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Project Notification Form Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report Name of Project PPMP20011 Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report 1 Program Information Program Name: Queensland Health Payroll...

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Project Notification Form
Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
Name of Project
PPMP20011 Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
1 Program Information
Program Name: Queensland Health Payroll Program
Date: Date of the cu
ent Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
Project Ownership: Area responsible for the project
Prepared by: Name and project position
Distribution List: List of those receiving the report
2 The Projects
2.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
The project characteristics of project 1 are…
The justifications for these characteristics are….
2.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
The project characteristics of project 2 are…
The justifications for these characteristics are….
2.3 Project 3: People and change
The project characteristics of project 3 are…
The justifications for these characteristics are….
2.4 Project 4: Funding
The project characteristics of project 4 are…
The justifications for these characteristics are….
3 The Participants
3.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
3.1.1 Owne
The negotiating position of the owner will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are….
3.1.2 Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are….
3.1.3 Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are….
3.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
3.2.1 Owne
The negotiating position of the owner will be….
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are….
3.2.2 Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are….
3.2.3 Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are….
3.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
3.3.1 Owne
The negotiating position of the owner will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are….
3.3.2 Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are….
3.3.3 Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are….
3.4 Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating position and conflicts in relationships of the participants of this project are described below.
3.4.1 Owne
The negotiating position of the owner will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the owner may have are….
3.4.2 Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the designers may have are….
3.4.3 Contractors
The negotiating position of the contractors will be…
The potential conflicts in relationships that the contractors may have are….
4 The Negotiation Interaction Process
4.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating position recommended should be …
4.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating position recommended should be …
4.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating position recommended should be …
4.4 Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating position recommended should be …
5 The Negotiation Methods
5.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 the negotiating method recommended should be …
5.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
For Project 2 the negotiating method recommended should be …
5.3 Project 3: People and change
For Project 3 the negotiating method recommended should be …
5.4 Project 4: Funding
For Project 4 the negotiating method recommended should be …
6 The Outcome
6.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
The prefe
ed form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 1 is…
6.2 Project 2: Governance and decision-making
The prefe
ed form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 2 is…
6.3 Project 3: People and change
The prefe
ed form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 3 is…
6.4 Project 4: Funding
The prefe
ed form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 4 is…
The Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report is a communication tool that is used as the basis for managing negotiation, identifying conflict areas and stakeholder engagement.
Peña-Mora and Tamaki XXXXXXXXXXprovide a model (p. 106) described as a “Generic Negotiation Model”. In their model they identify that there are five basic elements: (1) the project; (2) the participants; (3) the negotiation interaction process; (4) the collaborative negotiation methodology; and (5) the outcome.
These five elements have been used to create this report. You should complete each of the sections below regarding:
Program Information
The Projects
The Participants
The Negotiation Interaction Process
The Negotiation Methods
The Outcome
This report is based on the contents of Peña-Mora F., and Tamaki T XXXXXXXXXXEffect of Delivery Systems on Collaborative Negotiations for Large -Scale Infrastructure Projects; Alfredson T., & Cungu A XXXXXXXXXXNegotiation Theory and Practice; Walker and Walker 2015 Collaborative Project Procurement A
angements; Directing plus Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009); A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition (2013); and Kerzner Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling XXXXXXXXXXPlease complete this report for the Recommendations (p. 9 & XXXXXXXXXXcontained in the KPMG 2012 Review of the Queensland Health Payroll System.
Guidance boxes like this should be deleted when you have finished with the contents: position the cursor on the border, left click when a cross appears and press delete.
The Projects.
QLD Health implemented a payroll system in 2010. The history and impact of this system has been reported in documents uploaded to Week 6 in the Moodle web site:
Case Study Files for Practical Assessments - QLD Health Payroll:
XXXXXXXXXXKPMG QLD Health Payroll Implementation Review.pdf
XXXXXXXXXXSecret Cabinet documents emerge - Courier Mail.pdf
XXXXXXXXXXQueensland Health Payroll System Commission of Inquiry Report.pdf
XXXXXXXXXXGrosser M 2014 Legal lessons - Government News.pdf
XXXXXXXXXXEden Sedera 2013 The Largest Admitted IT Project Failure in the Southern Hemisphere.pdf
In the KPMG XXXXXXXXXXQLD Health Payroll Implementation Review there are a number of recommendations and next steps made (p. 36-38):
Forward strategy for payroll system;
Governance and decision-making;
People and change;
Each of the recommendations can be thought of as a project.
In chapter 2 of the PMI Published Research: Theory and Practice - the book Collaborative Project Procurement A
angements XXXXXXXXXXby Derek H. T. Walker and Beverly M. Lloyd Walker, the authors present a number of project characteristics:
The Shenhar et al. Diamond Perspective: NCTP (p. 7);
The Turner and Cochrane Four-quadrant Perspective (p. 9);
Projects from an Organizational Learning Process Perspective (p. 9);
Projects from an Identity Perspective (p. 10);
Projects from a Complex Product-Services Perspective (p. 12);
Based on the information from the KPMG Review and other Case Study files on the Moodle Web site please identify and justify which of the above project characteristics per Walker & Walker XXXXXXXXXXcan be applied to the each of the four projects.
Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
The Participants.
Peña-Mora and Tamaki XXXXXXXXXXstate (p XXXXXXXXXXthat:
project participants’ roles, responsibilities, and relationships are used to identify their interests, positions, and attitudes;
…and the potential conflicts in those relationships.
For each of the four projects; identify the possible negotiating position of the project participants, and potential conflicts in relationships that may exist.
The identification of the three participants has been taken from Peña-Mora and Tamaki (2001), namely Owner, Designers, Contractors. However, you can substitute names that you think are more practical from the Case Study concerning QLD Health Payroll files on the Moodle web site.
Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
The Negotiation Interaction Process.
Alfredson & Cungu XXXXXXXXXXin their paper Negotiation Theory and Practice identify that there are a number of schools of thought regarding the approaches in negotiation (p. 9-18):
a structural approach;
a strategic approach;
a behavioural approach;
a concessional exchange approach;
…and an integrative approach.
For each of the four projects; identify the negotiating position you would recommend, and the justification for that negotiating position.
Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
The Negotiation Methods.
Alfredson & Cungu XXXXXXXXXXin their book Negotiation Theory and Practice provide summaries of their negotiation approaches (p XXXXXXXXXXKerzner XXXXXXXXXXalso identifies six items to be addressed in his small section titled Negotiation Phase (p XXXXXXXXXXFor each of the four projects; identify the negotiating methods you would recommend, and the justification for those negotiating methods.
If you wish to illustrate the method through a diagram or mind map then please insert the diagram as a JPG image in the each project below.
Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
The Outcome.
The final outcome from a negotiation process may be varied; however Walker and Walker XXXXXXXXXXidentify three
oad procurement approaches (p. 16-37).
Traditional—Segregated Design and Delivery Procurement Forms;
Focus on Integrated Design and Delivery Procurement A
angements—Emphasising Planning and Control;
Focus on Integrated Project Teams—Emphasizing Collaboration and Coordination
With each of the approaches
eaking down to a number of sub-forms:
1A Design Bid Build (DBB) (p. 17);
1B Cost reimbursement (Cost-Plus) (p. 18);
2A Design and Construct (D&C) (p. 19);
2B integrated Supply Chain Management (SCM) (p. 20+);
2C Management Contracting (MC) (p. 21);
2D consortia of Joint Venture (JV) contractors (p. 21+);
2E the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) family (p. 23+);
3A partnering philosophies (p. 25+);
3B integrated solutions; including Competitive Dialogue (CD), Integrated Project Delivery (IDP) and delivery consortia/partner philosophies (p. 27+);
3C alliancing including Project Alliances (PA), Design Alliances (DA) and program Service Alliances (SA) (p. 29+);
4 Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) (p. 35);
5 Framework agreements (p. 36).
Recommend and advise your prefe
ed form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for each project.
Delete this guidance box when you have finished with the contents.
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Page 4

