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Using the data presented in Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Issue XXXXXXXXXXAverage Weekly Earnings, Australia, write a report focusing on Australia weekly earnings commenting on changes over...

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Using the data presented in Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Issue XXXXXXXXXXAverage Weekly Earnings,
Australia, write a report focusing on Australia weekly earnings commenting on changes over the last seven years
as well as comparison between different genders, industries or sectors in light of Catholic Social Teaching (CST)
principle “The Common Good”.
Your report should detail current Average Weekly Earnings in Australia and how it has changed over the last
seven years. Your report should use a variety of graphs and charts to visually present your data (as per Week 3
Topic), various measures of central tendency and variation (as per Week 4 Topic) to describe the Australia weekly
earnings, and time series and index numbers to present changes over time (as per Week 5 Topic). You should
then consider your data in the context of CST Principle “The Common Good” and conclude as to Australia’s
performance in respect to this principle.
Note that The Common Good principle considers “Every person should have sufficient access to the goods and
resources of society so that they can completely and easily live fulfilling lives. The rights of the individual to
personal possessions and community resources must be balanced with the needs of the disadvantaged and
dispossessed. The common good is reached when we work together to improve the wellbeing of people in our
society and the wider world.”
Answered Same Day Apr 09, 2020


Pooja answered on Apr 10 2020
145 Votes
The data regarding average weekly earnings for males, females, and all persons is obtained from Australian Bureau of statistics. The data also describes the industry division for weekly earnings. The data is considered for past 7 years at an interval of 6 months every year. 
The summaries data for weekly earnings for all persons starting from May 2010 up till November 2016 at an interval of every 6 months is summarized in the table below.
    Earnings; Males; Total cash earnings;
    Earnings; Females; Total cash earnings;
    May 2010
     $ 13,400.70
     $ 9,137.60
     $ 12,035.00
    November 2010
     $ 13,779.90
     $ 9,404.10
     $ 12,360.90
    May 2011
     $ 14,031.80
     $ 9,551.00
     $ 12,584.00
    November 2011
     $ 14,364.10
     $ 9,747.70
     $ 12,886.50
    May 2012
     $ 14,687.20
     $ 9,899.20
     $ 13,163.30
    November 2012
     $ 15,040.10
     $ 10,278.20
     $ 13,509.30
    May 2013
     $ 15,282.70
     $ 10,496.10
     $ 13,720.70
    November 2013
     $ 13,478.30
     $ 9,441.10
     $ 12,360.90
    May 2014
     $ 13,518.30
     $ 9,471.70
     $ 12,413.30
    November 2014
     $ 13,602.90
     $ 9,559.70
     $ 12,477.80
    May 2015
     $ 13,681.20
     $ 9,728.10
     $ 12,572.20
    November 2015
     $ 13,794.30
     $ 9,836.50
     $ 12,736.30
    May 2016
     $ 14,076.90
     $ 9,879.60
     $ 12,929.30
    November 2016
     $ 14,072.50
     $ 10,081.90
     $ 12,998.50
The line chart depicting the time series of total cash earnings for all persons is given below.
There is a rising trend in earnings from May 2010 up till May 2013. There is a drastic decrease in the weekly average earning for all persons in November 2013. Afterwards there is a steady increase in weekly average earnings for all persons up till November 2016.
The table of descriptive statistics for average weekly earnings considering all persons is represented in the table below.
     $ 12,767.71
     $ 12,660.15
     $ 1,685.70
     $ 551.78
The mean of Weekly earnings for all persons is $12,767.71 with the standard deviation of 469 units.  Standard deviation is a measure...

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