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GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS Letters Stationery One-page letter – letterhead Two-page letter – letterhead for first page, plain paper for second page Margins Short letter – left 2.54 cm, right 2.54...

1 answer below »
One-page letter – letterhead
Two-page letter – letterhead for first page, plain paper for second page
Short letter – left 2.54 cm, right 2.54 cm, bottom 2.54 cm
Medium/long letter – left 2.54 cm, right 2.54 cm, bottom 2.54 cm for all pages, top 2.54 cm for second page
Print Preview to check placement on page before printing. Adjust spacing between letterhead and date and in space for signature, if necessary.
i 11 point
Line spacing
Single line spacing
Paragraph spacing
No spacing before or afte
Open – no punctuation in opening and closing
Inserted at the beginning of letter and includes the filename and the initials of the person who has word-processed the document. E.g. filename/yi
Date format
Open e.g. 22 October 2014
Ensure that all dates in the body of the letter are consistent with this format.
Inside address
If known, include prefe
ed title (Mr, Ms, Mrs, and Miss), name of person/s receiving letter and their position. If title is unknown, use Mr or Ms, as relevant. Show the subu
town/city and state in upper case and the postcode with two spaces between each See sample letter on page 3.
Attention line
If required, insert attention line before salutation. Type in upper case and bold. See sample letter on page 3.
If known, use the person’s name, e.g. Dear Mr Carter. Otherwise, use Dear Sir or Madam, or Dear (job title).
Subject heading
If required, insert subject heading after salutation. Type in upper case and bold. See sample letter on page 3.
Complimentary close
When addressing to a specific person, use Yours sincerely. When you are not addressing to a specific person, use Yours faithfully.
Include name and position of person who will sign. See sample letter on page 3.
Enclosures and other notations
Use the notation enc for one enclosure and encs for more than one enclosure. Describe the item enclose to assist with mail handling, e.g. enc Production Information.
If documents are to be sent separately (under separate cover), insert the notation usc and a description of the item.
Letter of two pages or longer
Page 1 typed on letterhead. Page 2 and subsequent pages typed on plain paper: These pages should include identifying information on the following:
· name of addressee (company name)
· date
· page number.
Use the Header and Footer function to enter this information from page 2 onwards.
Envelopes and Labels
The address on envelopes typed as a label or printed directly on to the envelope if the printer has this capability.
The address on mailing labels printed directly onto the label.
Refer to Sample of letter on Page 3 – Inside Address for the required layout of the address.
If known, include prefe
ed title (Mr, Ms, Mrs, and Miss), name of person/s receiving letter and their position. If title is unknown, use Mr or Ms, as relevant. Show the subu
town/city and state in upper case and the postcode with two spaces between each
Use standard size DL envelopes.
Use Avery A5/A4 L7160 mailing labels.
Sample of one page lette
Formatting - Use single line spacing and no spacing before or after in paragraphs for the body of the letter – the No Spacing style in the styles group on the Home Ri
    PO Box 237
    56 Commonwealth Avenue
Reference (3 enters)
Date (3 enters)
Inside address
(3 enters)
Salutation (2 enters)
Subject heading
(optional) (2 enters)
Body (2 enters)
Complimentary close
(4 enters)
Signature block
(2 enters)
Enclosure notation
Filename of lette
your initials
28 March 2022
Mr John Carte
Delta Enterprises (Optional)
56 Caven Road
Dear Mr Carte
Last month you ordered a large number of stationery items from us.
These items come from overseas and there has been a delay in shipping from the country of origin. However, we expect to receive stock within the next two weeks. As soon as the stationery items a
ive at our warehouse, we will a
ange delivery to you.
If stock is required urgently, other stationery items substituted. I am enclosing a detailed list of our products and prices for your information. I will send a sample pack of stationery separately.
Please let me know if you wish to change your order.
Yours sincerely
Tanya Ridowski
Sales Manage
enc Product information
Sample of second page of two-page letter
Page 2 heading
Complimentary close
Signature block
Enclosure notation
Delta Enterprises
28 March 2022
Page 2
If stock is required urgently, other stationery items substituted. I am enclosing a detailed list of our products and prices for your information. I will send you a sample pack of stationery separately.
Please let me know if you wish to change your order.
Yours sincerely
Tanya Ridowski
Sales Manage
enc Product information

