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FIN 610 Case Study Review Rubric The ability to analyze and respond to various types of cases will be valuable when preparing for situations you may encounter as a professional. Use the Word document...

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FIN 610 Case Study Review Ru

The ability to analyze and respond to various types of cases will be valuable when preparing for situations you may encounter as a professional. Use the Word
document provided for each of the following assignments to respond to questions based on case studies from the textbook. This ru
ic will be used to grade
each assignment separately.

 Module Three: “Koala Fun” Case Study Review
 Module Four: “Office Smart” Case Study Review
 Module Five: “Quaker Cracker” Case Study Review

Instructor Feedback: Instructors will use the track changes feature when grading assignments to provide feedback on responses.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Critical Thinking and
Explanations support claims
with relevant examples of
previous learning or logical
thought process
Most responses support claims
with relevant examples of
previous learning or logical
thought process
Explanations of responses are
lacking detail or are illogical
None of the explanations
support claims with logical
thought process
Integration and
Responses show excellent
depth of knowledge of the
module content and exhibit
careful consideration of the
Most responses show good
depth of knowledge of the
module content and
demonstrate that the student
has read the module content
Some responses show limited
depth of knowledge, indicating
the student may have reviewed
the module content but needs
to explore further
None of the responses address
the prompts or reflect that the
student has read the module
Accuracy of Response Responses contain no e
ors in
accuracy of information and no
calculation e
Most responses support claims
with information and data that
are accurate, but there are a
few e
ors related to accuracy
of information or calculation
Some responses contain e
in accuracy of information or
Many responses contain major
ors in accuracy of
information or calculation
Writing Submission is free of e
ors in
organization and grammar
Submission is mostly free of
ors of organization and
grammar; existing e
ors are
marginal and rarely inte
the flow
Submission contains e
ors of
organization and grammar, but
ors are limited enough that
entries can be understood
Submission contains e
ors of
organization and grammar
making the blog difficult to
Total 100%
Answered Same Day Mar 02, 2020


Aarti J answered on Mar 05 2020
168 Votes
Office Smart - Case study analysis
Student’s Name
Course Name
Office Smart Case study analysis
Eric’s philosophy of just in time in meeting customer requirements
Eric has been able to build a strong reputation for quick responses and quick turnover as the company is investing much on inventory. The company keeps extra inventory to meet the customers’ requirement on timely basis. With the extra inventory held by the company, the company’s cash is blocked which affects the cash flows and the liquidity of the company. To cope up with this I would suggest that the company should have the analysis of demand forecast of inventory and the inventory should be ordered considering the demand forecast. It is important for to have the economic order quantity of inventory with which the company will be able to adequate inventory to meet the customer’s requirements and not high investment in inventory which blocks the cash.
Assessment of receivables in terms of credit quality
Though the company has been able to increase its market share by offering excellent services at a reasonable...

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