Quantitative analysis, charts, tables and pictures will be made in Excel. This will show the integration between all the variables that exists for the research study.
Agénor, P. R. (2018). A Theory of Social Norms, Women's Time Allocation, and Gender Inequality in the Process of Development (No. 237). Economics, The Univeristy of Manchester.
Alavi, M., Archibald, M., McMaster, R., Lopez, V., & Cleary, M. (2018). Aligning theory and methodology in mixed methods research: Before Design Theoretical Placement. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-14.
Bilau, A. A., Witt, E., & Lill, I. (2018). Research methodology for the development of a framework for managing post-disaster housing reconstruction. Procedia Engineering, 212, 598-605.
Martin, S. (2015). Gender gap widens as women graduates outpace the men. [Online]. Available through:>. [Accessed on 5th March 2018].
Risman, B. J., Myers, K., & Sin, R. (2018). Limitations of the Neoliberal Turn in Gender Theory. Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research, 277.
Ryan, P. (2015). Gender inequality still rampant in Australian workplaces, pay gap remains high: report. [Online]. Available through:>. [Accessed on 5th March 2018].
Whicher, D., Philbin, S., & Aronson, N. (2018). An overview of the impact of rare disease characteristics on research methodology. Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 13(1), 14.

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