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Project management methodologies. In your initial discussion post, compare and contrast CP—the most commonly used project management methodology—with two alternatives. You might, for example, compare...

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Project management methodologies. In your initial discussion post, compare and contrast CP—the most commonly used project management methodology—with two alternatives. You might, for example, compare and contrast CP with two popular alternatives such as critical chain (CC) and agile, but if you have specific experience with another methodology, draw upon your personal experience.
Address the following in your initial post:
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology?
  • What criteria would you use to choose one particular methodology over another for a particular project?
  • Give concrete examples from your own experience and/or research to support your position.
Answered Same Day Mar 06, 2020


Perla answered on Mar 06 2020
140 Votes
(i) Compare and contrast of closure of project (CP) with CC and agile technologies.
CP is essentially a closure of a project and it inevitably will contain few processes that are unique to this particular project management activity. The methodology of CP will differ from project management technique to technique like; Critical chain method will conduct CP differently from an Agile method of project management. Closure of the critical chain will comprehend the delays and other related shortfalls and will ends at the set time of completion. However the project closure of agile project methodology is totally different and there is no fixed schedule and the closure can extend as per the project requirements. Closure depends on the case.
(ii) Pros and cons of each project methodology:
(i) Advantages of the Critical chain project methodology include consideration to the efficient planning and control of the processes, further there will be...

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