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Microsoft Word XXXXXXXXXXT1 BUS1003 BUS105 BCAW Assessment 4 Brief Unit Name/Code BUS1003/BUS105 Business Communication and Academic Writing Assessment Type Portfolio Individual Assessment Assessment...

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Microsoft Word XXXXXXXXXXT1 BUS1003 BUS105 BCAW Assessment 4 Brief

Unit Name/Code BUS1003/BUS105 Business Communication and Academic
Assessment Type Portfolio Individual Assessment
Assessment Number 4
Assessment Name Assessment 4 Portfolio
Individual Assessment
Unit Learning Outcomes
2. Create a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and
ideas in academic
usiness writing
3. Discuss and apply the writing process in various types of academic
essays, business reports, co
espondence and presentations
4. Identify and apply structural elements of essays, reports and business
5. Develop and demonstrate academic research skills

Due Date and Time Week 12
Friday 2nd June 2018
5:00pm (AEST)

*If you miss this assessment you may be able to apply for special
consideration on appropriate grounds and with supporting evidence (i.e.
medical certificate). For more details on what is considered appropriate
grounds for consideration read the AIH policy. Both the form and policy are on
the AIH website at http: Please remember this is not
automatically granted and all applications are assessed on its own merit.
Weighting 50%
Assessment Description This assessment comprises two parts:

• Part A: Portfolio of communication materials (1000 words)
As the Communications Manager at the Commonwealth Bank you are
coordinating an end of year dinner for clients, staff and special guests,
such as politicians and cele
ities. The dinner will be held on 15
December 2018 from 6pm to 11.00pm at the Westin Hotel at Martin
Place, Sydney. There will be a range of entertainment and three course
dinner served at the event As part of the communications of this project you
are required to prepare:
- An email to staff inviting them to the event (200 words)
- A letter to an external special guest inviting them to the event (250
- A progress report to the Chief Executive Officer on how preparations
of the event are proceeding (350 words)
- A report structure (table of contents) suitable for a final event report
(200 words).
Hypothetical information, such as names, contact numbers and event
details can be used to create the communication materials.

• Part B: Reflection on academic progress (1000 words)
In this part of your assessment you are to reflect on your academic
progress in this unit. Specifically you are to consider your Assessment 2
Turnitin Report, as well as all feedback from your lecturer and a
Studiosity submission. Put forward suggestions on how you will improve
your academic practice as a result of lessons learnt from this unit.
Both Part A and Part B should be submitted as a single document.
Read the attached ru
ic to see the specific marking criteria for this

Detailed Submission
Submit to Assessment 4 Turnitin Link on BUS1003/BUS105 Moodle Page.
2000 words
• 2.5 cm margins
• 1.5 point spacing
• Cali
i or Arial font
• 11 – 12 size font

Section Requirements Weight 50% HIGH DISTINCTION
Structure and Accuracy (20 Marks)

You need to organise your business
communications according to the requirments
of the text type. You should include all the
equired features in each text and craft your
message in a way that fits with your audience
and purpose. (10 Marks)

You should edit your writing for grammar,
spelling and punctuation mistakes. Think
carefully about the level of formality you
choose for each different kind of
communication. (10 marks)
Each text is perfectly
organised and includes
all features required in
the genre. The
organsiation skillfully
enhances the message

No grammar,
punctuation or spelling
mistakes. The level of
formality perfectly fits
the audience and
Each text is very well
organised and includes
almost all features
equired in the
genre.The organisation
enhances the message

Only minor grammar,
punctuation or spelling
mistakes. The level of
formality fits well with
the audience and
Each text is
organised and
includes many
features required in
the genre.The
sometimes enhances
the message

Some grammar,
punctuation or
spelling mistakes.
The level of formality
mostly fits with the
audience and
Not all texts may be
organised in keeping
with the genre. Some
features required in
the genre may be
organisation may
sometimes detract
from the message

There may be many
grammar, punctuation
or spelling mistakes,
which impede the
eader in parts. The
level of formality may
not always fit with the
audience and
Most/all texts are not
well organised. Many
equired features are
missing. The
organisation detracts
from the message

There may be many
grammar, punctuation
or spelling mistakes,
which seriously
impede the reader.
The level of formality
does not fit with the
audience and
Content (30 Marks)

1. Content of communication
materials (10 marks)

A perfect
understanding of
appropriate content for
the communication
type is shown.
Messages are
appropriately detailed
and skillfully
constructed with the
purpose and audience
in mind.
A very good
understanding of
appropriate content for
the communication
type is shown.
Messages are detailed
and well constructed
with the purpose and
audience in mind.

A reasonable
understanding of
appropriate content
for the
communication type
is shown. Messages
are somewhat
detailed and are
generally constructed
with the purpose and
audience in mind.
Only a general
understanding of
appropriate content
for the
communication type
is shown. Messages
may lack detail and
may not be clearly
constructed with the
purpose and
audience in mind.
LIttle or no
understanding of
appropriate content
for the
communication type
is shown. Messages
lack detail and do not
consider the purpose
or audience.

