Students are required to find (or create) a piece ofmedia that explains their current understanding or relationship to feminism,gender studies, gender theory, gender roles, etc. Students may use a meme, asocial media post, a Youtube video, whatever they like. Students must submittheir chosen media along with a 500-word explanation and reflection of themedia example and its relevancy to feminism and feminist theory. Students willsubmit one media example at the beginning of the course (May 16th) andone media example at the end of the course (June 20th). In-text citations arerequired. Students must provide the link or screen shot of their media example(broken links will be penalized! Double check this before submission). Externalsources are allowed but not required. All citations must follow APA or MLAguidelines.
Students should do their best to consider and answersome of the following questions in their reflections. Responses should be inessay format, not in an ordered list of responses to the following questions.Students should provide a maximum of 1-3 lines summarizing orcontextualizing the media. The focus should be on providing analysis withconnections to the course material and themes rather than summary of coursecontent or explanation of your chosen media. (ie. do not describe the meme orimage, etc – this is why you include a link!) Students who do not provideunique analysis regarding their media will struggle to receive grades above 70%on this assignment. Students are allowed to include “I” statements and includepersonal experience but are expected to make connections back to courseconcepts and themes.
Reflection 1:
Are you a feminist? Why or why not? What has been yourexperience with feminism? How has feminism or feminist theory been relevant inyour work/ education / family? How do you think your understanding of feminismmay change throughout this course? What is your relationship to gender roles?How have gender roles been relevant in your work/ education/ family?
Reflection 2:
How has your perspective or opinion on feminist theorychanged throughout this course? How has your worldview changed? How will youapply feminist theories learnt in the course in your life / work / education /family? How has the knowledge you’ve gained in this course changed yourunderstanding of gender roles? What has been the most impactful or meaningfulcomponent of this course for you?
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