Review of the Queensland Health Payroll System

Queensland Health
Review of the Queensland
Health Payroll System

31 May 2012
This report contains 45 pages
QH Payroll Review Report 31 May 2012
© 2012 KPMG, an Australian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.
All rights reserved.
Answered Same Day Jul 31, 2020 PPMP20011 Central Queensland University


Sangeeta answered on Aug 03 2020
147 Votes
Project Notification Form
Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
Name of Project
PPMP20011 Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report
1 Program Information
Program Name: Queensland Health Payroll Program
Date: 01/08/2018
Project Ownership: Queensland Health (QH)
Prepared by: Project mange
Distribution List: Stakeholders, Australian government.
1 The Projects
1.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For forward strategy for payroll system, Diamond Outlook: NCTP is considered as being the most suitable approach.
NCTP model basically signifies Novelty, Complexity, Technology as well as Pace (Cleland and Roland, 2006). First of all, Novelty and Complexity are basically represent,
eakthrough, derivative, assembly, a
ay and system. With respect to forward concept in payroll system, these both are appropriately employed for developing a list of prefe
ed payroll projects and it’s adopted for developing a completely fresh new means of considering problems (Alfredson and Cungu, 2008).
Technology is simply described as making sue of latest techniques or making use of recent approaches of technology (Kerzner, 2013). Phase is employed where there prevails earnestness towards task (Kerzner, 2013). Additionally, in forward appropriate payroll system, technology is adopted for the purpose of listing cots, benefits, schedule as well as risks. Phase is usually made use of at the time when there prevails work urgency.
1.2 cProject 2: Governance and decision-making
For governance and decision making, Projects from an Organizational Learning Process Viewpoint is the most appropriate strategy.
Decision forming as well as governance are the two things, which could be ca
ied out effectively through discussing regarding them in the groups. As per Organizational Learning Process Perspective, group of individuals meet in groups for achieving a mutual objective.
1.3 Project 3: People and change
For change and people projects from a market standpoint is considered as being the most suitable strategy. It has been observed that project belonging to an identity viewpoint is appropriate with respect to people and change for the reason that identity prevails within the culture as well as people (Alfredson and Cungu, 2008). This particular standpoint is employed for identifying cultures of the concerned stakeholder as well as the modification that are needed (Ha
ison and Lock, 2004).
1.4 Project 4: Funding
For purpose of funding, Projects belonging to a Complex Product-Services Standpoint is observed as being the most suitable strategy.
This particular viewpoint is appropriate in case of funding for the reason that it properly identifies the additional value along with intangible value requirements of the particular project. This particular standpoint puts forward the perfect idea for project funding (Walker and Walker, 2015).
2 The Participants
2.1 Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
For Project 1 conflicts as well as negotiating position with respect to the project participants has been highlighted in the continuing sections.
2.1.1 Owne
The negotiating position of the owner will be Queensland Health. Without any doubt it is quite powerful.
The prospective clashes owner might come across are recognizing, communicating and documenting the future payroll provision along with operating delivery frameworks that could be easily adopted through Queensland Health.
2.1.2 Designers
The negotiating position of the designers will be...

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