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Task The next stage of the marketing audit is for you to consider the market for your organisation and evaluate the opportunities and threats that exist for your chosen organisation. NB: if you have a...

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The next stage of the marketing audit is for you to consider the market for your organisation and evaluate the opportunities and threats that exist for your chosen organisation. NB: if you have a number of markets it is a good idea to focus on just one.

Incorporating theoretical concepts into your discussion from chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6 (are these in relation to the new or the old version of the book) of the text, and with the use of other theoretical sources and secondary research, please discuss the following:

1. Briefly describe the industry market for your organisation and evaluate current trends in:
a. Growth
b. Profitability
c. Macro environment ( PESTLE factor)

2. Describe the nature of competition in your industry. Explain and analyse your organisation’s place in the market by comparing and contrasting its strengths and weaknesses to your main competitor.

3. Outline and examine the major market segments for your organisation and identify your primary and secondary target markets.

4. Discuss the level of involvement your primary segment is likely to have towards your organisation in terms of the decision making.

5. Taking into consideration the primary segment, their level of involvement and the competition, create a positioning map for the market place.

You need to select an Australian based organisation or you could select an International organisation but it needs to have a presence in Australia. (I.e. Apple is acceptable since you can purchase their products in Australia. Ensure that you review the Australian market and consumers.)
Given that companies usually have a wide product offering that may cater to different market segments, it is encouraged that you focus on 1 product / service to streamline your analysis.
Also, you need to select a B2C market so that you can profile your target markets effectively.

More information on how to complete this assessment will be provided on Interact 2.


This assessment assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • be able to find relevant and important information about organisations, their industries and marketplacesfrom secondary sources;
  • beable to evaluate the key marketing aspects of segmentation, targeting and positioning(STP)and be able to analyse an organisation's approach to STP.
Marking criteria

Criterion:The various skills to be assessedFail XXXXXXXXXX%)Pass XXXXXXXXXX%)Credit XXXXXXXXXX%)Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%)High Distinction (85+)
Communication SkillsThis is about the presentation of the work including: Structure, Format, Grammar, including imagesValue 15%Grade range 0-6Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, concepts were not clear, no paragraphs or formatting- no images, tables or illustrations.Marks 0 – 2.9Some grammatical errors, sentenceswere clear and completeReport format used.Clear structure and formatting using headings,and sub headings, some illustrations and diagrams, but not explained and only decorative.Marks 3 – 3.8Minor grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete,.Report format used.Structure and format were used to aid the reader including diagrams, tables and images, that were relevant to argument, but were still not fully explained or described.Marks 3.9 – 4.4Free of grammatical errors.Report format used.Structure and format were clear Sentences were well constructed. Language was concise. Excellent use of diagrams, images and tables that were both visually appealing as well as clearly relevant and explainedMarks XXXXXXXXXXFree of grammatical errors.Report format used.Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent. Sentences were well constructed. Exceptional use of diagrams, images and tables, clearly relevant, explained and insightful links madeMark 5.1 – 6
Theoretical analysis skills
This criterion is about defining, describing and evaluating the conceptsthat were found when researching the topicValue 30%
Concepts were not defined, described or evaluated, mainly listed without explanationMarks 0-4.5Concepts were defined, there was an attempt to provide descriptions with examples to explain, limited analysisMarks 5 – 6.4Clear and relevant definitions and descriptions with examples, some attempt to develop analysis by comparing and contrasting of conceptsMarks 6.5 – 7.4Clear definitions, descriptions with examples and analysis of concepts with comparison, with clear evaluations and conclusionsMarks XXXXXXXXXXClear definitions, descriptions with examples and analysis of concepts with highly insightful and perceptive comparisons, evaluations and conclusionsMarks XXXXXXXXXX
Application skills
This criterion is about linking theory to a specific context, explaining how it relates to a product/company and making recommendationsValue 40%
There was no or limited application to the case study, no examples provided no recommendationsMarks 0- 6.9Case study was described and identified. The context was connected briefly to theory, but the recommendations was not well supported by argumentsMarks 7 - 9Case study was described and identified. The context was connected to theory with clear links. There were relevant market discussion and recommendations were supportedMarks 9.1 – 10.4Case study described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear, creative and logical links. There were relevant,well supportedrecommendations and market discussions with explicit connections to theoreticalargumentsMarks 10.5 – 11.8Case study described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with exceptional, logical and imaginative links. The market discussions and recommendations were highly relevant , realistic and supportedwith explicit connections to theoreticalargumentsMark XXXXXXXXXX
Referencing Skills
This criterion was about the application of APA6th referencingValue 15%
There was limited or no attempt at in text or end of text referencingMarks 0 – 2.4There was an attempt to apply referencing, but styleand application were inconsistent and some points remain unreferencedMarks 2.5 – 3.2Referencing applied. However style/application was inconsistent with some errors in text/reference listMark 3.3 – 3.7Both the in text and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA6.Marks 3.8 – 4.2Both the in text and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA6. Referencing apparent in all places where expectedMarks XXXXXXXXXX

No marks awarded but a maximum of 10 marks each may be deducted for errors in the following:

Word count (+/- 10%)

Turnitin text match (max 20%)


Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin. Details can be found on Interact 2. Text match should not be more than 20%.You must use a report format which must include all components of a report. You need not however include an executive summary. Referencing should use APA 6th edition - see CSU library for tutorials and guide.

