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Introduction In present scenario, formulation of proper business strategies and adopting effective communication tool is crucial for managing business operations and activities. There is vital impact...

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In present scenario, formulation of proper business strategies and adopting effective communication tool is crucial for managing business operations and activities. There is vital impact of business strategy and electronic communication on smooth functioning and operations of business. At the forefront level, management strategy helps in defining action plans, allocating necessary resources, managing functional units, aligning business activities with emerging changes, etc. It can be said as business firm moves in vague direction in the absence of proper strategies and action plans whereas formulation of strategies and action plans provides direction to the business firm and defines manner of attaining goals and objectives. In the same token, electronic communication is considered as an advanced tool of communication allowing business to connect in easier and convenient manner. This transition of communication process from paper to electronic medium helped in replacing hassles or difficulties arising in traditional communication. It provides an easier and quicker way to communicate and performing assigned tasks timely with no delay causing due to information gap.
Project objective
The project objective is to, ‘explore and outline the implications of management strategy and electronic communication on business performance’.

Answered Same Day Oct 14, 2019 Swinburne University of Technology


David answered on Dec 28 2019
134 Votes
Reflective learning
This reflective assessment is done on the subject titled, ‘Impact of management strategy and electronic communication on business performance’ for outlining key themes and aspects learned, with regard to the research study. It is worth mentioning that research proposal on the defined subject holds high significance as it helped in providing several crucial insights regarding management strategy and electronic communication. Both personal and professional sets of learning are improved with the help of this research proposal as it has thrown light on significant business aspects. The summarised presentation of learning and experience gained in this research proposal is presented below:
1) Evaluating the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience
In overall terms, this learning process has proved an interesting experience to me. Business management and its related aspects have always gained my attention through developing curiosity and eagerness to learn new facts and aspects. The value and significance of this learning process can be stated in terms as I have spent considerable time of time in sourcing referencing materials and preparing write-up accordingly. The time and effort put by me in gathering required information and writing research proposal evidences its value and significance (Phillips & Gully, 2013).
Another reason for considering this learning process as an interesting phenomenon is its well-defined structure started from definition of project aims, scope, rationale, objectives, literature review, and ends with preparation of time schedule. This well-defined and clearly articulated structure never made me feel as proceeding in vague direction, collecting pool of information with no purpose in mind, and equipping with confusions and queries (Pynes, 2013).
2) Explain how this learning process will be useful to you?
This leaning process holds high range usefulness in context to future career, general or routine life, course and program. In daily routine life, individuals are coming across the fact that global world is equipped with millions of business firms functioning effectively, thereby paving path of excellence and growth to the world economy. This factor automatically develops the urge among young professionals, students, and adults as how renowned and reputed business firms are operating and functioning, that they get success in marking their name and presence historically (Rumsey, Walker & Ha
is, 2013). Management strategy and adoption of technological advancements is one major factor driving business performance, which is addressed by underlying research proposal. This general and
oader level understanding in routine or general life terms is fostered by this proposal.
Secondly, research proposal also paved me one step further in the path of professional career terms. As business management appeared an interesting subject to me, I would prefer pursue career in...

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