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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a My Business College (MBC) ABN: XXXXXXXXXX CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368 Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000...

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Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment Tasks for BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities Version 1.0
Approved date: 15 June 2020 Review Date: 15 June 2022
Approved by CEO Page 1 of 31

Student Assessment Tasks
BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing

Australian International Training Academy Pty Ltd t/a
My Business College (MBC)
CRICOS Provider Code: 03694G National Provider Code: 45368
Level 4,225 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Email: XXXXXXXXXX Website:
Assessment Tasks for BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities Version 1.0
Approved date: 15 June 2020 Review Date: 15 June 2022
Approved by CEO Page 2 of 31
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Assessment Information ................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX3
Assessment Instructions ................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX5
Student Assessment Agreement ................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX9
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions....................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX11
Assessment Task 1 Instructions .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX15
Assessment Task 1 Checklist ...................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX16
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet ................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX17
Assessment Task 2: Marketing opportunities identification project ............................................. XXXXXXXXXX19
Assessment Task 2 Instructions .................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX20
Assessment Task 2 Checklist ...................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX23
Assessment Task 3 Cover Sheet ................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX25
Assessment Task 3: Marketing Opportunities Report ................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX27
Assessment Task 3 Instructions .........................................................................................................
Answered Same Day Jul 31, 2021 BSBMKG501 Training.Gov.Au


Tanmoy answered on Aug 02 2021
141 Votes
Marketing opportunity for Crown Resorts, Australia
Crown Resorts
Marketing opportunity for Crown Resorts, Australia    
Analysis of Marketing Opportunities
Ranbir Rana    8/3/2020    
Marketing opportunity report of Crown Resorts, Australia
Assessment 2
Business goals
The business goals of Crown resorts are as follows:
1. To improve the service and facilities of its Melbourne, Perth and Aspinalls. To invest in the enhancement of visitation and management of the rising costs of Crown.
2. Completion of its Sydney resort on time and within the estimated budget. Targeting the Sydney resort to be opened by 2021.
3. Emphasizing more on technology through its growth and value creation of Crown Digital.
4. Analyzing and evaluating Crown’s other equity investment which will help to boost the performance in the future.
5. Provide the shareholders with the right to vote and with returns in the form of regular dividend.
6. Communicate effectively and engaging proactively with the community, the various stakeholders and the regulators for hotel and resort industry in which Crown operates.
7. Maintaining an optimal capital structure which stresses more on equity and less on debt.
Target customers
The target customers of Crown resorts are as follows:
1. The Australian and New Zealand people who like playing casino and try their luck in betting exchanges.
2. They want to target the people from all around the world who like to explore and play various games in their premium gaming rooms.
3. They wants to build gaming machines which are technology based automated machines and cause less harm and more enjoyment to the customers.
4. They also want to provide a cosy, comfortable and leisure based services through its deluxe resort room service facilities to the customers. Through their luxurious room services Crown wants to provide its customer a memorable experience which will also help them to develop an emotional connection with the customers.
5. They also want to target the customers who are food lovers by providing them with excellent experiences of delicious and tasty cuisines of Australia.
6. In order to provide the customers world class services and protect their customers and resorts from any kind of te
orist attacks, Crown have placed security and surveillance technology at each of its resorts to monitor suspicious behaviours.
7. Provide the customers and the visitors who want to play games as well as receive complementary goods and services in return.
anding strategy
Crown resort wants to improve its marketing and
anding strategy through the following ways:
1. Crown hold around 50% of equity share capital with Aspers Group. It is a UK based casino operator.
2. It also holds 20% share capital with the famous lifestyle hotel and restaurant
and Nobu.
3. Through its Crown-earth initiative it tries to maintain and enhance their
and through three pillars of sustainability which are people, planet and prosperity by taking projects which will help to management water, waste and energy.
4. Crown Perth accommodates more than 572000 guests in its 1200 guest rooms and is the market leader in Perth with around 81% occupancy rate.
5. For marketing and
anding its events and conference rooms Crown resorts have setup Crown Aviary which is a new contemporary at the top of the Crown Tower with space for event and conferences.
6. Crown resorts retail segment provides its customers with wide ranges of fun and entertainment experiences in collaboration with Fun Lab group to provide mini golf space with a taste of pop ethnicity, Juke’s, ten rooms with the looks of 1970 karaoke rooms, four escape rooms with unique features, red he
ing and Crown Metropol precinct with Holey Moley which are prestigious designer
ands of luxury retail outlets.
7. Crown Melbourne has three hotels which can accommodate more than 866000 guests in more than 1600 rooms and have an occupancy rate of 94%.
8. Crown resorts also partners with Australian Open and during Caulfield Cup Carnivals. It helps them to reach large number of visitor from different parts of the...

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