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OverviewA well-established highly-recognised Australian engineering and manufacturing company with a long history of growth is looking to explore new markets in newly Asia’s emerging economies. You...

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OverviewA well-established highly-recognised Australian engineering and manufacturing company with a long history of growth is looking to explore new markets in newly Asia’s emerging economies. You are to choose three markets (three countries) to investigate and carry out preliminary analysis of these markets in terms of market profit potential. You will produce a report with a recommendation on the best market to expand to as well as a specific action plan to boost sales and marketing in this market. You have to determine the best way to incorporate production from these new production lines horizontally/vertically into the global production of the company.You should pay special attention to the potential risks associated with these markets in the analysis.
Answered 11 days After May 25, 2021 MANU2470


Shubham answered on May 31 2021
139 Votes

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