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Read the article titled, The Role of Information Systems in Healthcare: Current Research and Future Trends” and write a summary that explains your understanding of the article and recommendations on...

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Read the article titled, The Role of Information Systems in Healthcare: Current Research and Future Trends” and write a summary that explains your understanding of the article and recommendations on how health information systems can better improve the health care system.

Discussion Assignment Expectations

  1. Support discussion ideas with peer-reviewed material garnered from at least 1 scholarly article.
  2. When applicable, provide references and citations in APA formatting style.

I need a Visio or Powerpoint Roadmap, APA, 3-4 intext citations, and 3-4 references.

Answered Same Day Jun 19, 2020


Arun answered on Jun 20 2020
139 Votes
Summary of the Role of Information Systems in Healthcare: Cu
ent Research and Future Trends.
The report is about the role of informational system is healthcare and takes into consideration of latest development in information technology that supports the healthcare system smooth functioning. The automation process assists healthcare professionals that are found by the Aaron et al. research. The importance of information technology as cited by the article reflects decrease in e
ors in treatment of patients. The article also mentions important role of IS in mitigating widespread crisis situation in health care industry in terms of patients treatment. The findings of the article suggest that IS can be significant to support the public health policy.
The finding of article such as automation benefits to healthcare industry is well co
oborated by other publications (Bernstein, McCreless, & Cote, 2007; McCullough, Casey, Moscovice, & Prasad, 2010). According to these reports, automation does assist healthcare industry to treat patients well.
Article illustrates certain loopholes of IS as well such as privacy of sensitive information of patients. There may be chances of compromised privacy with IS. Therefore even with various benefits attached with IS, the article suggests implementing stringent regulation to safeguard sensitive information of people. This finding is also well supported by other researcher findings (Meingast, Roosta, & Sastry, 2006; Ash, Berg, & Coiera, 2004). Stringent rules therefore are required to the data security and prevention of privacy and confidentiality violation (Gostin., Turek-Brezina, Powers, Kozloff, Faden, & Steinauer, 1993).
The article also explains out significance of Electronic health records and Personal health records. In this line, it adds complexity due to lack of trust and privacy that hinders acceptance of public health system in United States. This is true because Information technology may not prevent the network security threats completely as there are many issues such as Trojan, virus, worms, phishing attacks, denial of services, and other attacks that may pose great threat to data security of patients (ENISA Threat Landscape 2014, 2014). Powerful people in health care sector often resist technology that is a ba
ier to health care technology adoption. it refers to role of top management to facilitate the information technology adoption but it is found that reluctance of top management to implement information technology...

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