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The purpose of this project is to analyze and critique an organization based on what is expected within a corporate strategy in regard to social responsibility. Prompt: Submit Sections II and III of...

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The purpose of this project is to analyze and critique an organization based on what is expected within a corporate strategy in regard to social responsibility. Prompt: Submit Sections II and III of the final project, which are the analysis of social responsibility and ethical decision making. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: II. Analysis of Social Responsibility. In this part of the project, you will begin your analysis of the case study, examining how the strategy plan of the organization in the case study considers social responsibility. a) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for compliance with the current acceptable standards or norms relative to social responsibility today. b) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for any gaps in social responsibility that might be potential risks to internal and external stakeholders. c) Predict the potential positive and negative impacts to internal and external stakeholders regarding social responsibility that would result from the strategy plan. In other words, what might happen to the employees and/or people involved in the company regarding social responsibility from this strategy plan? You could consider both the present and future impacts. d) Critique the evolution of strategy planning related to social responsibility within the organization. In other words, what may have influenced the evolution of strategy planning related to social responsibility unique to this organization? e) Explain how this organization is or is not consistent with regard to social responsibility when compared within its own industry and when compared to outside industries. Be sure to justify your response. III. Ethical Decision-Making. In this part of the project, you will continue your analysis of the case study, examining how the strategy plan of the organization considers ethics in decision-making processes. a) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for decision-making processes that it employs. In other words, based on the strategy plan, how does the organization make decisions? b) Explain how aspects of ethics were considered in the decision-making processes of the organization. In other words, what were the ethical considerations related to social responsibility in the decisions made by the organization? You could consider the connection between ethics and organizational decision making and how ethics influence those decisions. c) Analyze the organization’s strategy plan for any gaps in the decision-making process that could be considered potential risks to internal and external stakeholders.Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 3–4page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Answered Same Day Jul 23, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 24 2021
133 Votes
Running Head: Social Responsibility and Ethical Decision Making                1
Social Responsibility and Ethical Decision Making     
Table of Contents
Analysis of Social Responsibility    3
Compliance    3
Potential Risks    3
Positive and Negative Impacts    4
Evolution of Strategy Planning    4
Consistency with the Industry    4
Ethical Decision Making    5
Decision Making Processes    5
Ethics in Decision-Making Processes    5
Gaps in Decision-Making Processes    5
References    6
Analysis of Social Responsibility
    Google is a multinational technology company with its origin in America. This technology giant specializes in internet services and products such as search engine, cloud computing, advertising technologies and hardware as well as software resources. Google’s corporate social responsibility is directed in a way that it complies with the standards and norms of the social responsibility in the cu
ent scenario. Google’s corporate social responsibility follows the cu
ent standards and norms by focusing extensively on the enhancement of the natural environment. Google keeps its energy and water consumption in check and has been working on the reduction and recycling of waste material. Google has been an active participant of various programs and functions that work for the benefit of the underprivileged members of the society. Google has also been focusing on the needs and wants of its employees in order to fulfill its social responsibilities.
Potential Risks
    The strategic plan of Google is focused towards the education and learning of the underprivileged members of the society and has been focusing to eliminating unemployment and poverty. Though Google ranks at the top, when it comes to CSR, it has to focus on elimination of racial...

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