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Health Information Systems Acquisition and Implementation Required Reading Ayatollahi, H XXXXXXXXXXConfirmation of expectations and satisfaction with hospital information systems: A nursing...

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Health Information Systems Acquisition and Implementation
Required Reading
Ayatollahi, H XXXXXXXXXXConfirmation of expectations and satisfaction with hospital information systems: A nursing perspective. Health Information Research, XXXXXXXXXX–332. Retrieved from: https:
Karimia, F XXXXXXXXXXClinical information systems end user satisfaction: The expectations and needs congruencies effects. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 53:342–354. Retrieved from: http: XXXXXXXXXX
Kushniruk,, A XXXXXXXXXXIncreasing the safety of healthcare information systems through improved procurement: Toward a framework for selection of safe. Healthcare Quarterly, 13:53-58. Retrieved from: http:
VIDEO: Health Information Management at Houston Healthcare. Retrieved from: https:
Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2020


Kuldeep answered on Jul 26 2020
152 Votes
Running head: Article Review
Article Review
Article Review
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Article Review
In addition to the technical problems of implementing Clinical Information Systems, some non-technical factors should also be considered. In it, more attention is needed in the form of clinical functions and institutional culture to allow successful design and implementation of the operating system.
My expectations for satisfaction playing the role of end-user: I think the healthcare delivery system has undesirable characteristics of the poor protein, treatment variability and excellent quality of care. Therefore, there is a great pressure to reduce medical costs and medical costs while improving patient safety. User intent and cu
ent intentions are related to their solutions with the...

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