Tutorial 1
1. Readings:
Mandatory Readings
Kerzner Chapter 1;
Egelstaff XXXXXXXXXXAcademic assignments: Critical thinking and writing critically;
Additional readings will be made available when the course starts.
Make sure you have done the readings.
2. Watch recordings:
Also, watch Introductory Video: Project Management History & Where Are We
Now (164MB)
3. Answer following Questions to reflect and assist in your Portfolio
Put in your own words what you think Project Management is.
Make a list of three activities that you do each day or each week which can be
egarded as a Project
Now, what is Project Success?
Do you know of any projects that are successful? Describe one? How is it
Is Project Success the same as Project Management? Why?
Make a list of three problems of Project Management?
Can anyone be a good project manager? Do you think that functional
managers would make good project managers?
Project managers are usually dedicated and committed to the project. Who
should be “looking over the shoulder” of the project manager to make sure that
the work and requests are also in the best interest of the company? Does you
answer depend on the priority of the project
Project Management
Week 1 Lecture
Course Overview
• Exploring the project lifecycle and
associated practices and knowledge
• Utilise case studies to expand principles
through the illustration of key project
outputs, e.g. business cases, project
plans, scope statements, and other
plans and schedules
• Explore the alignment of project success
criteria to the principles of time,
esource, quality and cost measurement
according to project domain
This is a post-graduate ACADEMIC practical
course about project management!
Not a HANDS ON practical course!
If you want a hands on practical course then you
must go to TAFE and do the competency based
education pathway!
House keeping
• Course profile document
• 12.5 hours study a week
• Moodle site
– http:
• Texts
• Weekly readings and resources
• Online video presentations
• Devices (laptop, tablet, iPad)
• Census Date 27 March, 2018
• Quiz Assessment –
– Due Week 7
– Covering learning from Wk 1 – 6
• Practical Assessment – PM Methodology
– Due Week 10
– Utilising a scenario
• Project Portfolio
– Submissions due:
– Week 5 (for weeks 1-4)
– Week 9 (for weeks 5-8)
– Week 11 (for weeks 9 & 10)
– Week 13 consolidated portfolio (comprising wks 1-10)
Project Management
• Five process groups PMBOK
– Project Initiation
– Project Planning
– Project Execution
– Project monitoring and control
– Project Closure
What is the name of the following project management document?
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorises the
existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to
apply organisational resources to project activities.
What documents would
e developed during
project initiation?
The Project Manage
• The person assigned by the performing
organisation to lead the team that is
esponsible for achieving the project objectives.
• Responsible for coordinating and integrating
activities across multiple functional lines.
• Integrating the activities necessary to:
– Develop a project plan
– Execute the plan
– Make changes to the plan
What are some of the
elationships that the
Project Manager has to
Project Success
• Completion:
– Within the allocated time period
– Within the budgeted cost
– At the proper performance or specification level
– With acceptance by the custome
– With minimum or mutually agreed upon scope changes
– Without distu
ing the main work flow of the organisation
– Without changing the corporate culture
Heerkins Revelations
The need for the project manager to become more actively involved in business aspects
It really doesn’t
matter how well
you execute a
if you are working
on the wrong
There are times when
spending more on a project
could be smart business –
even if the project is
delivered after the
original deadline.
There are times when
spending more on a project
could be smart business –
even if you exceed the
original budget.
Watching a Movie
Looking at an Exhibit
Watching a Demonstration
Seeing It Done on Location
The Cone of Learning sparkinsight.com
I see and I forget.
I hea r and I remember.
I do and I understand
-- Confucius
A f t e r 2 w e e k s , w e t e n d t o
e m e m b e r …
• 10% of what we read
• 20%of what we HEAR
• 30% of what we SEE
• 50% of what
• 70%of what
• 90% of whatwe
Source: Edgar Dale {1969) -
www .lnfographicality.com
PortfolioCollect Reflect
The changing face of PM
Pre 1940’s
Ancient history
Post World War 2
Have you noticed
changes in PM
within your career?
