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Tutorial 4 1. Readings: Mandatory Readings • Kerzner Chapter 9, 11.34; • PMI Implementing Organizational PM Preface & Chapter 1; (

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Tutorial 4
1. Readings:
Mandatory Readings
• Kerzner Chapter 9, 11.34;
• PMI Implementing Organizational PM Preface & Chapter 1;
Make sure you have done the readings.
2. Watch recordings:
Also, watch Week 5 Tutorial Recording (MP4 File 700KB) and Harold Kerzne
Video: An Introduction to the Best Practices in Project Management (MOV
File - 220MB)
3. Answer following Questions to reflect and assist in your Portfolio
 How can project management deliver successful projects?
 How would you describe project management effectiveness?
 Is controlling expectations important for success? Why? How?
 What is an example of best practice in your life?
 Below are twelve instructions. Which are best described as planning, and
which are best described as forecasting?
o Give a complete definition of the work.
o Lay out a proposed schedule.
o Establish project milestones.
o Determine the need for different resources.
o Determine the skills required for each WBS task or element.
o Change the scope of the effort and obtain new estimates.
o Estimate the total time to complete the required work.
o Consider changing resources.
o Assign appropriate personnel to each WBS element.
o Reschedule project resources.
o Begin scheduling the WBS elements.
o Change the project priorities.

Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio

1 of 7

Weekly Portfolio Learning Table
Topic and reading
Your personal learning
outcomes from this course.
Learnings from your experience. Supporting
including your
prior learnings.
i) Lecture Slides PMO function


(Note: Week4 Lecture Slides covered
in Portfolio 3)
My cu
ent organisation does not have a PMO as such rather a Project Team made up of
a Capital Manger and Contracts Superintendent who I report to. The Contract
Superintendent ensures all the Project Processes are adhered to. These include but not
limited to:
• Monthly Project Report to Board
• Progress Payment Certificates
• Issue of Final Certificates
• LDs
• Project database administration
• Determination of Tender Type
• Bank Guarantees
There is a fine line between acceptances of gifts as a token of thanks for continued
usiness vs favourable selection for a pending tender. There is constant exposure to
suppliers offering small tokens of gratitude in our business. We have a policy requiring the
declaration of gifts based on monetary value.
ii) Recommended

Kerzner : Chapter 9,

Project success is often measured by
the “actions” of three groups: the
project manager and team, the
parent organization, and the
customer’s organization. (Harold
Kerzner, 2013)

The listed actions in Kerzner that stimulate Project Success are relevant in my limited
With regards to my cu
ent role I have found the success of the project relies heavily on
the accuracy of the initial specification i.e. ensure that both parties understand the scope
of works. Equally important is that through past performance you can be assured that the
successful tenderer can deliver on the specification.
I had an experience with a project where the selection was based on budget and although
the product was delivered, at no time during the project I was comfortable of success
ecause the reporting was inadequate.
I can also relate to the disruption Project work can cause the functional teams.
Having used Electrical resources from a functional team on a recent Project I was very
aware that my success could have directly affected the delivery of the maintenance
schedule. In other words if my schedule of allocated hours was inco
ect it would mean

Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio

2 of 7

Topic and reading
Your personal learning
outcomes from this course.
Learnings from your experience. Supporting
including your
prior learnings.

PMI Implementing
Organizational PM
Preface & Chapter 1

Enterprise project management
methodologies can enhance the
project planning process as well as
providing some degree of
standardization and consistency.
(Harold Kerzner, 2013)

OPM advances organizational
capability by developing and linking
portfolio, program, and project
management principles and practices
with organizational enablers (e.g.,
structural, cultural, technological, and
human resource practices) to support
strategic goals. (Anon., 2014)

Thus far appears to be a fair guide to
assist in the implementation of OPM.
It would complement the existing
that the functional resources would spend more time on the Project work leaving the
functional manager short. My Project would be completed on time but at the detriment of
the maintenance schedule.

Nil experience to date with developing Project Management Plan Templates however
covered quite extensively in PPMP20008.
Project Management Plans submitted for a Construction Specification included:
• Stakeholder
• Communications
• Requirements
• Cost
• HR
• Scope & Schedule
• Risk
• Quality
• Procurement
• Change

Thus far appears to be a fair guide to assist in the implementation of OPM. It would
complement the existing best practices of my cu
ent organisation. However, I would
question the benefit due to the strong functional structure.
Having been directly involved in the previously discussed implementation of the
Operational Excellence program, I understand the cost in time and effort.
As an organisation, we went through the readiness, gap analysis etc. Just don’t think my
ent company is projectized to an extent that a detailed OPM would be justified.
As I progress through this unit and guide I may find that there can be a tailored OPM to
suit our organisation and compliment the Strategic direction and OE Program.

