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Part I: Assignment Overview When and where to begin? We have stated time and again, that conflict is inevitable, and that it derails us off the tracks of our normal personal and business lives,...

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Part I: Assignment Overview

When and where to begin?

We have stated time and again, that conflict is inevitable, and that it derails us off the tracks of our normal personal and business lives, causing great emotional strife and financial costs.

If this is true, than it may be imperative that we should ALL be knowledgeable of the sources of conflict, and of the conflict management approaches, methods and techniques.

Part I: Case Assignment

Please read (access via ProQuest) - Leung, A. S. M XXXXXXXXXXInterpersonal conflict and resolution strategies; An examination of Hong Kong employees. Team Performance Management.
Bradford: 2008. Vol. 14, Iss. 3/4; p. 165.

After carefully reading through the Module background material, and this article, please answer (in about 2-3 pages), the following questions:

  1. What are the sources and types of conflict that are most salient in the work place?
  2. Can the Chinese setting be generalized to our workplace environments?
  3. What possible management resolution remedies would you recommend for the work place?

Part 1: Assignment Expectations

  1. Please focus on the generalizability of the sources of conflict to other environments.
  2. In addressing question #3 above - present an in-depth example for a possible resolution method.

Part II: Assignment Overview

The Organization and Conflict

Organizations have developed structured models to facilitate decision-making, for nearly all aspects and functions, pertaining to the business world. It was only a matter of time, before organizations would continue this trend and develop a structured model for dealing with conflict.

The basis of a good model, is that it takes into consideration the major factors and players affecting the subject of the model.

The following article (below), presents an overview of the sources and conflict resolution strategies, within an organization.

Part II: Case Assignment

Please read - Guttman, H.M XXXXXXXXXXConflict Management as a Core Competency for HR Professionals. People and Strategy. New York: 2009. Vol. 32, Iss. 1; p. 32.

Abstract (Summary): Conflict can be devastating in business as well. It can destroy morale, polarize co-workers and divert precious energy from meeting business goals. A University of North Carolina survey of 1,400 workers found that more than half had lost time at work due to conflicts with colleagues. And 22% said conflict had reduced their productivity. Whether workplace conflict works for or against an organization, shores it up or undermines its foundation, depends on how that conflict is managed. While conflict within organizations is becoming increasingly prevalent and more and more of a disadvantage, some organizations and their teams have learned to effectively manage conflict. For HR to make a real contribution to team success, HR professionals need to possess the skills needed in a high-performance environment. Apart from transferring conflict management skills—influencing, active listening, assertion and depersonalizing issues—they need to role-model them in their own interactions throughout the organization.

After carefully reading through the Module background material, and this article, please answer (in about 2-3 pages), the following questions:

  1. How does the Author characterize the sources of conflict within an organization?
  2. Is conflict resolution only within the jurisdiction of the HR people? Explain.
  3. Is it important or necessary in an organization, to understand these sources of conflict, as we have an autocratic structure that can impose a resolution?

Part II: Assignment Expectations

  1. Identify each source clearly and explain how it affects the organization.
  2. In response to Question 3, I would like to see you implement critical thing in your assessment.

I need 3 pages, APA, 3-4 in-text citations, and 3-4 references

Answered Same Day Feb 23, 2020


Arun answered on Feb 26 2020
137 Votes

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