It is recommended that your name, student ID and page number be included in the header or footer of every page of the assignment.

Answered Same Day Apr 08, 2020


Akansha answered on Apr 09 2020
135 Votes
Market Analysis for Coles
Student’s Name-        1 | Page
Student’s Number-        
Unit Code
Professor’s Name
Introduction    2
Analyses for Coles    3
Growth    3
Profitability    4
Macro Environment Analysis    4
Competitive Analysis    6
Nature of Competition    6
Comparison and Contrast of Strengths and Weaknesses    6
Market Segmentation of Coles    8
Impact of Primary Segment on Decision-Making    9
Positioning Map for Coles    10
Conclusion    11
Recommendations    11
References    13
In Australia, the Supermarkets and Grocery Stores industry demonstrates a fierce competition between big players like Coles, ALDI, and Woolworths. The cut-throat competition has made the big players to reduce their profit ratios to stay competitive. Also, regular analysis of the market is demanded to develop effective marketing strategies to capture the targeted customer segment. For developing the effective strategy, the analysis of the factors that may affect the company needs to be analysed like the cu
ent company's position against the competitors, environmental analysis, internal analysis, and deciding the target customers in the coming period (Rennhoff, 2008).
Coles Supermarkets Australia Private Limited or more famously known as just Coles is the organization that run supermarkets, consumer and retail service chain. It was found in 1941 and cu
ently operates 801 supermarkets spread all over Australia being headquartered in Melbourne. Due to the increasing competition between the major players of the Supermarket industry, there has been a decline in growth and profitability ration for Coles. This has raised the need for the market analysis to decide where cu
ently the company is standing in the competition and what needs to be done to improve its positioning in the market (Pearson, 2017). The given paper conducts the analysis for Coles in the Australian market.
Fig 1: - Value and Vision of Coles
Source: - https:
Analyses for Coles
The increasing competition in the supermarket industry is taking a toll on the profit earning and growth of Coles, and it is showing in the numbers. The buoyant expansion that Woolworths and ALDI are has been strategizing for the Australian supermarket is reflecting in the market share of Coles. The company has gained a growth of approximately 3% in the year, though the company review says it to be approximately 4%. The supermarket industry of Australia is calculated nearly of $101 billion and employs over 360,000 people (Nakos, 2017). Thus, any change in the business proposition or the strategy affects the large population of the country. The IBISWorld has revealed that the revenue of the industry has reduced a little in the year 2016-2017 due to extreme price competition taking place between Woolworths and Coles.
Fig 2: - Cu
ent Market Position of Coles against its Competitors
Source: - https:
Though with the increasing online purchasing trend it is expected that the industry will recover and approximately show a growth of 1% in the coming year that is 2017-18 (IBISWorld, 2018).
The Wesfarmers group has recently published they're earning from the various business operation it conducts, and it showed that the Coles has proved to the highest revenue grosser for the business group. The supermarket has recorded the amount of $39 billion in the year 2017 against all odds and competitions (IBISWorld, 2018).
Fig 3: - Wesfarmers 2107 revenue by group
Source: - https:
Macro Environment Analysis
To analyse the external factors those can affect the working of an organization ultimately affecting the overall growth and profit earning ration of the company the PESTLE analysis is very resourceful. The PESTLE analysis for Coles in the Australian market is as follows: -
Political Factors- Coles and Woolworths are the two giants of the retail industry making the Australian market of duopolistic. Recently, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken a number of decisions to control the duopolistic nature of the industry and to decrease the entry ba
iers so that new players could enter and operate in the market. Resulting the bargaining power of customers will increase, and competition will become more severe (Dutta, 2018).
Economic Factors- the latest economic downturn in Australia has made the population very sensitive to the prices. Their spending habits have also taken a control. To capture the market, Coles has been offering products at lowest possible margin. Though, the same technique is being used by the competitors also, which is developing a ‘Price War’ which could be survived by only deep pocket players.
Social Factors- serving the customers and developing the
and loyalty is the foremost mission of Coles. Therefore, the company is enjoying a good status in the community and social circle in Australia. It has won the Fairtrade Retail Chain of the Year. It is also helping in improving the cancer care for children and young. The issue of food insecurity is also addressed by the company since 2011.
Technological Factors- The company has identified the reach of technology and therefore introduced the online services of Coles. The website has yet not gained the desired momentum, but the management is working to develop it into a full fledged e-commerce retail business for the company. Though the importance of the internet is known by all competitors and they are also
inging fresh techniques to attract the customers making it difficult for Coles to develop its online retail market.
Legal Factors- In 2014, ACCC...

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