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Managing Organisations (MNG10247) Assignment 2 Guidelines Title: Assignment 2 – Manager Interview Marks: 20 (which is 20% of the unit grade) Task: Students are to interview[footnoteRef:1] a current...

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Managing Organisations (MNG10247)
Assignment 2 Guidelines
Title:        Assignment 2 – Manager Interview
Marks:     20 (which is 20% of the unit grade)
Task:    Students are to interview[footnoteRef:1] a cu
ent Manager to identify and analyse how the individual performs, as part of their Managerial responsibilities, one of the fundamental Functions of Management (i.e. Planning, Leading, Organising or Controlling). This information is to be presented as a report (max 1000 words) with a minimum of three distinct references from academic ‘peer-reviewed’ journals to support your analysis. [1: It is anticipated that the interview last no longer than 15mins.]
Purpose:     The assignment is designed to help students recognise the way in which a key management concept studied in the unit is applied in practice.
Feedback:     Students who submit their report by the due date will receive feedback within 2 weeks. This feedback will be in the form of a marking ru
ic and a copy of your report with electronic comments made by the marker.
Style of the Report
· Present a report that clearly addresses and illustrates the Management Function you have selected in practice.
· Avoid simply describing what questions were asked in the interview and the Manager’s responses. Instead, place the information in context. Students can do this by (
iefly) describing;
· the Manager’s role
· the organisation they work fo
· the key tasks or activities that the Manager spends their time on
· Context might also be provided by discussing the key challenges of the Manager’s role.
· Adopt the 3rd-person ‘point of view’ with your writing.
Report Format
The single document submitted for this assignment is to contain the following components and formatting features:
· The report (max 1000 words).
· It is advised that students develop a catchy title; one that provides some level of insight into the focus of the report.
· No Table of Contents or Executive Summary is required.
· Use headings and sub-headings to structure your analysis.
· Reference List
· Appendices –
· Interviewee details (use the Interviewee Details Template provided in the Assignment 2 folder)
· Transcript of the interview. The entire interview does not need to be transcribed; just the key questions asked and the Manager’s responses.
Adopt the following formatting features for the report:
· Apply page numbers. Page 1 comes after your coverpage.
· Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1½ line spacing.
· Margins – top and bottom to be 2.54cm. Left and right to be 2.54cm. No page borders.
· Spelling - if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check.
· Writing and grammar must conform to the standards of an academic and professional report.
Answered Same Day Mar 23, 2020 MNG10247 Southern Cross University


Shashank answered on Apr 01 2020
144 Votes
Executive Summary:
This report targets the analysis of the interview of Mr. Girish Bhambhani, who is cu
ently a manager in Bosch Ltd. He has diversified professional experience of different domains of this company. He has given nine years to the company working as head of operations, marketing strategist and further a
idge the coordination between sales and operation team.
Further analysis has been done on the cu
ent condition of the company and further expected growth and development of each department in coming years. This has been done by analyzing the key challenges, company is facing to meet the desired target.
Table of Contents
Manager Description    1
About Bosch    1
Key Tasks    1
Key Challenges - Leadership    2
Conflict in internal meetings:    2
Solution:    2
Challenges to meet new targets:    2
Solution:    3
Motivation for new projects:    3
Solution:    3
Bad performance:    3
What he did:    3
References    3
Manager Description
The Manager whose interview was taken is Mr. Girish Bhambhani who is working in Bosch Ltd. He has work experience of more than 9 years working in various profile to get a comprehensive experience of different domains. Cu
ently the roles that he is playing in the organization are as follows:
P&L Head: Head of SAARC     operations for Heat Pumps and Gas Water Heaters. Also responsible for incubating new business opportunity for Thermotechnik department of Bosch in SAARC.
Strategy & Marketing Head: In addition to P& L, Girish also heads the strategy and marketing function for Thermotechnik department.
Coordination with sales and operation team for Solar Water Heater and Commercial Heat Pumps to drive growth keeping special focus on culture and profitability.
He is looking towards measured that drive sales, strategic investments, steps to remove existing challenges, Mergers & Acquisitions to enable growth and profitability of organization.
About Bosch
Bosch, founded in 1886, is a German multinational engineering and electronics company which is one of the world leader in supplying automotive components. Apart from this Bosch is present in various domains of business. Bosch Thermotechnik is one of the subsidiary primarily handling for heating technology and hot-water solutions. The company has special focus towards building renewable energy products to meet the future need.
Key Tasks
· Coordinating with sales team about the sales targets and act as driving agent to meet them. Advising them about handling challenges in meeting future targets.
· Leading the team from thermotechnik division in higher management meetings to discuss about new projects and key challenges that team might face.
· Handling the marketing function for thermotechnik department to boost sales which include more than 5 products.
· Assisting Vice President of division in competing for new projects.
· Handling business development activities.
· Coordinating with sales, finance, operation, accounts team for future business changes...

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