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Research assignment Purpose: The assessment is to assess students: • Deeper understanding on international trade and investment theories, policies and practices • Ability to apply relevant theories,...

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Research assignment

Purpose: The assessment is to assess students:

• Deeper understanding on international trade and investment

theories, policies and practices

• Ability to apply relevant theories, policies and tools in critical

analysing, decision making and problem solving

• Ability to conduct in-depth research to solve international trade

and investment issues and problems and pursue for long-life

further studies

• Skills to communicate analysis and findings effectively to

relevant stakeholders

• Ability to work in a group and manage


Assignment Topic: “Analyse international trade and investment performance of Australia with its major trading partners under recent policy developments”

Description: This is an individual assignment. Each student will be assigned a research problem/ topic in relation to international trade and investment. Student will have to undergo an in-depth research to examine, critically analyse, make decision and solve problems using appropriate concepts, relevant theories, policies and tools in international trade and investment. Student will have to communicate research findings effectively in their report in the form of recommendations to the solution of the problems.

Topics to be covered: Knowledge and skills from week 1 to 11, with emphasis on the concepts/ theories/ analysis and interpretation/ application/ research/ evaluation/ argument/ problem solving and communication.

Assessment length

Each student will prepare the assignment with a maximum of 5000 words (excluding Reference List [Harvard Style]). The assignment will be typed in 1.5 line spacing on one side only of single sheet of A4 using 12-point size type with normal margins.

Criteria to grade quality

Marks will be awarded based on the following key criteria but not limited to:

• Addressing the key concepts and issues of the problem

• Linking concepts related to the topic and studied in the unit

• Addressing the theories and policies and/ or frameworks related to the topic and studied in the unit

• Depth of research, data collection and use

• Critical analysis and linkage of the theories and policies and/ or

frameworks and their practice

• Implications of the theories and policies and/ or frameworks

in the context of the problem

• Quality of arguments, logical conclusions and

recommendations based on analysis

• Clearly identified implications to management from issues

and problems addressed

• General quality of the format and presentation of the research.

• Use of appropriate references citations

Answered Same Day Jun 08, 2021


Komalavalli answered on Jun 12 2021
157 Votes
Market openness and Australia growth:
Extensive structural reforms and market openness measure initiated from 1980, Australia finds a favourable policy measure compared to other nation in the world with respect to global recession 2008.Australia resist the effect of the economic downturn relatively better compared to other nation because of openness policy measure. Before the out
eak of recession Australia was enjoying an uninte
upted average economic growth close to 4%.This is considered to be one among highest growth compared with other countries in OECD nation and unemployment in tour nation also reached to 33 year low level. Let us analyse international trade and investment performance of Australia with its major trading partners under recent policy developments.
Trade pattern of Australia:
Pattern of Australia export
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
From above export graph we can say that Australia’s export were felt a decrease in export from $300 million to $250 million during recession time and after that the export of Australia shows an increasing trend till 2018-2019.During 2018-19 more than 53,000 goods exporter had an opportunity to export a record o $373 billion worth of goods, this indicates 18.3 % growth in export compared to previous year.
Pattern of Australia import:
Below charts represent Australia trade import from other nation for the period 2008-09 to 2018-2019. Australia’s import were felt a decrease in export from $300 million to $250 million during recession time and after that the import of Australia shows an increasing trend till 2018-2019.Import of the nation includes wide range of goods and services .Half of the total imports of Australia came from Asia .The import have been increased by 6.5% to $421.4 billion.
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Australia’s export Based on sectors
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Top three sectors which contributed most for Australia export are Minerals and Fuel sector ($239.38 billion), Service sector ($97.1 Billion) and Manufacture sector ($54.0 Billion).Mineral sector export grown by 26.4 %, out of which iron ore, coal and natural gas are the most exported goods. Service sector export increased to 10.2 percent in 2018-19.Education and tourism contributed mostly for the growth of service sector export, there is a strong demand for Australia’s high quality education and tourism from foreign nation. Manufacture sector of Australia employ around 900,000 Australian’s which pave the way for adapting new technologies and developing high value added services and goods by the nation in world market.
Australia’s import Based on sectors
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Top three sectors which contributed most for Australia import are intermediate and other ($132.38 billion), Service sector ($101.6 Billion) and Consumption goods ($54.0 Billion).
Australia Top 10 export destination:
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Top 10 export destinations areTaiwan,United State, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea,Singapore,China, , United Kingdom, India, and Malaysia. Out f 10 nations Australia were exporting most of its goods and services to China (32.6%), Japan (13.1%) and republic of Korea (5.9%).
Australia Top 10 export destination:
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Top 10 export destinations areSingapore, Japan, China,United States, Republic of Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, and Malaysia. Out f 10 nations Australia was imported most of its goods and services from Japan (6.4%), UnitedStates (12.3%) and China (19.4%)
Australia Bilateral trade by regions
Source: Trade and investment at a glance 2020
Bilateral trade indicates both the nation having a transaction of importing and exporting goods and services, which is also known as two way trade. By looking at bilateral pie chart we can say that 65.7% of Bilateral trade is with Asia region and other nation is about 34.3%.When we look deeper in to Asian region china contribution wass high ($235.0Bllion) next to that Japan ($88.58 Billion), Republic of Korea ($41.4 Billion), ASEAN ($123.87 B), other Asia ($97.4B).Other nation involved in bilateral trade are Europe ($127.5 B), America ($98.78B), Oceania ($42.8B) , Africa ($11.2B), and other ($25.3B).
Analysis on performance of Australia main trading partners China and Japan
Trade performance of Australia and trading partner Japan:
Merchandise trade export from Australia to Japan decreased for the period 2013-16.After that Australia export to Japan started to grow and Australia exported around A $59, 1909 million in the year 2018-19 which is about 15.8% of total export. Merchandise trade imports from Japan to Australia were maintained between A $20,000 million to A $25,000 million from 2013-14 to 2018-2019 which is about 7% of total import.
Source: Factsheets of Japan, daft
In 2018-2019 Australia’s major export to Japan are Natural gas (A$ 20,244m), coal (A$19,288m), Iron ores and concentrates (A$ 5,752m), Beef (A$ 2,305 m).Country major import from Japan are passenger motor vehicles (A$ 7,908 m), refined petroleum (A$ 3,998m), goods vehicle (A$ 1,872 m) and gold (A$1,100 m).
Country’s major service exports in 2018-19 aretransport (A$ 519 m) and personal travel excluding education (A$1,107) and major import services of this year are personal travel excluding education (A$2738m) and transport (A$ 1172m).
From this trade we can say that that Australia’s exporting is dependent on abundant natural resources and importing capital oriented goods from Japan
Australia investment relationship with Japan
Total investment of Australia in Japan in 2018-19 is A$ 112996 m out which FDI is A$ 1, 313m. Japan total investment in Australia's A$ 229,346 m out which FDI is A$ 105,898 m.From this we can say that Japan is investing more in Australia.
Australia ranks in 9th position in Japan’s principal export destination (2.3%) while it ranks in 3rd position in Japan’s principal import source (6.1%) in 2018.
Trade performance of Australia and trading partner China:
Merchandise trade export from Australia to China decreased for the period...

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