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ou will be provided with a template for the consolidated portfolio due at the end of the unit. Since you’ll have made your own journey studying during the unit then the material that you will want to...

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ou will be provided with a template for the consolidated portfolio due at the end of the unit. Since you’ll have made your own journey studying during the unit then the material that you will want to include in this portfolio will be unique for you. Your final portfolio will explain how you have developed your understanding of the learning outcomes and the topics with each week’s study.

  • You final portfolio MUST be made as a single submission. i.e. merge all your weekly submissions into one file and submit a single big file

You must NOT use an index and numbering system to identify material from prior week’s leaving each portfolio on the unit web site.

The final portfolio is the important one! It’s important that you make it clear to the marker what your consolidated portfolio refers to otherwise you may not get the marks you expect.

An analogy for the final portfolio is that you can imagine that you are going before an examination board at the end of the unit and presenting to them a complete portfolio of your journey through the unit. You will hand each board member a package that they should then be able to read and from it appreciate everything that you have done and learned during your work life and the unit.

Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 PPMP20012 Central Queensland University


Sakshi answered on Jun 01 2020
134 Votes
Introduction    3
1    Learning Outcome 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
1.1    Summary (example only)    2
1.2    Evidence    2
2    Learning Outcome 2:    3
2.1    Summary    3
2.1.1    Evidence    3
3    Learning outcome 3:    4
3.1    Summary    4
3.2    Evidence    4
4    Discussion and Conclusion    4
5    References    5
6    Appendix    6
6.1    Week 1 Portfolio    6
6.2    Week 2 Portfolio    8
6.3    Week 3 Portfolio    10
6.4    Week 4 Portfolio    12
6.5    Week 5 Portfolio    16
6.6    Week 6 Portfolio    18
6.7    Week 7 Portfolio    20
6.8    Week 8 Portfolio    21
6.9    Week 9 Portfolio    23
6.10    Week 10 Portfolio    25
Consolidated portfolio
The consolidated portfolio is based on the learning outcomes from the weekly portfolios which have focused on the importance of project management. The learning outcomes have given different results and have showcased different objectives of the concerned area. The importance of system thinking, and system engineering has been highlighted by the learning outcomes. Moreover, the importance of the PPPM application has been manifested. The learning outcomes have given proper evidence which is showcased below. The Deepwater Horizon and the Macondo disaster have been mentioned as apart from the evidence. Implementing the project management process is very crucial as it dictates the future of the organization which have been accumulated from the learning outcomes.
LO 1:
Summary: System thinking is an essential process in project management as it enables the project managers to take the right decision at the right time. The system thinking includes the entire operation of an organization which includes it finance to employees. Managing and leading the employees is one of the most important things to perform which is the essential process of project management. The project management process includes strategies which are taken by the portfolio managers according to the cu
ent situation.
Evidence: As a part of the evidence, the Deepwater Horizon disaster gives a lot of reasons behind it. It has been identified that the project management was very unclear, and they failed to take precaution in the project development which caused the disaster to take such a huge shape (Katina et al. 2014).
LO 2:
Summary: System thinking tools are majorly used by the developers of an organization to
ing positive changes within an organization. Moreover, the tools are used to target the cu
ent problematic spaces which are required to be modified and to be changed. One of the powerful tools existing in the process is Brainstorming which enables the employees to contribute their own though and make a united decision according to the situation. The decision is made by the involvement of individual beings. Dynamic thinking tool is also another important tool which helps an organization to take a right decision after analyzing the different dynamics of the organization
Evidence: In the Gulf of Mexico it has been found that there was a huge disaster that happened in the coastal area. It has been identified that the organization here failed to implement the right use of system thinking as well as failed to properly implement the tools. The organization did not have a proper connection to the organization process and employees did not have a good connection with the employers which led such situations to happen (Autumn et al. 2014).
LO 3:
Summary: System engineering is known to be playing a major role in the process. The proper implementation of system thinking leads the direction of a project. The system engineering
ings development in the management process and tries to develop the procedures that are undertaken by the project leader. The system engineering process is known to be helping for the infrastructure structure of an organization and it also helps the organization to disregard any kind of issues related to redundancy. The e
ors are mitigated, and quality of the products are properly checked.
Evidence: In the BP oil disaster it has been observed that the organization clashed to
ing a proper growth in the organization and failed to
