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Simply answer three question What are the most effective practices to negotiate an increase in remuneration? How can you use these skills in other negotiations? And what are the advantages of being...

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Simply answer three question
  • What are the most effective practices to negotiate an increase in remuneration?
  • How can you use these skills in other negotiations?
  • And what are the advantages of being able to negotiate?
Answered Same Day May 28, 2020 MGT5ARP La Trobe University


Azra S answered on May 29 2020
153 Votes
What are the most effective practices to negotiate an increase in remuneration?
Negotiation in itself is a challenging skill that not everyone can master. It takes time and effort to develop this skill. In particular, negotiating an increase in remuneration can be very difficult because it involves communicating with a superior, who has a power advantage. It is important to have a good relationship with the manager beforehand. It is also important to choose the right timing and to show your manager how the increase in remuneration can be beneficial for the company. Leveraging the negotiation in the manager's favor...

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