2. Reflection on academic
progression (10 marks)

3. Suggestions on how you will
improve your academic
practice as a result of this unit
(10 marks)

The reflection is
extremely detailed and
includes unexpected
insights. Feedback
fromTurnitin, lecturer
and Studiosity is
skillfully compared and

proposed that align
with feedback
eceived from
various sources in
the unit.

The reflection is
detailed and insightful.
Feedback from
Turnitin, lecturer
and Studiosity is
effectivley compared
and contrasted.

Very good
proposed that are
mostly in align with
eceived from
various sources.

The reflection
contains some detail
and shows some
insight. Feedback
from Turnitin, lecturer
and Studiosity are
compared and

Some good
suggestions are
proposed. These
suggestions are
somewhat in line with
eceived from
various sources.

The reflection is quite
general and may
show little insight.
Feedback from
Turnitin, lecturer
and Studiosity are
included but may not
e compared.

Only general
suggestions are
proposed. These
suggestions may not
elate well to
eceived from
various sources.

There is little or no
evidence of reflection.
Feedback from
Turnitin, lecturer
and Studiosity is
either not included or
directly copied.

No suggestions are
TOTAL MARK Overall comments:
Answered Same Day May 29, 2020 BUS1003/BUS105


Akansha answered on Jun 01 2020
131 Votes
Running head: Business Communication
Business Communication
Business Communication
Student Name
University Name
Part A: Portfolio of communication materials    2
Email to staff inviting them to the event    2
A letter to an external special guest inviting them to the event    4
Progress report to the Chief Executive Officer    5
Report structure    6
ï‚·    Email to staff inviting them to the event    6
ï‚·    A letter to an external special guest inviting them to the event    6
ï‚·    Invitation for Politicians    6
ï‚·    Invitation for Cele
ities    6
ï‚·    Invitation for general customers of bank    6
ï‚·    Participants List    6
ï‚·    Event Links    6
ï‚·    Event registration selections for an existing participant    6
ï‚·    Event progress    6
ï‚·    Event management    6
ï‚·    Event security checking    6
Hypothetical information    6
Part B: Reflection on academic progress    8
References    12
Part A: Portfolio of communication materials
Email to staff inviting them to the event
Staff members
SUBJECT: End of year dinner15 December 2018
Hello team members,
I would like to inform you that our bank a
ange an end of the year dinner for all of our clients. I shall be very much pleased if you attend the dinner party organized by our bank. It will be great honor for us to get your presence in the event organized to rejoice a very special occasion. The party will be given on 15 December 2018 from 6pm to 11.00pm at the Westin Hotel at Martin Place, Sydney.
I would like to offer you my warm welcome on the party and I would also like to inform you that the party will be a dinner party for all our precious customers to thank you for showing trust in our bank. It’s a humble request from my side that you must not
ing any special gifts. I hope I would get our presence in my dinner party. The event is black tie which means this is completely a formal party. I hope to get your response from you in coming two days and I would be happy to have your presence in dinner party.
Thanking You;
Yours truly,
Communications Manage
Commonwealth bank
A letter to an external special guest inviting them to the event
Chief Minister
Hello Si
I hope you are doing well.  It is respectfully stated that I am inviting to you for a dinner. We are honored and pleased to invite you as our chief guest to the annual gathering dinner that will take place on 15 December 2018 from 6 PM to 11.00 PM at the Westin Hotel at Martin Place, Sydney. It would be such a huge opportunity to have you with us for this special event. It is an honor and privilege to invite you to our dinner party as a chief guest. As our chief guest, the audience will look forward to hear a small speech from you within the spirit of the event. A ten to fifteen minutes speech would be perfect. Everyone is certainly thrilled and excited to hear your thoughts and your take on this occasion.
We genuinely hope that you honor us with your presence. Should you accept our invitation, we kindly ask you to reply to this letter or contact Mr. Smith by [Friday, 1 July 2018] latest. [Mr. Smith] is the event coordinator and you may refer to him for any queries or questions.
We would be truly devastated if you are unable to accept the invitation, but totally appreciative and understanding nonetheless. Under such unfortunate circumstances, we kindly ask you to inform us at earliest possible time. This dinner will be useful for all our clients as well as also we can discuss on cu
ent social problems. I am sure you will be enjoyed this dinner party.
Looking forward to your acceptance and to enjoying a great dinner with you.
Communication Manage
Commonwealth Bank
Progress report to the Chief Executive Office
Hello Sir, I would like to inform you that dinner event which will be a
anged on 15 December 2018 from 6pm to 11.00pm at the Westin Hotel at Martin Place, Sydney preparations for that event are going smoothly. First of all, we hired the best catering team for our dinner event. The catering department is familiar with all the buildings and the menus are very diverse. If you are not sure about food selection, the food and beverage manager will advise you based on your budget and your knowledge of food preferences. School dining can also provide bed linen and a central spot upon request. Make sure to verify the costs that may be associated with their additional services. The location of this event has been reserved. The participant registration and invitation sections have also been completed. I also sent email notifications to our past participants and linked to our online registration form. I also...

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