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The essay must be 2500 words in length. Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words. The essay must include a minimum of 12 academic references, one of which may...

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The essay must be 2500 words in length. Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words.

The essay must include a minimum of 12 academic references, one of which may by the assigned textbook for this course. Students should note this is the minimum standard for demonstration of research. Students who only meet the minimum will only receive the minimum grade for this component.

There is a late deduction of 2 points per day after the due date.

The essay must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title, and lecturer.

The essay must conform to the APA style guide.

This is a summative assessment so marks will not be released until after Certification of Grades.

Task Description:The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, so as to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved) so an to increase their communication effectiveness.

This assessment is aimed to assess your ability to demonstrate advanced knowledge in written communication and your skill to autonomously reflect about good practices in workplace communication. Through the process of self-reflection you will be able to improve your communication competencies through your knowledge of and ability to perform contextually appropriate communicative behaviors.

This assignment has three specific components.

1. Diagnosis and Reflection. 1000 words
a) Using 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, and assertiveness perception. You will be given the individual diagnostics during the tutorials. Your tutor/lecturer will check and sign-off that you have completed each individual diagnostic during the tutorials. This means that if you fail to attend some or any of tutorial you will not be able to receive and complete the diagnostics. The signed diagnostics must be attached to the end of the essay after the references.

b) You are to present the findings of the tools. In doing so you will show your understand of the results as they apply to your personal situation.

c) Based upon your analysis of the findings you are to identify two key communication issues that you have identified as requiring development.

d) Reflect on two recent professional interactions that you have had within the past 12 months. Analyse these interactions from the perspective of the two key communication issues that are identified as requiring development. To what extent are these evident and support the need for personal communication development?

2. Literature review 1000 words
You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed so as to demonstrate effective practice. This literature review needs to outline both the conceptually (theoretical) and behavioural (interpersonal) skills that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chose area of communication.

3. Action Plan 500 words:
As a conclusion you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviors identified as requiring development in component 1. This can include the following:
· undertaking specific short courses, to develop skills (must be actual courses),
· undertaking advanced post graduate communication courses at CQU or other institutions,
· a reading plan to acquire conceptual knowledge, that may include specific communication texts and self-help books (must be specified),
· maintaining of personal journals reflecting on communication interactions,
· Identification of a mentor (evidence must be provided).
This section must include actionable items with timelines (such as a Gantt chart) and an indication of how you will measure their successful completion.

Answered Same Day Oct 03, 2019 Swinburne University of Technology


David answered on Nov 26 2019
152 Votes
Diagnosis and Reflection
There are five communication diagnostic tools among several others that are used to measure the effectiveness of communication. In this context, first tool is “Annual employee survey”. This is a useful and important tool to individuals for measuring their communication style in the term of effectiveness. This tool works on the basis of three sections of communication face to face communication, written communication and oral communication. These sections include a set of different questions that facilitate an individual for measuring the effectiveness level of communication (Borg & Mastrangelo, 2009). According to this tool, I am good in face to face communication but oral and written communications are not strong and effective. Next tool is “Communications Style Questionnaire” that is quite effective to measure communication style of an individual as it measures the communication through some questions related to skills and ability. These questions give the answer to the effectiveness of communicating style of a person because it uses style of communication (McClement, 2012). As per the analysis of own communication style, I can say that I have ability to communicate accurately with others through indirect communication channel. I feel hesitation in direct communication with others. Third tool is “Johari Window”. It is a well known tool. This is because it facilitates an individual to know her or his skills and ability of communication (West & Turner, 2008). This window is divided into four quadrants. With the help of this, an individual may know those communication skills that are known to others but he or she does not recognize as well as those communication skills that are known to the person but others do not know. As per the analysis of this communication tool, my colleagues explained that writing based communication skill is my strength but they could not know that any learning skill which helps me to communicate with others through writing. I am also good in making a relationship with communication, but they do not explore it. As per this tool, it is also clear that in some areas of communication I am strong but I also face issues related to some areas of communication. An assertiveness questionnaire is fourth tool to measure the communication. This tool is a collection of some communication related questions which facilitate an individual to know about the effectiveness of their personal communication. This questionnaire includes opinion analysis, approach to communication and thinking along with other aspects which related personality of an individual with communication style. These questions facilitate in addressing communication gap (Cook, 2007). After using this communication tool, I observe lack of self-confidence that affects my personality when I communicate with others. Next tool is “Self-assessment”. This type of the communication measuring tool is also effective as it works on the basis of other’s feedbacks. In this method, the feedback provider provides feedback related to communication after making personal observations, and personal interactions (Rouco, 2015). Hence, this communication tool explores that an individual is good in face to face communication or ability and skills to communicate or not. On the basis of this analysis, I can say that I have a skill to make communication but I am not good in group communication. As a result, I cannot share my experience with group that shows negative communication skill.
According to the outcome of communication diagnostic tools, I face a problem in interpersonal communication due to lack of confidence that may be a cause of poor vocabulary. For being a good leader, a person should have the ability of interpersonal communication and a high level of confidence. Therefore, I think I have to work on interpersonal communication skill that may not be possible without the development in the confidence level. This is because confidence in communication replaces the hesitation and encourages a person to speak with confidence. Hence, I should have to consider the improvement in above defined lack areas through improvement in skills of self-learning as well as the improvement in ability of interpersonal communication. For these improvements, suggestions and feedbacks of seniors, family members, friends and relatives will help me to make improvement as they will observe my communication style in more effective manner.
I perform a role of team leader in my company. There are 25 employees in my team to conduct routine of jobs. To manage team member in an effective manner, I use skills related to interpersonal communication that facilitates me to make communication in a proper way. It also helps me to get learning from communication. To ensure better communication, I use the personal learning and interpersonal speaking skills and my team also provides their view related to problem in communication. Their recent report explains that they are facing issues in communication as I repeat sentences many times that create confusions.
In this context, I meet with the general manager and senior HR manager at different locations, when I participated in a program conducted by my organization. During the discussion, generally manager was ordering me to make changes in the team to improve the efforts and productivity of the team. During this conversation, I could not explain him that the team was facing issues due to the lack of effective conversation between team leader and team members. I could not explain that the productivity level of my team is good. This is because I hesitate to counter the statement of the manager.
When I...

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