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My own thoughts So just prepare the Checklist first. And introduce my thought Why I want to visit Chess Club ? (Chess Club is a new culture experience to me because Chess is forbidden in Saudi Arabia...

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My own thoughts
So just prepare the Checklist first. And introduce my thought Why I want to visit Chess Club ? (Chess Club is a new culture experience to me because Chess is fo
idden in Saudi Arabia due to Islam point of view because it contains statues and pictures and I have not participate on such activities yet. Finally,  in year 2018 Saudi government allow and hold world champing Chess competition ending the old religious myths idea. I am willing to visit Burwood Chess club on their opining day on Monday 7:30 to 9:30 9 April and to join the Club and paying their membership which is around $ 20. I will be introducing myself to the Club member and patriciate tournament and get involved with activity.
Organising a new cultural experience
During the semester you will organise and participate in a ‘new cultural experience’ that places you
in contact with people from a different culture or sub-culture. The interaction should have the following characteristics:
The 'target culture' and the context of the interaction are new to you (i.e. unfamiliar);
You are a minority participant (i.e. members of the target culture out-number you);
You are in a non-dominant position (i.e. you are not in a position of 'power'. For instance, if you are a store manager, choosing subordinates from a different culture as your 'target culture' would not be appropriate); and
You are able to have meaningful contact with a group of people from the target culture (i.e. 1-2 hours of interaction; opportunities to exchange personal information).
Examples of appropriate activities that have been used in previous semesters include: participation in sporting and recreation events (e.g. capoeira, AFL, tae kwon do, kung fu, tai chi, yoga, highland dancing, skateboarding), religious services (e.g. Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, Christian, Baha’i), and structured social events with people from particular national cultures (e.g. Brazilian or Japanese) or sub-cultures (e.g. Star Trek enthusiasts, GLBTIQ, war veterans, bodybuilders, charity workers, vegans, senior citizens). The activity itself is not so important - what is important is that you have the opportunity to interact with people from a new (sub-) culture. It is this interaction which will be the focus of your analysis and write up.
There are two separate deliverables:
PART A. Pre-interaction checklist : Prepare a written
ief checklist before you undertake your new cultural experience (approximately 500 words). The checklist asks you to explain key features of your proposed activity and the reasons you chose it. It also asks you to define, in your own words, some of the core concepts you will be applying to your analysis. Specifically, your checklist should address the following five points:
i. What type of cultural activity do you plan to participate in? When will it occur (estimated date)? How does this qualify as a 'new cultural experience' for you?
ii. Briefly describe the target culture with whom you will interact.
iii. The activity should allow you to have meaningful inter-personal, individual contact and communication with others from the target culture. Briefly explain how this will be achieved.
iv. Is there anything that you do not understand about the assignment? If ‘yes’, please explain.
v. Briefly explain/define the following five concepts as you understand them. Use your own words. To support your definitions, feel free to use metaphors, analogies or examples from your own observations or experiences: (a) in-group and/or out-group(b) stereotype(c) contact theory (d)dialectic logic (e)cultural intelligence.
As this will be the first deliverable you submit for this subject it will start to form an important first impression about the quality of your work. Try to make it as clear and professional as possible.
Submitting your checklist: You will need to submit a MS Word copy of your checklist. Doing this will allow your instructor to provide much quicker feedback.
Part A marking criteria (checklist):
A marking ru
ic marks will be based on your ability to demonstrate that you can apply relevant theories and ideas presented in class to:
The design and justification of your chosen activity;
The explanation of the five concepts in the checklist - see (v) above - in your own words and supported with your own clear examples; and
The overall professionalism of the checklist (presentation, format, written work).
PART B. Final written analysis: Prepare a written analysis of your experience. It should be less than 2500 words in total and should include the following:
i. A
ief overview of the experience (what, where, when, why). Focus on describing key occu
ences, observations, feelings or emotions relevant to your analysis (maximum one page):
ii. An analysis which addresses the following:
Identify whether you were considered an in-group or out-group member by members of the target culture, and why (i.e. what did they do/say that made you feel that they had categorized you this way?);
Explain any personal stereotypes you may have held toward other individuals or groups related to this activity prior to the event;
Use the dialectic logic process to describe any shift in stereotype perceptions towards the target group (i.e. whether and how this experience led you to change your stereotypes);
Apply contact theory and its components to your selected encounter (i.e. to what extent were the conditions of Allport's contact theory present? How did this facilitate or hinder positive interaction?) Explain what aspects of cultural intelligence you had to use during the experience, and to what extent you succeeded in being culturally intelligent.
iii. A very
ief conclusion (e.g. was the interaction successful? Why/why not? What did you learn?) iv. Evidence of you having attended the experience (e.g. a photo, a scanned receipt etc).
v. A full list of references.
Part B marking criteria (final written analysis):
A detailed marking ru
ic marks will be based on your ability to demonstrate that you:
Understand relevant concepts and theories;
Are able to apply these concepts appropriately to real experiences; Are able to integrate ideas from a variety of seminars and sources; and Where appropriate, can critically evaluate or analyse your experience.