Letters - Style Guide - Version 2 April 2022        Page 2 of 4

    BSBITU306 - Assessment 2 Marking Criteria
    Student Name
    Student Numbe
    Unit Code/s & Name/s
    BSBITU306 – Design Business Documents
    Assessment Type
    ☒ Assignment ☒ Project ☐ Case Study ☐ Portfolio
☐ Third Party Report (Workplace) ☐ Third Party Report (Peer) ☐ Other
    Assessment Name
    Assessment 2
    Assessment Task No.
    2 of 3
    Assessment Due Date
    As per due dates in Connect
    Date submitted
    Assessor Feedback:
☒ Student provided with feedback (check box when completed)
    Attempt 1
    Satisfactory ☐
    Unsatisfactory ☐
    Attempt 2
    Satisfactory ☐
    Unsatisfactory ☐
    Assessor Name
    Assessor Signature
    Note to assessor: Please record below any reasonable adjustment that has occu
ed during this assessment e.g. written assessment given orally.
Assessment criteria / benchmarks
The evidence submitted demonstrates that the student satisfactorily:
    Attempt 1
    Attempt 2
    Task 1 – Northern Realty Letterhead
    Is co
ect as per sample given
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Has the borde
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Is saved as a template
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 2 – Staff Address Spreadsheet
    Addresses have been entered to adhere to Procedures – CITY and STATE in all Capitals
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    All information has been copied co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 3 – Commission Data Spreadsheet
    Have used Oliver Trading template and completed accordingly
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    All data columns are a consistent width
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Formulas and Charts have been created accurately and co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 4 – Mail Merge
    Main Letter has been created accurately
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    The Excel Table has been copied/linked co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    The merge works co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 5 - Adjustments
    The address has been submitted co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    The report has been printed in Landscape to PDF document
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 6 – Powerpoint Presentation
    The powerpoint has been co
ected as per instructions given
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    The graph has been copied/linked co
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    The footer includes ‘Created by: Your Name’
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Wording is accurate
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
    Task 7 – File/Folder Names
    All files and folders have been created as per instructions
    ☐    ☐    ☐    ☐
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    BSBITU306 Assessment Task 2
- Written
    Student Name
    Student Numbe
    Unit Code/s & Name/s
    BSBITU306 – Produce Business Documents
    Assessment Type
    ☐ Case Study ☒ Assignment ☐ Project ☐ Other (specify)
    Assessment Name
    Assessment 2
    Assessment Task No.
    Task 2of 3
    Assessment Due Date
    As per Unit Study Guide
    Date submitted
    Assessor Name
    As per Teacher page in Connect
    Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
    Student Signature
    PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.
Instructions to Student
    General Instructions:
Students must sign the form and complete all of the questions in the paper:
In this assessment, you will create five business documents. You are working for Oliver Trading Pty Ltd and have been contacted by Northern Realty Pty Ltd to develop documents for the Sales Department for distribution to certain district staff. You will prepare the information provided using various software which will effectively display and present the information.
Use the Oliver Trading Stationery Style Guides unless something different is specifically requested.
File naming and location requirements: Create a new folder named Northern Realty. When naming files include a description to identify the purpose of the document. All files will be saved to the company’s folder eg Northern Realty\ Letterhead template
Note: You will have to email your letterhead template for Task 1 to your facilitator for approval.
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
select appropriate technology and software for design and production of business documents
adhere to organisational requirements when:
selecting layout and style
opening and generating files
producing documents within designated timelines
naming and storing documents
printing and presenting documents
adhere to task requirements when producing documents including:
applying basic design principles
applying consistent formatting
using appropriate styles
using co
ect layouts
proofreading as required
use appropriate data storage options
apply knowledge of functions and features of contemporary computer applications
print and present completed documents.
You must:
identify appropriate technology for production requirements
describe functions and features of contemporary computer applications
outline organisational policies, plans and procedures
list organisational requirements for document design e.g. style guide.
Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will a
ange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
    Submission details
    Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.
Access the information in Connect for your Due Date.
Assessment to be submitted via
· TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect url: https:
· Username; 10 digit student numbe
· For Password: Reset password go to https:
    Instructions for the Assessor
    · Students to complete all questions using the apporopriate software
· Assessment documents to be uploaded to Connect for marking.
· This is an untimed assessment.
· Students are allowed access to any notes, workbooks and the internet to complete the assessment.
· Please refer to marking guide to ensure consistency, validity and fairness of student outcomes.
    Note to Student
    An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.
You are working for Oliver Trading Pty Ltd. and have been contacted by Northern Realty Pty Ltd to develop documents for the Sales Department for distribution to certain district staff. Ailsa Black is the manager of the Sales Department.
Your job as an admin officer at Oliver Trading is to prepare the information provided using various software which will effectively display and present the information.
Use the Oliver Trading Stationery Style Guides unless something different is specifically requested. Ensure you follow these guidelines.
Following is the information provided by the Sales Department and you are asked to prepare and present the information in an appropriate form ready to be mailed or faxed to the interested parties.
File naming and location requirements: Create a new folder named Northern Realty. When naming files include a description to identify the purpose of the document. All files will be saved to the company’s folder eg Northern Realty\ Letterhead template
Template File Location: Allow the templates to save to the Northern Realty folder. To use the template – Create a New document using New from Existing.
Evidence Required to be Submitted
· Letterhead Word Template
· Northern Realty District Staff Spreadsheet
· Commission for 3rd Qtr Spreadsheet
· District Main Word Document
· Northern Realty District Staff pdf
· District Conference PowerPoint
· Folder Screenshot
Note: All documents to be submitted electronically in the format in which the business document was created. (eg spreadsheet in Excel - please do not save as PDFs)
Task 1
    Task Form – Oliver Trading Pty Ltd
    Instructions: We have been instructed to create a custom Template for Northern Realty Letterhead.
Answered 1 days After Jan 09, 2023


Deblina answered on Jan 11 2023
37 Votes

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