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Question 1You will want to stay up-to-date on your career field by reading, saving current articles, and bookmarking valuable resources. Think about a current business topic related to your...

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Question 1

You will want to stay up-to-date on your career field by reading, saving current articles, and bookmarking valuable resources. Think about a current business topic related to your professional field that you would like to learn more about. This is your chance to learn more about, gather tips and strategies about, and follow current trends in your field of interest.

YOUR TASK.Look for three current (within the last two years) secondary research sources on a topic related to your field of study. In a memo or e-mail to your instructor, write a one-paragraph summary of each article or resource. Then list the citations for your three sources using the MLA style. The citations should follow the format used on a Works Cited page with citations in alphabetical order and using the hanging indent style.this needs references as stated in the question

Question 2

Practice creating your own bar charts and line graphs with figures provided by Internet World Stats.

YOUR TASK.Create a bar chart comparing the current number of Internet users (by millions) in the following countries: United States, India, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, China, United Kingdom, and Russia. Find statistics within the last year and name the source of your information. Arrange the bars according to the country with the highest number of users to the lowest. Add a chart title and appropriate labels. Alternatively, create the appropriate graphic that illustrates the growth of Internet use in the population by continent (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, Middle East, North America, Oceania/Australia). This doesn’t need references.. you have to do this on your own

Please is two different question so read each questions carefully and answer respectively

Answered Same Day Mar 25, 2024


Komalavalli answered on Mar 26 2024
8 Votes
1.Subject: Three Cu
ent Business Topic Sources in Business Administration
Dear [Instructor's Name],

I have curated three contemporary secondary research sources pertinent to our field of study:

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Supply Chain Management: This article investigates the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in supply chain management, detailing its benefits in enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and refining decision-making processes. It emphasizes the need for strategic planning and organizational readiness to harness AI's potential.

The Rise of Remote Work: Strategies for Managing Virtual Teams: This resource analyzes the surge in remote work and offers managerial strategies for effective virtual team management. It highlights the advantages of remote work, addresses communication challenges, and suggests...

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