Part One
1. Project Name / Team: (Team)
Team Name: Team Name (A name that would be professional and appropriate)
S. No
Team Membe
Contact Numbe
Zohaib Shafique
Project Manage
Sufyan Shakil
Stud manage
Khalid Yasi
System Administrator
2. PROJECT OVERVIEW – (Individual Work)
The Online Stud Farm Management System is a project that will help improve on the manual activities within the Stud Farm in rural communities of New South Wales. The project involves Globex which is a client of the Virtucon who will be the project manager for this particular project. This project will be online and will be developed by Globex in house which will then deliver the solution on time. It will implement an online booking system which will replace the cu
ent manual system where
eeders book services by making a call or rather emailing the stud manager. The manager then records the bookings in a spread sheet and do cheques or credit card payments
Discuss the functionalities of the system and the benefits the system is set out to achieve as bullet points.
The Online stud Farm management system will replace the manual system of the cu
ent stud farm within the rural communities of the New South Wales. The system will implement a booking system which will be online.
The following will be the benefits of the system to the users.
· Introduction of an online booking system which will replace a manual booking system for services.
· It will enable
eeders to make payments from any online platform and mobile devices.
· The system will help reduce the amount of time needed to request and get the services by the
· The system will be able to generate information like
eeder's details, stud details and payment made.
· Very readable range of reports will be generated containing very important details.
· This ability to book for services online will help minimize e
ors and administration and also the involvement of the manager.
3. TEAM CHARTER – Team Work
Team Members
Skills and Knowledge Inventory
I. Understanding the tenacity and aims of the project.
II. Ensure the right steadiness between the main project and non-project
The following skills and knowledge will be provided by the team member:
· Project evaluation
· Technical report preparation
· Project deliverables preparation(Ha
ison et. al., 2013)
I. Working on timescales
II. Checking on the cost constraints within the project.
· Budget preparation and finance
· Timetable preparation
I. Identification of issues in the project
II. Contribute towards inspiring the whole team
III. Report the team’s progress against plan
· Problem identification
· Motivational skills
· Report generation skills
Roles and responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities
Understanding the tenacity and aims of the project
Knowing what is required in the project is very important since this will enable the team members to always work according to what is needed.
Identify the risks within the project
Identification of risks within the project is very important since it will enable the team member to be aware of such risks and to form various counter to such risks (Ha
ison et. al., 2013).
Report the team’s progress against plan
Reporting is one of the essential aspects in project management. This role will ensure good tracking of the activities that the team members get involved in.
on timescales
This role will enable the team not to lag behind during their activities and to work according to time. A proper and well organized time schedule will help them manage their time effectively (Ha
ison et. al., 2013).
5.Team Communications : Team Work
Communication Type
Frequency / Time
emails and Document Storage location
Face to Face 1st
7th April 2018
In Afternoon Seldom after classes FOR 2 HOURS./(02pm to 4 pm)
In University CSU
Face to face 2nd
16th April 2018
For 3 hours
2:00pm to 5:00pm
CSU li
We got into discussion and came up with new deliverables for the project, reports were made.
Face to face 3rd
25th April 2018
3 Hrs
2:00pm to 5:00 pm
Video conference was initiated and we saw what each team member was involved in.
4. Team Rules & ExpectationsÂ
Individual Work
My Experience with this team was good because I met with the persons who have some knowledge about the project and they have some experience in working in industry as well. Eventually, they do not have experience working on project site. Our Goal was to complete the assignment with perfection and guide our members about the assignment with the keen interest. – Individual Work experience;. Working with the collaboration with the group members was really a good time because when people share their experiences and implement on our project so that was really helpful for me . Working has a team has made me gain experience in coordinating a group of people and also to manage them during conflict resolutions. This will enable me to start up my own company band to manage the staffs without any problem.
Team Work
The value of team work plays an important role in every project. The value will help the group to complete the task in given time frame. These values include; Passion, Excellence, teamwork and integrity with great leadership and Good communication skills
XXXXXXXXXXComing together is beginning..
XXXXXXXXXXKeeping together is progress
Working together is success.
Integrity comes in the good code of ethics such as truthfulness and sincerity, loyalty to one another and trust, helping others lies in kindness and caring among members responsibility and self-discipline can also be included as the code of ethics in a team work.
For the complete and Quality work certain things are required such as;
• Leader of a team is must
• Team have specific measurable goals that team can allocate roles to the membe
• Within the team good communication skills are very necessary in order to complete the task XXXXXXXXXXbecause in team work all the members must have to understand each other.
• No selfishness should be shown in teamwork.
• The team members must be willing to get co
ected (Young, 2006).
· Signatures – Insert the electronic signature of all the team members here. This will indicate an understanding and agreement to the rules and expectations as specified in the points above.
 ______________________ ________________
 ______________________ ________________
 ______________________ ________________ Signature Date
Part Two:
Date/Time& Attendees
( Sufyan Shakil, Stud Manager )
Start planning phase and overall picture about our project and select dates and other requirmnets.
7 April 2018
(Zohaib Shafique)
· Requirements
· Planning
· Execution of plans on project
Outcome of the meeting:
Due to our planning we were able to see the clear picture of our project and it’s become easy to assign the tasks.
Meeting 2(Team)
Date/Time& Attendees
(Zohaib Shafique, Project Manager )
Looking at the resources allocation of time and task
16 April 2018
(Khalid Yasir)
Necessary ideas and plans are divided and implemented. What we have purchased and the time allocation is done here.
Outcome of the meeting: Satisfactory as work in process.
Meeting 3(Team)
Date/Time& Attendees
( Khalid Yasir , System Administrator)
Look on the upcoming Risks that were identified.
Roles of each team members were reassigned to different group members
26 April 2018
4 April 2018
8:00 pm
(Sufyan Shakil)
Documents the ideas and action points going forward
Outcome of the meeting:
1) New skills come up with new ideas in team.
2) Reports were made.
 2. Team Learning Record (Individual)
What we know
What we think we know
What we don’t know
(Questions to be Answered)
Planning would be a easy phase
Will Planning is easy then other tasks?
The Objectives will match our criteria
What we have to do in our tasks?
Risk factor is always high during project
What risk we can solve without delay the project?
Communication & understanding
Understand and communication is very easy during project’s bottle neck.
How we can make better understanding during tough time of project??
(Each cycle provides the opportunity to challenge framing assumptions, create new understanding & find radical solutions)
Learning Cycle (Individual)
Learning Cycle1
Unknown risk associated with the project
Efficient planning could reduce the loss and negative risk
Execution of planning with the allocated resources.
Either positive or negative
Part Three:
Communication Plan – Team Work
As a team,
ainstorm and identify all stakeholders to the project. Then individually, develop an appropriate communication plan. You can add in more columns based on the discussions during the lecture on stakeholder management and communication plan.
Stakeholder name
Information to be shared
Frequency of information exchange
Location of information exchange
Purpose of communication
Mechanism for communication
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