Title: ‘Critically discuss the importance of leadership for companies You are required to write an Essay of 1000 words maximum on the above title 1. Core Skills required for completing the extended essay: * Level 1 - Introduction -The ability to signpost the shape of the essay’s argument clearly and concisely -A basic ability to define the key terms used in the essay -A clear understanding of the scope of the question and what is required * Level 2 - The Main Section -An ability to construct a basic argument that engages with the question -The ability to summarise relevant aspects of the module clearly and concisely -The ability to outline relevant theories and models -To support different theories with appropriate evidence from journals and from company and industry examples -The ability to utilise a range of presentation techniques where appropriate (charts, diagrams, etc.) * Level 3 – Conclusions -The ability to summarise the content of the essay clearly and to reach an appropriate conclusion -To highlight the essay’s core argument plus good presentation and referencing
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