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the lab is already done, just have to complete the form. No plagiarism and the work should not be posted online.

1 answer below »

· Total Dissolved Solids in Water Samples (15 pts)
    Sample #
    Brand of Sample
    Relative amount of Solids/Comments
    Distilled Wate
Preparation of EDTA solution (10 pts)
Grams of EDTA required                        
    Mass of EDTA
(Analytical Balance)
    Mass of 250 mL flask
(Top Loading Balance)
    Tare mass
    Gross mass
    Net mass
moles of EDTA             mass of water             
Concentration of EDTA (use co
ect units and number of significant figures!) (15 Pts)
Molarity (M)                    
Insert your group’s data sheet here. (10 pts)

· Quantitative Determination of Calcium Ion in Water Samples by EDTA Titration (30 pts)
    Dist. Wate
    Sample 1
    Sample 2
    Trial numbe
    Brand Name
    Sample Volume XXXXXXXXXXor 10.00 mL)
    Initial Volume
    Final Volume (Vf)
    Net Volume
    mol EDTA
    molarity Ca2+
    Water Hardness
Questions (total of 20 pts)
· Do the qualitative and quantitative results co
elate? Explain your answer. (10 pts)
· Why is hard water undesirable for some household and industrial uses? Explain the problem(s) encountered with using very hard water in these applications using chemical equations. This may require a little research. (10 pts)

Sample # | Brand of Sample Relative amount of Solids/Comments
1 | Distiled Water No residue Left ) NO chonge cfte
t |Rlyine White vesidue Left in the shape ofa dplot
3 | Pguadna NO residue LfE , No change sbler]

Grams of EDTA required _o-dbig

‘Mass of EDTA Mass of 250 mL flask
(Analytical Balance) (Top Loading Balance)
Gabaacy XXXXXXXXXXAMS: 134 9
A Dist. Water Sample 1 eh ca Sample 2 [a Ca)
Brand Name Na |BlsereS Folloginm Aguafina
sample votume | 5 oo | some 25 ceml | 95.00mL
nia Volume (V9) | 0. Gone omvome 2:00 vl | 13.20ac
Fiaal Vome (V) | gm | 383ml |R:55me | 13@ 30rd] 3g.62me
Answered 1 days After Apr 11, 2024


Baljit answered on Apr 12 2024
9 Votes

· Total Dissolved Solids in Water Samples (15 pts)
    Sample #
    Brand of Sample
    Relative amount of Solids/Comments
    Distilled Wate
    No residue left and no change after evaporation
    S.Pellegrino Wate
    White residue left in the shape of a droplet
    No residue left and no change after evaporation
Preparation of EDTA solution (10 pts)
Grams of EDTA required        0.1461g                
    Mass of EDTA
(Analytical Balance)
    Mass of 250 mL flask
(Top Loading Balance)
    Tare mass
    Gross mass
    Net mass
· moles of EDTA =
· mass of water =248.124-0.1462=247.9778g
Concentration of EDTA (use co
ect units and number of significant figures!) (15 Pts)
Insert your group’s data sheet here. (10 pts)
· Quantitative Determination of Calcium Ion in Water Samples by Pellegrino Water (30 pts)
    Dist. Wate
    Sample 1
    Sample 2
    Trial numbe
    Brand Name
    S.Pellegrino Wate
    Sample Volume (25.00 or 10.00 mL)
    Initial Volume
(Vo) (in mL)
    Final Volume (Vf) (in mL)
    Net Volume (in mL)
    =38.3-0 =38.3

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