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Task The Assignment requires you to produce a series of Tables from researched data and some comments based on comparisons of the data in the Tables. You are also expected to write short...

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The Assignment requires you to produce a series of Tables from researched data and some comments based on comparisons of the data in the Tables. You are also expected to write short observations/opinions on these Tables.

This task is to be undertaken by referring to:

  • Australia
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • The United Kingdom
  • The United States of America

The six regions chosen represent major economies in the world at this time.
The numerical data you use can be accessed in the “Countries and Regions” section of the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) website. Look for the "fact sheet" PDF.

You will be provided with addtional links to find the information, and the layout required for the Table, through the Resources page in Interact.

There are 3 sections to this task: Economics, Culture, Politics & Legal

Part 1: Grow and Trade
Part 2: Culture including Religion
Part 3: Politics and Legal systems:
Each part will be marked as shown and the whole assignment is worth 20% of the overall subject assessment of 100%

Part 1 Growth and Trade (4 marks)
Using the Fact Sheets of the six countries provide the following two tables for the years 2016 and 2017. These Facts Sheets information can be located on the DFAT website - "Countries and Regions".

Part 1 Table 1
1. Real GDP Growth
2. GDP per capita
3. Current Account Balance

Part 1 Table 2
1. Australian merchandise trade with the other countries, showing exports imports and total trade
2. Australian Total Investment in these countries and the Total Investment in Australia by the four other regions
3. Australia’s major exports to each of the countries and Australia’s major imports from the countries. Please provide both the item description (eg Coal, Gold etc) as well as the value in Australian dollars.

Part 2 - Culture(s) and Religion(s): (4 marks)

Using Briefing Notes from the DFAT website and data from or other sources (recommended web-sites such Hofstede, the text, as well as Briefing Notes on the DFAT site). Write a brief statement of the different cultural practices, religions, education and languages of each of these countries.
Your statement should be able to provide someone who knows nothing about the countries with a comprehensive overview of what to expect if they arrive in that country to do business. It should be approximately 100 words for each country (600 words in total).

Part 3 - Political and Legal Systems: (4 marks)
Using DFAT data and data from other sources (such as the CIA "World Fact Book"), describe the type of Political and Legal Systems that exist in the five regions currently.
You should provide information on the right to vote, the frequency of elections, the political structure (Democracy, Republic. Communist etc), and the relationship between the Legislature and the Judiciary. This should be approximately 100 words per country (600 words in total).

Finally, write briefly about two things you have learned and you think are important about Parts 1, 2 & 3 with regard to International Management (approx. 200 words in total).

Please note this is a list of short commentaries, of approximately 1,800 to 2,000 words, on your findings and presentation of the data.

It is not meant to be a 2000 word essay.

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


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This assessment task will work towards assessing the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to evaluate the implications for managing teams and businesses in a globalised world.
  • be able to research the political, legal and economic environment of a country and analyse managerial implications for leading teams and operating a business.

This assessment task is designed to assist students to:

  • Be able to research the political, legal and economic environment of a country and analyse managerial implications for leading teams and operating a business;
  • To learn how to access relevant accurate data, extract specific data requirements and present the comparable data
  • To gain knowledge of some of these countries natural and man-made endowments which can enlighten current trading and development relationships

Answered Same Day Jul 31, 2020


Amar answered on Aug 05 2020
142 Votes
Running Header: Economics, Culture, Politics & Legal Analysis
Report                                            1
Economics, Culture, Politics & Legal Analysis Report        11
Economics, Culture, Politics & Legal Analysis Report
Economics, Culture, Politics & Legal Analysis Report
Part 1 – Growth & Trade
The below Table 1 presents the detailed comparative figures for the years 2016 and 2017 for the countries of Australia, China, India, Japan, United Kingdom and United States of annual rate of real GGP growth, per capital average GDP, and, cu
ent account balance on an average level. As it can be noted China and India have higher levels of growth rate. China, a recently developed nation and India, a developing nation tend to have such higher growth rates. In a relative level, other nations (all developed ones including Australia) have relatively lower growth rates.
Table 1 – GDP & Cu
ent Account Balance
    Economic growth comparison between countries
    Real GDP Growth (%)
    Average GDP per capita
    Average Cu
ent Account Balance
    (US Dollar)
    (US Dollar)
Source: World Bank (2018)
The below Table 2 presents the relationship between Australia and major economies of China / EU / India / Japan / UK / US in terms of export / import value, investments and goods wise export / import with values. As it can be noted, China is the biggest trading partner of Australia and EU and US have both made significant investments in Australia. As far as trade goes, coal, ores and gold represent significant exports by Australia.

Table 2 A – Exports & Imports
AUD Million
AUD Million
AUD Million
Source: DFAT (2018a), DFAT (2018b), DFAT (2018c), DFAT (2018d), DFAT (2018e), DFAT (2018f)
Table 2 B – Investments
    Investments in Australia
AUD Million
    Investments by Australia
AUD Million
Source: DFAT (2018a), DFAT (2018b), DFAT (2018c), DFAT (2018d), DFAT (2018e), DFAT (2018f)
Table 2 C – Exports & Imports Goods Wise
    Major Exports
AUD Million
    Major Imports
AUD Million
    Iron Ores & Concentrates – 51,660
Coal – 11,792
Wool & Other Animal Hair – 2,741
Copper Ores & Concentrates – 1,970
    Telecom Equipment & Parts – 7,468
Computers – 5,463
Furniture, Mattress & Cushions – 2,758Prams, Toys, Games & Sporting Goods – 2,405
    Coal – 3,886
Gold – 2,855
Oil Seeds, Oleaginous fruits – 1,559
Alcoholic Beverages – 615
    Passenger Motor Vehicles – 6,656
Medicaments – 4,263
Pharm Products – 2,404
Goods Vehicles – 1,179
    Coal – 9,181
Vegetables – 1,377
Gold – 689
Copper Ore & Concentrates – 688
    Refined Petroleum – 1,554
Medicaments – 335
Pearls & Gems – 274
Railway Vehicles – 199
    Coal – 16,499
Iron Ores & Concentrates – 5,588
Beef – 1,991
Copper Ores & Concentrates – 1,260
    Passenger Motor Vehicles – 7,609
Refined Petroleum – 2,810
Gold – 2,271
Good Vehicles – 1,614
    Gold – 2,801
Lead – 493
Alcoholic Beverages – 361
Silver &...

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