ing proper implement of strategies in the process. It has been identified that the organization have majorly affected because it was not having proper standardization across in the system architecture.
LO 4:
Summary: In the system engineering process, the complex structure of a system is
oken down in a simple way. There are many kinds of project management methodologies which are performed in an organization to
ing efficiency in the working environment. Methodologies like Scrum, Critical Path Method are also used in the process which enables them to take a proper understanding of the organizational structure. The rapid development of the applications is targeted.
Evidence: In the Macondo disaster, it has been found out that the process management was not strong, and they have failed to implement the innovational ideas of system engineering. As per the report of BP oil disaster, the company had a lot of wealth but still, lack of management skills led the company to lose its name in the market (Bertoni et al. 2018).
LO 5:
Summary: To accomplish the goals, the team manager is responsible to lead the team by influencing with motivating ideas and also
inging different changes in the team. While selecting the project management application, the portfolio manager is supposed to analyze the situation and then take necessary steps to adopt the project management application system.
Evidence: There are different kinds of software which are needed to be implemented in an organization to eradicate any kind of future issues of the organization. The systems are basically single user and collaborative user. On the other hand, these application system targets to
ing changes in the financial sector of the organization and also targets to
ing efficacy by proper scheduling and estimation or planning (Federici et al. 2018).
LO 6:
Summary: After analysing the weekly portfolios it has been considered that project management application system plays a major role in management work of the organization. However, it has been established that companies try to implement such strategies to make a better decision for their management operations.
Evidence: In the concerned scenario of the Chief Counsel report, it has been found that British Petroleum has had major issues in their management work as they did not perform any progressive activities while working on the Macondo prospect. Lack of training and not having proper funding distribution, have been proven to be quite catastrophic in Macondo disaster (Suresh et al. 2017).
LO 7:
Summary: In a project management it has been observed that having a right process is very essential in the management work. Moreover, having a good project work can help to
ing changes in certain areas such as collaboration software, resource allocating and also to make a proper decision.
Evidence: In the Texas City Disaster, it was found out to be an industrial disaster which held in the year 1947 (Bhagavathi and Niba, 2016). After going through various verification processes it came under consideration that the incident occu
ed because of the lack of proper management skills and less of collaborative approach of an organization.
LO 8:
Summary: The weekly portfolios have helped to extract the value of PPPM application in system engineering. It has been proven that the portfolio managers are known to be depending on the application process in order to imply the strategies within the organization.
Evidence: The evidence of the Macondo Disaster has shown that it is majorly dependent on the application of the system. It has been identified that while chasing the good prospect BP has faced failure to choose a proper location. It has happened because the organization did not have proper unity in their work culture and the decision-making process was majorly impacted as the managers were not involved in the employees work (Dehghan et al. 2017).
LO 9:
Summary: In an organization, it is required to understand the organizational growth and also to take necessary precaution. The project and portfolio managers of an organization are needed to measure up the chances of future hazards. Hence, the PPPM application is applied in an organization to assess the situation and to aware the employees about it. Robust data insights are also considered to be major factors responsible for the organization.
Evidence: The Gulf of Mexico has shown that they did not have any kind of major integrated program and project request to combat their problems. As per the journals it has been found that after the incident the employers blamed the workers which were highly condemned. Lack of flexible workflow is majorly highlighted here which has proven to be the major drawback of the organization bonding and implementation of PPPM (Pham et al. 2015).
LO 10:
Summary: The contemporary development is highly required for organizational improvement. It is development area is focused on the concerned situation of the organization so that the organization could take proper steps to mitigate any future dangers to happen. The PPPM system is aimed to analyze organizational problems and to make a decision on it.
Evidence: The contemporary development area of the Texas City Disaster showed a major impact on US economy of that era. It is known to be one of the deadliest incidents which were encountered in the history of the explosion. After the explosion, several lawsuits were taken against the authority that was responsible and many developments were focused on contemporary project developments (Rana et al. 2017).
Discussion & Conclusion:
After going through the learning outcomes, it has been identified that project management depends on various factors which are led by the project development managers. In the concerned report, a proper manifestation of evidence has proven that without the supplement of project management, and organization fails to deliver required performance and on the other hand not implementing the strategies properly can
