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References Australia High Court XXXXXXXXXXAustralian High Court. Retrieved from: Badland, H., Whitzman, C., Lowe, M., Davern, M., Aye, L.,...

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Australia High Court XXXXXXXXXXAustralian High Court. Retrieved from:

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Education Australia XXXXXXXXXXDepartment of Education & Training. Retrieved from:

Fay, B. (2014).Social theory and political practice (RLE social theory). Routledge.

Groenewegen, P., & McFarlane, B. (2014).A History of Australian Economic Thought (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.

Hill, L XXXXXXXXXXPolitical theory in the Australian Journal of Political Science: A review.Australian Journal of Political Science,50(4), XXXXXXXXXX.

NAA XXXXXXXXXXNational Archives of Australia. Retrieved from:

NGA XXXXXXXXXXNational Gallery of Australia. Retrieved from:

Ritzer, G., & Stepnisky, J. (2017).Modern sociological theory. SAGE Publications.

Sabatier, P. A., & Weible, C. M. (Eds XXXXXXXXXX).Theories of the policy process. Westview Press.

Sheppard, J., & Biddle, N XXXXXXXXXXClass, capital, and identity in Australian society.Australian Journal of Political Science,52(4), XXXXXXXXXX.

Answered Same Day Feb 20, 2020 CHCPRP003 Training.Gov.Au


Sangeeta answered on Feb 23 2020
150 Votes
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Assessment 1 Knowledge task
Assessment 1 Knowledge    3
Part A extended response    3
Part B Personal Development Plan    4
Assessment 1 Knowledge
    Assessment Event
    of (number of events)
    Assessment Method
    Knowledge evidence
    Type of Assessment
    Knowledge task
    Conditions of Assessment
    Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace or simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions
    Resources/Materials to be used
    Facilities, equipment, resources and procedures as used in the workplace.
Modelling of industry operating conditions and contingencies.
ent legislation, regulations and codes of practice; organisation policies, procedures and protocols.
ectly and fully answer all questions
    Criteria for successful completion
    To achieve a satisfactory result you must answer each question with an appropriate response.
This knowledge assessment is used by the assessor to assess the learner’s knowledge. This assessment forms one piece of evidence and should be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence in the assessment process.
The learner must answer each question with an appropriate response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Part A extended response
What strategies would you employ to conduct self-evaluation?
I would employ the below strategies for conducting self-evaluation:
· Evaluating the present skills with the desired skills.
· Honestly evaluating the strengths and areas one needs to enhance
· Taking part more productively in evaluation by meeting with the superviso
· Responding to a sequence of questions, which could help them in evaluating their performance during the evaluation process
Why is it important to reflect on your own practice?
It is quite important to reflect upon your own practice. At the time when one self‐assesses he/she becomes an active contributor in his/her own assessment.  The involvement makes possible for the person to honestly evaluate the strengths and areas one needs to enhance.  The individual could take part more productively in the evaluation meeting with the supervisor.  Moreover, self‐evaluation also helps in increasing commitment for goal setting/accomplishment, competency progress as well as career planning.
How can you access information about cu
ent and emerging industry developments?
· Taking benefit of industry research as well as trends reports
· Regularly following publications and influencers within the market
· Using distinct tools and analytics approaches for identifying the course where trends are moving.
· Making it a point to su
ound oneself with intelligent people
· Building and maintaining a close team of advisers
· Asking the co
ect questions and listening to the customers
· Learn to accept--and even em
How can you encourage co-workers to reflect on their work practices and evaluate their own skills             areas for development and/or learning needs to improve the organisation’s professional practice?
The staff members can be simply encouraged to reflect upon their work practices and evaluate their own skills areas for development by making them attentive about the need and importance of self-evaluation upon their present and future career. Employees should be asked to respond to a sequence of questions, which could help them in evaluating their performance during the evaluation process.
A Code of Ethics may include the following values. Select 3 of these and provide examples of how             you apply these values as a professional in your industry. (approximately 200 words each)
· Honesty
Honesty within the workplace motivates a sense of trust amongst the staff members, the corporation as well as the community (Holzer and Yang, 2014). The style of leadership and atmosphere within the workplace frequently affects the degree of honesty staff members, display on job. Modifications in the manner in which the company is operated could greatly help in highlighting and encouraging honesty among the employees (Johnason, 2011). Through developing a corporate culture, which values honesty over perfectionism, the company highlights the significance of honesty. In case if the workplace is set up for punishing staff members for undertaking risks or making e
ors, the company is more expected to have employees who hide the reality or do not take ownership for their mistakes. 
· Integrity
Companies, business leaders and staff members could gain advantage from integrity within the workplace....

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