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PLease answer the three questions. I also provided the web activity I did.

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Note--It will be helpful to complete the web activity prior to participating in this discussion, as the web activity introduces some important concepts that you will need to reference in your initial post.
Special Populations
Throughout the term, we have discussed a variety of youth risk factors and strengths. Some young people face heightened risk of poor outcomes due to special circumstances such as homelessness, disability, and involvement with the foster care system.  Youth who experience stigma, bias, and oppression, such as LGBT people and members of racial and ethnic minorities, are also at heightened risk.  And, like most of us, young people have multiple, intersecting identities, some of which compound the ba
iers they face. 
For this discussion, choose a special population of at risk youth from the list below or identify a group not on the list.
· Native American youth
· LGBT youth
· Girls who have experienced violence or abuse
· Disabled youth
· Youth in foster care
Drawing on Module 6 readings and your own additional research, write a post of at least 150 words, addressing the following:
1. Describe the challenges specific to the special population of youth.
2. Explain how at least one of the following concepts plays a role in the experiences of the population: intersectionality; acculturative stress; stigma
3. Propose ways to empower youth who are members of the special population.
Below I provided the web activity I did.
Acculturative stress
Changes in values, activities, beliefs, attitudes, and different areas of working are essential for assimilation, or adjusting to another culture. These adjustments are every now and again hard for individuals, families, and networks associated with the cycle. Acculturative stress is the term used to depict the pressure that outcomes from challenges with assimilation. In my opinion, acculturative stress is unmistakable from regular stress encounters. It is accepted to result from semantic and cultural disparities between the individual abso
ing and the host culture or country. Also, it is imagined that acculturative stress is more unequivocally associated with uneasiness side effects than despondency side effects, and it is all the more straightforwardly connected to the presence of pessimistic emotions than the absence of lovely emotions (Administrator, 2016).
ent conceptualizations of acculturative stress have arisen to a great extent from observational examinations with outsider gatherings, notwithstanding the way that the experience of acculturative stress is important for any singular living in different cultural universes, just like the case for some ethnic and racial minority people
ought into the world in the US. The greater part of language capacity, absorption pressure, assimilation style, demographic elements, distance between the way of life of beginning and the host culture, pre-movement and relocation encounters, and intrafamilial assimilation levels/clashes are a portion of the factors that are guessed to be connected with acculturative stress inside this collection of literature. Therefore, I believe, acculturative stress has turned into an especially critical kind of stress to study.
To begin with, there is a need to all the more likely comprehend the variables that might uphold or subvert the healthy cultural adaptation of the enormous and growing worker populace. Second, scholastics and specialists are turning out to be more keen on concentrating on acculturative stress since it has been associated with other critical mental impacts. Finally, because of developing globalization, individuals are coming into contact with an ever-increasing number of individuals who might relate to societies other than the standard or winning society, particularly in less crowded pieces of the US (Administrator, XXXXXXXXXXDue to these demographic changes, there is more prominent cross-cultural interaction among assimilating and locally conceived individuals, which raises the gamble of both acculturative stress and helpful cross-cultural interactions. Acculturative stress exploration might shed light on factors that add to acculturative stress as well as factors that lead to additional great cross-cultural encounters for all individuals.
Intersectionality 101
The idea of intersectionality recognizes and researches the manners by which different social personalities — like race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and disability — converge and associate,
inging about unmistakable encounters and sorts of discrimination for individuals. It stresses how various characters are entwined and impact a person's lived encounters, advantages, and drawbacks as opposed to being seen in isolation. Intersectionality accentuates that it is so urgent to consider the complexities and convergences of numerous characters while investigating social difficulties and concocting game plans for fairness and civil rights. According to me, it recognizes and addresses the interconnectedness of numerous social characters, including race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and disability, intersectionality is significant to schooling.
Instructors can more readily understand and address the shifted encounters and needs of their understudies by considering intersectionality. Educators are urged by intersectionality to incorporate different perspectives, encounters, and na
atives. This comprehensive methodology advances a more exhaustive handle of the world and assists understudies with seeing themselves reflected in their review materials (YouTube, XXXXXXXXXXTo establish a learning climate that is comprehensive, populist, and enabling, intersectionality in training is fundamental. Teachers might cultivate a more fair and comprehensive society by recognizing and valuing the covering personalities and encounters of their understudies. In the video, Fatima and Je
y are victims of intersectionality one in the school and the other in an organization. Greta on the other hand, faces no discrimination because clearly, she does not belong to the marginalized group like the other two.
Administrator XXXXXXXXXXAcculturative stress - iresearchnet. Retrieved from https:
YouTube XXXXXXXXXXIntersectionality 101. Retrieved from https:
Answered 2 days After Dec 01, 2023


Dipali answered on Dec 03 2023
20 Votes
Table of contents
Special Population: LGBT Youth    3
Challenges Specific to LGBT Youth    3
Role of Intersectionality in the Experiences of LGBT Youth    3
Ways to Empower LGBT Youth    3
References    5
Special Population: LGBT Youth
Challenges Specific to LGBT Youth
Youth who identify as LGBT suffer several obstacles arising from societal stigma, prejudice, and insufficient assistance. Compared to their heterosexual counterparts, they have greater rates of homelessness, mental health problems, drug addiction, and even suicide because their families, peers, and communities frequently reject them. Their problems are made worse by the difficulty they have finding acceptance, wo
ies about their safety, and the lack of inclusive settings in schools.
Role of Intersectionality in...

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