(Initiating and
Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio

3 of 7

Topic and reading
Your personal learning
outcomes from this course.
Learnings from your experience. Supporting
including your
prior learnings.
est practices of my cu
organisation. However, I would
question the benefit due to the strong
functional structure.

iii) An Introduction to
the Best Practices
in Project
Management (MOV)

Harold Kerzner

Learnings include:
• Best Practices can come from
the functional level to the PMO
• Need effective systems to
capture the best practices,
document, communicate and
lastly audit to ensure the
practice is still adding value.
• Companies engaging in
Business Excellence can have a
competitive edge when it comes
to selection for projects.
As discussed in Portfolio 3, I am cu
ently involved in an Operational Excellence Program
(Best Practice)

All members of the workforce are encouraged/and involved in developing the TRACC
practices. Ina lot of cases the practices are documented on One Point Lessons (OPL) and
communicated via a Sharepoint Database.

With regards to Project Management and “Best Practices’ in my cu
ent role. Auditing tools
• Subcontractor Evaluation
• Cost Savings Realisation
• Post Project Audit / Lessons Learnt

Recently I have engaged Honeywell to undertake some Project work. As a company they
have detailed audits on Project Practices in order to maintain their ISO standards.

The objectives of the Honeywell Quality Management System (QMS) are to ensure that
work processes are well defined and documented and are ca
ied out efficiently and cost
effectively. It aims to:
1. Ensure that Project activities are organized, controlled and effectively
implemented to produce the highest quality results.

Post Project Audit

Management Plan)
Exemplar 20009_ Weekly Portfolio

4 of 7

Topic and reading
Your personal learning
outcomes from this course.
Learnings from your experience. Supporting
including your
prior learnings.
2. Ensure compliance with all applicable Legislation, Regulations, Codes and
3. Ensure that the Project meets the specified levels of quality for all products and
4. Promote the development of a Quality Culture through Behaviour Based Quality.
5. Ensure all facilities engineered, procured, installed, constructed and
commissioned by Honeywell are safe, operable and maintainable.
6. Promote an innovative and proactive approach to work activities. The
methodology used by all Honeywell locations involved in this Project is consistent.
7. Ensure that the processes deployed are proven best practices which are
continuously improved with ongoing feedback.

iv) Tutorial

Plan: A detailed proposal for doing or
achieving something which specifies
the what, when, how and by whom.
(PRINCE2, 2009)
Forecast: Unable to find a definition in
any of the allocated texts. I would say
a prediction

• Give a complete definition of the
work. (P)
• Lay out a proposed schedule. (F)
• Establish project milestones. (P)
• Determine the need for different
esources. (F)
• Determine the skills required for
each WBS task or element. (P)
I believe through proven Project Methodologies, accurate reporting and a detailed spec.
Project success can be predicted
Answered Same Day Apr 02, 2020 PPMP20009 Central Queensland University


Ahmedali answered on Apr 06 2020
152 Votes
Weekly Portfolio Learning Table
    Topic and reading samples.
    Your personal learning outcomes from this unit.
    Learnings from your experience.
    Supporting documentation including your prior learnings.
    Organizational Project Management & Best Practices
    Organizational Project Management is a set of activities that are ca
ied out to align the specific tasks under project management, program management, and portfolio management to
ing them on a single platform and sync them with the organizational policies and best practices.
    Project Management has the ability to maintain and enhance the success rate of the projects that are executed by the business organizations. The project management can deliver successful projects by selecting an adequate and skilled Project Manager for the task along with the assistant members. There are management methodologies that are defined under Project Management to ensure that the success can be achieved for the projects. These methodologies shall be applied on the basis of different project factors to have the right set of guidelines to manage the project activities.
y, M., Sicotte, H., Drouin, N., Vidot‐Delerue, H. and Besner, C. (2012). Organisational project management as a function within the organisation. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(2), pp.180-194.
    Kerzner Chapter 9 & 11.34
    There are several benefits provided by organizational project management, such as competitive advantage, enhanced communications, better decision-making, improved customer satisfaction, improved productivity, and likewise.
    Project Management effectiveness can be described in terms of the factors as project success rate, customer feedback, compliance level, number of outstanding conflicts and issues, project risks and defects. The gap analysis on actual and estimated project values shall also...

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