Assessment task: New cultural experience -­‐ checklist
NAME:        SID:         
Poor    Excellent
    1. Application of theory to design and justification of ‘new cultural experience’ activity (40%)
    Interesting and thoughtful choice of activity directly related to the subject content.
    Clear explanation of activity and target group (demonstrating application of concepts).
    2. Application of theory to explanation of concepts (40%)
    Accurate explanation of all five concepts as applied to this activity.
    Clear examples using own words and own examples that demonstrate understanding of concepts (e.g. not copied from other sources).
    3. Overall professionalism (20%)
    Good quality written English (e.g. punctuation, spelling, grammar). Professional tone, appropriate for reader and purpose.
    Evidence of undertaking additional research to support activity choice and/or explanations.
    Followed instructions (e.g. word count, format, content, choice of activity). Addresses all aspects of the task.

1. What type of cultural activity do you plan to participate in? When will it occur (estimated date)? How does this qualify as a 'new cultural experience' for you?
The cultural activity I plan to participate in is visiting the chess club. Chess Club is a new culture experience to me because Chess is fo
idden in Saudi Arabia due to Islam point of view because it contains statues and pictures and I have not participated on such activities yet. Finally, in year 2018 Saudi government did allow and hold world champing Chess competition ending the old religious myths idea. I am willing to visit Burwood Chess club on their opining day on Monday 7:30 to 9:30, 9th April and to join the Club and paying their membership which is around $ 20. I will be introducing myself to the Club member and patriciate tournament and get involved with activity. Kindly strength the language in this section
2. Briefly describe the target culture with whom you will interact
Chess is fo
idden in Saudi Arabia due to Islam point of view because it contains statues and pictures. Don’t repeat the same sentience here…. As a result, my main interaction would be with the Islamic culture. My main interaction would be with Chess Club Culture I am presenting the Islamic culture . I will get to know more about that culture and how people are moving ahead of old myths and viewpoints.
3. The activity should allow you to have meaningful inter-personal, individual contact and communication with others from the target culture. Briefly explain how this will be achieved.
I will do this fully understanding as well as ca
ying out adequate research about the Islamic culture prior to visiting the chess club it is about Chess Club here. This would offer me great insight of Islamic culture and the way how people think and interact with one another. It would certainly make inter-personal, individual contact and communication with particular cultural group highly effective. Further, interaction with the target culture would also help me better understanding their perspective.
4. Is there anything that you do not understand about the assignment? If ‘yes’, please explain.
No. all details and requirements of the assignment are clear and properly stated.
5. Briefly explain/define the following five concepts as you understand them. Use your own words. To support your definitions, feel free to use metaphors, analogies or examples from your own observations or experiences: (a) in-group and/or out-group(b) stereotype(c) contact theory (d)dialectic logic (e)cultural intelligence.
Can you use any of these required metaphors, analogies or examples along with definitions.
In-group is basically a social group to which an individual psychologically recognizes as being a part. In comparison, an out-group refers to a social group with which a person doesn’t identify.
Stereotype- This basically refers to a thought extensively employed for particular kinds of people or particular manners of behaving intended towards representing the whole set of those people or behaviours, in general.
Contact theory is considered as being one among the most effective means of improving relationships amongst groups, which are facing conflict.
Dialectical logic is fundamentally the system of rules of thought, devised in the Hegelian and Marxist traditions that attempts to replace or supplement the formal logic laws. 
Cultural intelligence refers to a term adopted in business, government, education as well as academic research. Moreover, cultural intelligence could be understood as the ability of relating and working efficiently across different cultures.

