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Use theOrganizational CultureAssessment Instrument(OCAI) to assess your organizational culture based on the competingvalues framework. Answer each the questions twice. In the first column,allocate the...

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Use theOrganizational Culture
Assessment Instrument
(OCAI) to assess your organizational culture based on the competing
values framework. Answer each the questions twice. In the first column,
allocate the points based on how the organization actually is now. In the
second column, answer the questions based on how you would like the
organization to be.

Once you have answered
the questions, you can plot your answers on the
OCAIPlot Diagram.

Comparing your actual
versus desiredOCAIplots may also provide another input to your
understanding of how well youfitin your organization.

Answered 3 days After Oct 27, 2023


Shubham answered on Oct 31 2023
29 Votes

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