ing several impacts on the organization. It has been identified that BP catastrophe left a huge impact because of the oil spilling. The portfolio has stressed the importance of the project management in the process and due to the lack of it, the catastrophic event happened.
Reference List:
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Week 3:
    Reading samples
    Learning outcomes of the unit
    Learnings from your weekly study, experience, this and prior unit readings and assignments
    Supporting documentation including any prior learning
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    1. Explain the relevance of systems thinking to the project, program and portfolio manager.
    It has been identified that system engineering played a major role in the oil spill accident that occu
ed in the BP disaster. The BP catastrophe definitely happened because of the fact of system management failure and the weaker system engineering. Moreover, the before starting the oil and gas prospect, it has been investigated that the catastrophe occu
ed because the project managers did not have strong plan to lead the project.
    PPMP20012Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    2. Identify different systems thinking tools and techniques to aid project managers solve project problems.
    The system thinking tools were not properly used which caused the disaster to make a huge issue in the Deepwater Horizon. The portfolio managers are responsible to use powerful tools like decision matrix in order to make a strong approach to project work. In failing that, causes a huge problem in project work.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    3. Assess the relevance of systems engineering to project cases.
    In the project case, it has been found that the disaster of Macondo prospect happened only because of the weaker management and system thinking process. Moreover, the system engineering has been observed to be very weak in terms of managing groups and decision making (Fleming et al. 2015).
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    4. Describe how systems engineering concepts and methodologies can help a project, program and portfolio managers organise a project.
    The portfolio manager follows a specific paradigm in order to run their project in a proper sequence of work. The portfolio managers are also responsible to make decisions according to the cu
ent situation of the management. According to the report it has been found that the portfolio manager failed massively to
ing improvement in the project which led the situation to happen.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    5. Explain the importance of appropriate selection of project management (PM) application systems in regards to meeting the internal and external objectives of a project.
    Project management application systems are responsible to help the project managers to make a decision and to structure the project by the help of useful tools and software. In the Deepwater Horizon incident, it has been seen that the portfolio managers lacked to make proper use of project management software and to assess their concerned situation (Jurcevic et al. 2014). Such application system helps to make proper scheduling, cost control benefit and even resource allocation.
PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    6. Describe how the use of project management (PM) application systems can lead to effective PM knowledge management and decision making.
    In the Texas City disaster, the BP organization did not provide extra support and instead of working on their situation, they blamed the management team. Although they had proper funding, they failed to use proper implementation of application and the entire team.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering';
· Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples:
· How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn;
· Project Management Case Study;
· Kerzner (2013) Chapters 17.12-17.17;
· AS/NZS 15288:2015 Chapter 5;
Optional Readings
· AS ISO 21504:2016 Project, programme and portfolio management—Guidance on portfolio management;
Movies and Web sites
· YouTube:
· "Systems Engineering" (by ThinkTVPBS)
· Modeling the Management of Systems Engineering Projects (by VitechCorp)
· Web Sites:
· International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
· Systems Engineering Society of Australia
· The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs - MIT
    7. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of different manual and electronic project, program and portfolio (PPPM) application systems within each PPPM knowledge area over the life cycle of a project, program or portfolio.
    In the lifecycle of a project, program, portfolio management (PPM) consist different kinds of applications and software which helps the process to generate desired value in order to run the project work smoothly. As per the Chief Counsel's Report, Macondo disaster did not have proper use of PPPM management which triggered the catastrophic event to take place.
    PPMP20012 Unit Profile
PPMP20012 Moodle Web site
Have you any insights you can add from other units you have studies or readings you’ve made?
    Mandatory Readings
· SEBoK Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Fundamentals';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Science';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Thinking';
· 'Knowledge Area: Representing Systems with Models';
· Part 6: Related Disciplines –
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering';
· 'Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and...

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