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Topic 4: Instructional Delivery Topic 4 DQ 2 Due Date Mar 3, 2023 , 2023 Minimum 250 Words Minimum 2 Scholarly References IN-Text Citations Assessment Description What strategies can an...

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Topic 4: Instructional Delivery

Topic 4 DQ 2

Due Date

Mar 3, 2023
, 2023
Minimum 250 Words

Minimum 2 Scholarly References

IN-Text Citations

Assessment Description

What strategies can an instructor employ to ensure effective delivery of the information before class starts and at the beginning of class?

Answered Same Day Feb 27, 2023


Asif answered on Feb 28 2023
38 Votes
Business Communications
An instructor can use a number of specific strategies/ways and methods to ensue effective delivery of information before class starts and at the beginning of class.
Providing Clear Expectations: It is important and essential for an instructor to communicate clearly and openly the expectations and prospects for the specific lesion and course before the class start. This can be done via pre-class materials, syllabus, email etc.
Using Visual Aids: An instructor can use several visuals aids like videos, slides, and graphics to engage the learners and reinforce key...

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