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Weight:10% Assignment due date: 10 August 2018by 7.00 pm Singapore time Length:1000 words (+/- 10%) Feedback mode: Feedback will be provided using marking tool and general comments. Assessment...

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Assignment due date: 10 August 2018by 7.00 pm Singapore time

Length:1000 words (+/- 10%)

Feedback mode:

Feedback will be provided using marking tool and general comments.

Assessment Declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of theAssessment declaration(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


Assessment Task One: Case Study Analysis

Due Date: Week 05

Type: Group (3-4 students) - Please read'Equity of Contribution'Preview the documenthere

Weighting: 10%

Length: ~ 1,000 words (Question and Answer section, excluding Case title, Group members, References)

You are required to analyse a case study. You are required to answer the case questions. Your paper should focus on the major issues of the case, looking at possible scenarios and solutions to the problems identified. In particular, the case analysis should be linked to theoretical principles, concepts and/or models discussed in the lectures.

Papers that have no in-text referencing and/or no reference list will lose5 marks of the 10 available marks. Please see more details on MyRMIT/Course Canvas. You are required to register into a groupby Week 04.

Please Read:

You mustsubmit your assignment to the Turnitin linkprovidedbeforemaking your final submissionfor marking.

CAUTION:If you submit your assignment to the Turnitin, it may take up to 24-48 hours before you can access the Turnitin Originality report. Please factor this in to your submission planning.

Please make sure that you answer‘YES’to the following questions before making the final submission:

1) Are you submitting thecorrect versionof your assignment?

2) Have youlisted all referencesat the end of your assignment?

3)Have you submitted your assignment tothe Turnitin linkprovided?

4) If it is a group assignment, have you agreed with theEquity of Contribution policyPreview the document?

5) Do you submit your assignment toyour class link(e.g. LF01, LF02 etc)?

Case Study:: Foreign Auto Shop(seeCase Study herePreview the document)

Case Questions:

  • Part One
    • What is the usual leadership situation in the auto repair shop (consider the nature of the task, subordinates, and environment)? Describe Alan’s typical leadership style or behaviour and evaluate whether it is appropriate for the leadership situation.
  • Part Two
    • Describe Alan’s leadership style or behaviour during the flood and evaluate whether it is appropriate for the leadership situation.

It is expected that you will use at least3 academic references. Websites, such as Wikipedia, will not be accepted, other than for providing general details and these will not be counted in the minimum references required.


  • Case Title
  • Group members (one member nominated as group leader who will submit the assignment)
  • Questions 1
  • Answer
  • Question 2
  • Answer
  • References

Common faults:

Remember that when you are writing as a student it is for a specific audience, who are usually knowledgeable in the topic. Try to avoid unnecessary background statements, unless you are supplementing, questioning or augmenting your answer.

  1. Lack of argument

Argument is important. Consequently, a lack of argument or weaknesses in the arguments undermine your work. To avoid this:

  • Do not present lists of unconnected points as if they were an argument.
  • Consider the arguments (including counter-arguments) of others.
  • Ensure you critically examine the evidence.
  • Present a well-argued conclusion.
  1. Lack of relevance

You must answer the questions asked. Therefore, you should carefully select material and focus on the questions as set. Often you will need to adapt and consider material within the context of your argument. Remember that the original author’s purpose was probably not the same as yours. To avoid common faults concerning lack of relevance:

  • Be sure you answer the question.
  • Keep to the point.
  • Do not introduce irrelevant or unsubstantiated statements.
  1. Poor level of literacy

You should always write in clear, simple and grammatically correct prose. A high standard of spelling and composition (sentence structure, paragraphing, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.) is expected in all written work. The best way to improve your writing skills is to read more and to ensure you have enough time to write one or more drafts of your work. While a good advanced dictionary will be a valuable aid in your writing, word processors usually include spell-check, grammar-check and thesaurus functions. You should ensure that the default in any electronic dictionary is set to Australian English to avoid misspellings.

Adapted from RMIT written reports and essays (2009).

Papers that have no internal referencing and/or no reference list will lose 5 marks of the 10 available marks

Assessment Criteria

  • Coherence of argument
  • Comprehension of theoretical principles/concepts
  • Overall critical Analysis
  • Referencing
Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Soumi answered on Aug 07 2020
157 Votes
Table of Contents
Q1. Explanation of usual leadership situation in the Auto Repair shop, considering the nature of task, environment and subordinates in that shop    3
Answer    3
Q2. Description of Alan’s leadership style, behaviour or decision making during the flood situation and its appropriateness    4
Answer    4
References    6
Q1. Explanation of usual leadership situation in the Auto Repair shop, considering the nature of task, environment and subordinates in that shop
Leadership is the ability to establish relationship with followers and influence their behaviour towards mutual goal achievements without any force or threats. As suggested by Beenen (2016), there are no universal fixed formula or format for effective leadership, rather it depends upon situational factors, internal and external factors, subordinates’ characteristics and leaders’ personalities or qualities. Let us evaluate the leadership situation in the Auto Repair shop considering various factors:
Nature of Task
The nature of task involved at the Auto Repair shop is to inspect, maintain and repair the automobiles. The task is technical in nature, which require skill in equipment handling and precision. Considering the nature of task, Alan, the owner of shop has respectable number of highly skilled mechanics. Similarly, he has maintained the standard procedures and work schedules, to avoid confusion regarding the task allocation. These are trait of a good leader, who understands the nature of work and provide quick and reliable service, recruited high skilled employees and delegated the task efficiently. For the customers, auto repair is not a one-time business, as automobiles require regular repair, therefore it is important to maintain steady and loyal relationship with them, Alan is quite adept in maintaining relationship, as customers are quite satisfied with his work.
The working environment involves lot of technical precision and therefore safety is paramount importance for the mechanics. The environment of any work-setting is influenced by the leaders’ policy and guidelines. Here, Alan was blend of both task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership behaviours. As stated by Aktas et al. (2016), in the task-orientation, leader focuses more on the task than on the inter-personal relationships, and its...

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