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Please look up meningococcal disease. Please create a clinical summary of the disease, do not provide one word answers please define and provide descriptions. Please cite any sources. Please...

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Please look up meningococcal disease. Please create a clinical summary of the disease, do not provide one word answers please define and provide descriptions. Please cite any sources. Please identifyA. What is the disease?B. If it is a communicable or non-communicable disease?C. Modes of transmission?D. Which causation model would best explain the disease and why?
Answered Same Day Mar 25, 2020


Soumi answered on Mar 26 2020
154 Votes
Last Name:     4
Title: Meningococcal Disease
Introduction    3
Meningococcal disease    3
If it is communicable or non-communicable    3
Modes of transmission    3
Causation model best explaining this disease    3
Conclusion    3
Works Cited    4
    This essay bears a clinical summary of meningococcal disease that affects people all over the world with a high rate of mortality. It has been identified if the disease is communicable or non-communicable, along with its mode of transmission and best causation model explaining it.
Meningococcal disease
    Meningococcal disease is an infectious disease that is caused due to the infection from the Neisseria meningitidis or meningococcus bacterium. As mentioned by Thulin Hedberg et al., it is a grave health issue that is quite fatal for the population as it can lead to the death of the patient, if it spreads to the extent of sepsis.
If it is communicable or non-communicable
    It is...

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