Dr Kerzner’s 16 Points to Project
Management Maturity
• Adopt a project management
methodology and use it consistently
• Implement a philosophy that drives
the company towards Project
Management Maturity and
communicate it
• Commit to developing effective plans
at the beginning of each project
• Minimise scope changes by
committing to realistic objectives
• Recognise that cost & schedule
management are inseparable
• Select the right person as the Project
• Provide executives with sponsor
information not project management
• Strengthen involvement & support of
line management
Focus on deliverables rather than resources
Cultivate effective communication, co-operation
and trust to achieve rapid project management
Share recognition for project success with entire
project team and line management
Eliminate non-productive meetings
Focus on identifying and solving problems early,
quickly and cost effectively
Measure progress periodically
Use project management software as tool – not
as a substitute for effective planning or
interpersonal skills
Institute an all-employee training program with
periodic updates based upon documented
lessons learnt.
• Questions?
• Next week
– Complete first portfolio entry
– Read Assessment 1 Case Study
– Readings and Resources
What are some strategies
you can use to cope
etter with the stress of
(Insert Student Name) / (Insert Student Number) - PPMP20009 Unit Portfolio for Week (Insert week number)
Weekly portfolio
In this unit you are required to complete a weekly portfolio. A portfolio provides evidence of previous experience and presents a dynamic record of your growth and professional learning over the duration of this Unit. Your portfolio provides an account of your learning based on your prior and cu
ent learnings and your critical reflection.
A portfolio is increasingly being used in Universities as a means of:
· Being able to tell much more about you than exam results;
· As a means of reflecting your development through the unit;
· To reflect your attitude and values as well as your skills and knowledge.
(Race 2010, p. 58)
Timmins states that ‘A portfolio is a cohesive account of work based learning that contains relevant evidence from practice and critical reflection on this evidence. Its primary purpose is to ‘display achievement of professional competence or learning outcomes and knowledge development’ (Timmins 2008: p. 115).
You’ll find much more information about the use and application of portfolios on the Internet. However, it will require you to take some time to think through how you are going to complete the portfolio on a weekly basis. It is very easy to trivialise the portfolio and write nearly the same thing each week. But that won’t gain you many marks. Instead you should try to focus on the topic and learning outcome for the week and your reflections regarding them.
Your task is to write a weekly portfolio reflecting upon your learnings from the prior week. In your portfolio you will identify:
1. The learning outcomes and module/topic of the unit;
2. A description of your experience, including reading samples or records;
3. Your learning from your experiences;
4. Any supporting documentation of prior or cu
ent learning.
Instructions for completing the portfolio
1. Type your name and student id at the top of the page in the header section.
2. You can then delete this first section, save the file so that it can be used each week, and concentrate on writing your weekly portfolio.
3. Each learning outcome and the topics appropriate for the learning outcome have been included as the first column of portfolio table on the next page. You should review these columns and make changes as the unit progresses and you gain more familiarity with the learning outcomes and unit content. You will find that you will progressively elaborate on the content of the second, third and fourth columns as you work through each of the weeks of the unit.
4. Please appreciate it takes time to complete the portfolio therefore you must think always of what is required and be taking notes to update your portfolio as you read, study videos, or undertake other unit related activities. You are expected to be working 12 to 16 hours each week on this unit so you have plenty of time to get the portfolio right!
5. The portfolio will be discussed in the unit online videos and tutorials – please listen carefully and you may find the portfolio is easier to complete than it first appears.
6. You may disagree with the allocation of the learning outcomes to the topics in the portfolio table. This is your right and you are free to move things around as you become more familiar with the portfolio and the unit material.
7. At the beginning of the unit all of the learning outcomes may be not appropriate for the first week, so you should reflect upon what you believe is required from the portfolio for the first week. As the weeks progress then you will find that you will add more learning outcomes. The content of the first weekly learning portfolio table in this file includes all of the topics and reading samples to save your time in typing.
8. At the end of the unit you should review your weekly portfolios and then consolidate them into a single submission. This is the assessment that gets marked. Since the objective of the portfolio is to show your learning journey as well as your reflections then you should not be surprised to find that your opinions have changed during the unit. You do not have to change your portfolios from prior weeks.
Future directions
In the future you should expect that portfolios will be used increasingly at the academic post graduate level. Eventually they may even replace exams. Therefore there are a number of things to note for the future:
1. You will be required to complete more portfolios in