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u will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site. This assessment item involves researching the...

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u will be provided on the Moodle web site with a portfolio template. You should use this template and upload a weekly portfolio to the Moodle web site.
This assessment item involves researching the topics to enhance your understanding of each concept through an utilisation of academic literature and secondary sources. Whilst you must use the recommended textbooks and web links, you should also refer to other sources on the Moodle web site and additional relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles of your choosing
  • Sterman J XXXXXXXXXXChapters 1 & 2
  • Sterman presents Business Dynamics to us on this course. There are tools that allow models to be built and there are new sources being introduced all the time around systems thinking/engineering, and Systems and Business Dynamics modelling on the Internet. An example you might like to review to gain a hands on experience with Systems and Business Dynamics is:-
    • Insight Maker -
      • Insight Maker contains a number of very interesting project management models. Click on the menu option 'Find Insights' and type 'project management' into the search criteria.
      • "Project management 104" by Geoff McDonnell is a model that works without any complicated settings
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 PPMP20012 Central Queensland University


Sakshi answered on Jun 01 2020
147 Votes
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20012 Unit Portfolio for Week 10 and 11
Week 10 and 11: Discuss contemporary developments in the use of PM application systems.
    Reading samples
    Learning outcomes of the unit
    Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
    Supporting documentation including any prior learning
    Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
    1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
    Contemporary development is that development which had been very important in terms of the related process in program management. The project management is that why is very relevant to it. The project manager application should help in the process of making a very good and appropriate project related to it (Gunaydin and Oraz, 2015).
    PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
    2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    There are several tools and technologies which might be very helpful in terms of managing the project in a very appropriate and compact. Some tools are risk map, radars chart, and
ief analysis etc. these tools will help to find the very right cause of the inappropriate project to make the project a successful project.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
    3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
    System engineering is a very useful and important technique which might be used in the process of making the project management very easy and understandable. The process of system thinking contains the necessary engineering structures which are involved in it. That's why it is very important in the process.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· Sterman Chapters 1, 2, 13 and 15;
· Insight Make
Optional Readings
Web Sites
· -
    4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a...

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