The highlighted in red, required academic references ( most of the references are attached). Use my comments in yellow
Answered Same Day Apr 01, 2020


Sangeeta answered on Apr 02 2020
144 Votes
1. A
ief overview of the experience (what, where, when, why). Focus on describing key occu
ences, observations, feelings or emotions relevant to your analysis (maximum one page):
The cultural activity I participated in was visiting the chess club. Chess Club was a new culture experience for me since Chess is fo
idden in Saudi Arabia due to Islam point of view It is highly believed that chess contains statues and pictures, which is not acceptable as per Islamic culture. For this reason I have not participated in such activities ever before. Finally, in year 2018 Saudi government has allowed to organize world champing Chess competition ending the old religious myths idea. I have also joined the Club by paying their membership fee, which is around $20. In the starting days itself, I introduced myself to the Club members. I have also decided that I will participate actively in tournaments and get involved with the club activities.
Where: chess club Burwood
When: I visited the Burwood Chess club on their opening day only i.e. Monday, 9th April between 7:30 to 9:30
Why: The main purpose behind visiting the chess club was to enable interaction with different culture. As stated above, Chess is fo
idden in Saudi Arabia due to Islamic point of view. My main interaction was with Chess Club Culture and I presented the Islamic culture. By being a part of the club I came to know more about that culture and how people are moving ahead of old myths and viewpoints.
I expected that the chess club house would be a luxury place and I believed that it would have superior facilities and environment. However, I found the chess club bit below my expectations. This could be due to the fact that I have stereotype with respect to the western culture. Also, we people generally give high attention to such places as being larger, well-furnished and organized. As a result, I believe that I found the chess club below my expectation due to my stereotype and exceedingly high expectations for the club.
2. Identify whether you were considered an in-group or out-group member by members of the target culture, and why (i.e. what did they do/say that made you feel that they had categorized you this way?);
The group with which a person identifies himself/herself is his/her in-group (Hewstone et. al., 2002, 580). For instance, one’s family and college are example of his/her in-group. Nevertheless, out-group imply towards those groups with which a person does not identifies himself/herself (Zhong et. al., 2008; 800). These are basically outside groups. For instance, Pakistan is considered as being an out-group for Indian people. Likewise, in behaviour, opinion as well as attitude is seen amongst the members belonging to the in-group (Zhong et. al., 2008, 799). But, they display dissimilar behaviour, opinion and attitude towards the people belonging to the out-group (Zhong et. al., 2008; 799).
Moreover, the in-group members hold positive outlook towards their own in-group nevertheless they hold negative outlook towards their out-group (Zhong et. al., 2008, 800). Members of in-group show co-operation, mutual help and goodwill and have a sense of harmony, a sense of
otherhood and willingness for sacrificing themselves for their group (Hewstone et. al., 2002, 581). However, people exhibit a sense of dislike, avoidance, insignificance and resentment towards the members belonging to the out-group (Zhong et. al., 2008, 804).
Initially, when I entered the club my first impression was that I considered myself as being an out-group member. This is for the reason that at time when I walked in everybody was busy talking and I had to wait for some time to adjust myself. It appeared as if I did not identify myself with the people present in the club. After that one of the club members welcomed me and he asked me the reason why I was there. I introduced myself to him and after that he asked me to sign the Monday’s member sheet in order to be a part of the team. After this, I felt that I am in-group member. I was completely involved in all the games and there was open discussion and interaction among the group members, which made me more comfortable in the group as well as adjust myself better. Members of in-group displayed co-operation, mutual help and goodwill and had a sense of harmony, a sense of
otherhood and...

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